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The scriptures tell us that dreams and their interpretations belong to God. Though sometimes elusive, their interpretations are anxiously sought for God’s will.
The purpose of dreams is to warn and restrain us from evil, encourage and instruct us, and to reveal the future. Literal dreams need no interpretation. Dreams are not absolute if one receives instruction and heeds warnings.
This dictionary has been compiled to help you better interpret and understand the meaning to your dreams, though they are unlimited.
Proper names are capitalized and included, because they are so often substituted for their meanings.
Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
I would like to thank all of you who have helped and encouraged me to write this book. I could not have done it without you.
AARON | enlightened leader |
ABBEY | spiritual refuge |
ABBOTT | a spiritual leader |
abdomen | area figurative of self-control; exaggerated or unbelted shows no self control; bare has no spiritual covering |
abduction | a warning, though the abduction may be figurative; research details |
ABEL | ability to accomplish a task; generous, faithful |
ABELARD | resolute and steadfast nobility |
ABIGAIL | spiritual insight, one who has joy in the midst of their troubles |
ABNER | enlightened one |
abolish | revealed in order to be prepared |
abomination | revealed to avert the object of detestation |
abortion | the cancellation of a new beginning; see “baby” |
above | a positive direction or position |
ABRAHAM, ABE | blessed father and founder of many, faithful friend of God |
abscess | a festering state of progressive spiritual deterioration; research the anatomical location |
absent minded | a warning that one needs to take extra precautions to be mindful and alert |
absentee ballot | implies that one will be absent, but can take care of business while absent |
absolute | one does not have an alternative, in case there was any doubt |
abuse | revealed to avert; research the type of abuse; see “bound” |
academy | a disciplinary type training |
accelerator | implies the need to get started |
acceptance | revealed to remove doubt and bring peace |
accessible | literal information revealed |
accident | foreseen mishaps, whether literal or figurative, can usually be avoided or lessened if precautions are taken |
accidental crash | not necessarily physical, i.e. a clash of opinions can be mentally devastating |
accomplishment | literal, even if the type and timing are not revealed |
accountant | one who keeps an account of any type |
ACE | one who brings unity and superiority |
acid | intense criticism |
acne | anxiety from frustrating problems |
acorn | that which appears small and unimportant, but has the potential to mature into something great |
acquittal | freed of an offense or accusation, formally or informally |
acrobat | one who has the ability to perform their duties with pliable versatility |
acrylic | figurative of that which is man-made, thus insecure and temporary |
ADA, ADALIA | noble and prosperous |
ADAIR | established and secure |
ADAM | the first, a representative of Jesus, beloved |
adapter | able to improvise in unfamiliar conditions |
adder snake | a dishonest accountant |
addict | a warning of one enslaved who needs deliverance; see “loose” |
ADDISON | supportive, generous |
address | name and\or number is descriptive of the status of one’s present situation; research accordingly |
ADELAIDE | joyful |
ADELINE | of worthy nobility |
ADLAI | truthful witness |
ADLER | knowledgeable, discerning |
admittance | revealed to encourage and eliminate fear of rejection |
adolescent | an immature adult; see “age” |
ADOLPH | lofty deceiver |
adoption | formally selecting as one’s own; see “transplant” |
ADORA | loved and adored |
ADRIA | filled with a love for life |
ADRIAN | courageous |
ADRIENNE | brave confidence |
adultery | usually used figuratively; see “sin”, “sex”, and “sensual” |
adversity | revealed in order to help relieve |
advertise | advice received should be taken seriously |
affection | sincere appreciation or admiration may be seen as affection; research the type |
affidavit | used as an informal statement of truth |
afterbirth | figurative of the dead past that one should leave behind so they can have a new beginning; see “baby” |
AGATHA | cheerful and unselfish |
age | denotes the state of spiritual maturity |
agenda | a knowledgeable plan revealed in a dream is invaluable |
aggressive | knowing the reason for the aggressiveness enables one to handle it wisely |
AGNES | selfless purity |
agreeable | helping one to live in harmony , whether or not they agree |
agriculture | working in order to bring about or improve one’s life manually or spiritually; see “cultivate” |
aid | one’s need will be met by someone, and both will be blessed |
AIDS | a deteriorating devastation, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, and one that was acquired |
AILEEN | enlightened, faithful in the midst of adversity |
AIMEE | beloved one, steadfast and determined |
AINSLEY | creatively inspired |
air filled | useless talk, boasting |
air gun | offensive words that will come to nothing |
air mattress | reveals a useless situation which will come to nothing |
aircraft carrier | revealing a powerful authoritative force of help, unless an enemy aircraft |
airplane | higher degree of success and power over a situation |
AKRAM | generous, noble |
ALAN | strong and enlightened with a harmonious spirit |
ALBEN | established in truth |
ALBERT | strong, enlightened, of noble character |
alcohol | the intoxication of the world |
alcoholic | may be substituted for someone else with the same problem, revealing what to expect from them |
ALDA | established in prosperity |
ALDEN | guided protector |
ALDIS | protective friend |
ALDRICH | wise, prosperous leader |
ALDWIN | righteous justice, victorious |
ALETHA | enlightened with truth and understanding |
ALEXANDER | brave and helpful defender of justice |
ALFRED | benevolent counselor and leader, wise in diplomacy, peaceful |
ALICE | established in truth and integrity |
ALICIA | see “ALICE” |
alien | adverse to one’s situation |
alignment | getting one’s priorities in proper prospective |
ALLANA | enlightened with grace and harmonious spirit |
ALLARD | loyal and brave |
allegiance | revealing one’s devotion and loyalty |
ALLEN | see “ALAN” |
allergy | repugnant reaction to the intolerable is revealed in order that one either lessen or avert any contact |
alley | low-ranking pathway |
ALLIE | see “ALBERT” |
alligator | one who is destructive and antagonizing in reality, but fakes empathy |
ALLISON | established in truth and righteousness, blessed |
allowance | literal, but the amount allowed may be figurative |
allude | revealed in order to help one face the problem instead of hiding from it |
ALMA | established in kindness and love, generous spirit |
ALMIRA | truthful in word and deed |
ALMO | blessed, of noble character |
aloe | healing |
alone | revealing the desolation is also asking for help |
ALONZO | noble helper of many |
ALOYSIUS | famous for bravery and nobility |
Alpha | a word used by God proclaiming He is the beginning; see “Omega” |
alphabet soup | prepared words that are given for one to digest; see “food” |
ALPHONSO | noble protector |
ALTA | exalted one |
altar | consecrated place |
alteration | spiritual flaws being corrected, according to the type and location of the flaw; research accordingly |
ALTHEA | loving healer |
aluminum | a strong protective covering |
ALVA | cherished friend |
ALVIN | beloved friend |
ALVINA | joyful, noble friend |
ALVIRA | truthful, loving friend |
ALYSSA | enlightened and sincere |
AMABEL | filled with grace and love |
AMANDA | pure in spirit and worthy of love |
AMARIS | established and fulfilled in God’s promise |
amateur | a novice who may present themselves as mature |
AMBER | cherished as a jewel |
ambiguous | advising one to be more precise |
AMBROSE | found trustworthy |
ambulance | help will be given in an emergency of some type, i.e. physical, spiritual, financial, etc. |
AMELIA | industrious one, diligent worker |
AMERY | divinely inspired |
amethyst | figurative of royalty and wealth |
ammo | wounding words, etc.; see “gun” |
ammonia | used to remove spiritual impurities |
AMOS | compassionate, courageous spirit |
amputate | spiritually pruned; research the anatomical location, for it must be spiritually restored; see “pruned” |
amusement | something that should not be taken seriously |
AMY | see “AIMEE” |
ANASTASIS | renewed spirit |
anatomy | each part has a specific purpose; research accordingly |
ancestor | appearance in a dream or at one’s demise has a divine purpose, otherwise, it is forbidden by God |
anchor | hope that sustains |
ANDREA | beloved one of grace |
ANDREW | enduring braveness |
anemic | see “nourish” |
anesthesia | that which deadens one’s spiritual senses until they have no discernment or willpower |
angel | sent by God to comfort, bring a message, protect, guide, warn of impending danger, etc. |
ANGELA | divine messenger |
anger | revealed in order to avert strife and keep peace |
ANGUS | creative and strong |
animal feeder | one’s needs being met daily, without accumulation |
animals | represent people, according to color and character; research accordingly |
ANITA | loving and gracious one |
ANN, ANNA | established in grace |
ANNABELL | gracious and beloved in word and deed |
ANNETTE | see “ANN” |
annoyance | revealed in order to lessen or avert |
annulment | an end to a new beginning |
anointing | pouring oil upon for empowerment of the Holy Spirit, to bless, honor, divinely appoint, pray for healing, etc. |
anonymous | research all details, including unfamiliar names, and substitutions |
anorectic nervosa | revealing the problem in order to help one whose cry for help is not audible |
ANSEL | truthful nobility |
ANSLEY | truthful, inspiring boldness |
answering service | implies one will not be personally served |
ant | beware of the antsy person with stinging determination to succeed |
antelope | vigorous one with great inner strength and determination, moving ahead in leaps and bounds; see “animals” |
antenna | surveillance |
ANTHONY | valuable counselor |
antibiotic | if the infection is figurative, the antibiotic is spiritual; if physical, see “diagnosis” |
antique | proven, secure, and blessed |
antlers | weapons |
ANTOINETTE | compassionate, priceless, wise ruler |
ANTONIO | kind, priceless and inestimable |
apathy | one’s true feelings are revealed in a dream |
ape | unlike a monkey, an ape is figurative of a person who goes “ape”, acting wild or crazy |
apology | an apology in a dream is true regret revealed to bring about forgiveness and restoration |
appendectomy | the removal of whatever postscript that was appended to one’s plate of business |
appetite | revealing the desire to fulfill some basic need, physical, spiritual, or material |
apple | favor, i.e. the “apple” of one’s eye |
applesauce | favor that is displayed in a less rewarding manner, i.e. flattery |
appointed | literal, though the timing may be elusive |
appointment | instructions to make or cancel an appointment have a definite purpose |
apricot | research the color and see “fruits” |
APRIL | a new beginning in faith |
apron | keeps one free from stains of error; strings of discipline indicate faithfulness in serving |
apron strings | if strings are attached, other than wearing the apron, it implies a co-dependency |
aptitude test | being closely observed before permanent acceptance |
aquarium | a place or situation which does not allow personal privacy, i.e. the office of a public servant; see “water” |
arbor | a protective and blessed entrance of honor |
ARCHABALD | brave |
ARCHER | defender |
architect | one who helps design plans for the lives of others, i.e. a teacher or minister |
archway | an humbling, honorable entrance; see “humble” |
ARDATH | faithful |
ARDELLE | ardent and dependable |
ARIANA | filled with grace and pureness of heart |
ark | a place of refuge when overwhelmed with adversity |
ARLEN, ARLEEN | enlightened with truth and promise |
ARLEY | the promise of peace |
armor | spiritual protection, i.e. truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, word of God, prayer |
arms | represent one’s ability to bear the fruit of their labor, as the branches of a tree bear fruit |
army | help, unless the enemy, which is a warning |
ARNELLE | enlightened, zealous lady of grace and wisdom |
ARNETTE | spiritually ardent, enlightened lady of nobility, God’s gift of grace and wisdom |
ARNOLD | strong and brave |
arrested | stopped from wrong or harmful behavior |
arrogant | revealing an overbearing manner and situation helps one to avert it |
arrow | angry words hurled at someone |
ARTHUR | bold, gracious, brave one |
artifact | evidence of one’s dead past |
artificial | man-made, implying that God has something better |
ASA | healer of mind and body |
ashamed | revealed in order to avert shameful circumstances |
ASHER | transformed from sorrow to happiness |
ashes | mourning, repentance, dejection; figurative of destruction and transformation |
ASHLEY | peaceful harmony of transformation from sorrow to joy |
ashtray | determines why one smokes, i.e. yellow plastic reveals the cause is unfounded fear |
asleep | unaware of the present situation in question; asleep in Christ |
asphalt | oppressed foundation; see “foundation” |
assassin | fanatically motivated one who kills the spirit |
ASTRA | exalted one |
ASTRID | divine beauty and strength of purpose |
astringent | sharp and to the point, irritating, but honest and sincere |
astrology | fortune telling by celestial influences of supernatural powers; see “witchcraft” |
astronomy | searching for divine direction |
ATHALIA | exalted in honor and power |
atheist | revealing the spiritually dead in order that one not be unequally yoked |
ATHERTON | free and enlightened spirit |
athlete | one who is ready for the task; spiritual strength and vigor |
attacked | a warning to avert the situation |
attic | mental storage space |
attire | research the material, color, and design of the attire for more clarity |
attorney | a literal attorney may be revealed, if needed, or someone of like abilities |
AUBREY | elemental ruler |
auction | place of bargaining |
audible | unusual, but always important, and should be taken seriously, using wisdom and discernment |
audience | implies the event will be made public |
audit | foreknowledge of any type audit will enable one to review and be prepared |
audition | personal audit of one’s merits or capabilities |
AUDREY | noble strength to overcome difficulties |
AUGUSTA | respectable, dignified one |
AUSTIN | trustworthy, renowned |
author | implies one will be the creator of an original work; timing may be elusive |
autograph | one’s sign of personal approval or responsibility |
automobile | power, according to seating position with driver in control and backseat in submission; research details, color, etc. |
autopilot | when one acknowledges God in all they do and lets Him direct their path |
autopsy | a personal evaluation of one’s inner spirit and motivations |
autumn | the falling and dying of leaves is an indication that some part of one’s life is doing the same |
AVA | filled with newness of faith and joyful grace |
avalanche | sudden calamity after a long period of mounting troubles become overbearing |
avenue | the name or number has a relative meaning and should be researched |
AVERY | see “AUBREY” |
AVIS | one who gives refuge and comfort |
avoided | foreknowledge to avert the circumstances or accept them with grace; see “last” |
award | literal, though the timing and type may be symbolic |
awkward | revealing an unpleasant situation that can be lessened or averted |
awning | figurative of protection from outside problems |
AWOL | a warning to prevent any unacceptable absence of any type |
Axed | figuratively cut off, i.e. to dismiss one’s services for whatever reason |
baboon | a person with similar character |
baby | a new beginning conceived by entering into a new course of action, i.e. the birth of a new job, etc. |
back | vulnerable because of inability to perceive |
backdoor | more humbling than the front door |
backpack | heavy burdens that are revealed, because they need to be laid down |
backseat | seat of submission; see “automobile” |
backward | regression |
bacon | new blessing, because it is the beginning meal; see “pork” |
bacteria | spiritual impurities |
bad | revealed in order to lessen or avert |
badger | depressed, negative worrier |
bag | security for contents, unless it has holes; research color and material for more clarity |
baggage | heavy burdens that are sometimes unnecessary; research color and material for more clarity |
baggy | too large implies that one is not qualified to fill the job |
bagpipe | bragging and exaggerating excessively |
bail | security given making one insecure |
BAILEY | entrusted stewardship |
BAIRD | one responsive to the harmony of life |
bait | temptation |
bake | timely and painstaking method of preparation; see “food” |
baking powder | a small transgression effects one’s good reputation, as a little baking powder effects all of the dough |
balancing | trying to be honest and single-minded |
balcony | on a higher level of faith and wisdom |
bald | of no literal connotation; figurative of a lack of spiritual protection |
BALDWIN | courageous protector |
ballgame | game of life determined by positions, scores, uniforms, winners and losers |
balloon | useless words and efforts that rise to fall |
ballot | a secretive method of “casting one’s lot” |
balm | healing |
baloney | ridiculous untruths |
bamboo | fragile and insecure |
ban | revealed to prepare |
banana | the yellow indicates fearfulness involved |
band | banding together to publicly present the same message |
bandage | help of some type, mental or physical, according to location of injury; research anatomical location |
bang | if it is so loud that it wakes one up, it is a warning that should be immediately investigated |
banister | a support while either descending from or ascending to a higher level or status |
bank | financial security |
bankbook | implying that one should check their banking records; see “check” |
bankrupt | a warning, whether financial or spiritual |
banner | outward proclamation of show, usually a protest |
banquet | variety of blessings, usually honorable and public |
baptism | a sacrament identifying a believer with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ |
bar code | implies there is a need to check out all details |
barb | a snare causing entrapment |
BARBARA | foreign and rare, made beautiful by enduring courage |
barbecue | bittersweet; an ill-tempered situation because of the “hot” sauce; see “food” |
barber | one who grooms another’s attitude or behavior |
BARCLAY | renewed |
barefooted | insecure, vulnerable steps |
bargain | helpful and encouraging information when making a purchase |
barge | a heavy load of responsibility that is secured, because it is on water; see “boat” |
barking | like thunder, it wont hurt, but if not heeded, it could get worse; see “dog” |
barkless tree | one stripped of their protective spiritual covering and rights, left bare and vulnerable; see “tree” |
barn | where money or worldly goods are stored or hoarded |
BARNABAS | one who encourages others |
BARNARD | victorious and brave comforter; see “BARNABAS” |
barrel | a great quantity, unless empty, which implies great need |
barrette | used to restrain one’s protective covering of safety and authority |
BARRY | determined |
bars | like stripes, bars represent bondage; see “bound” |
BARTHOLOMEW | one who cultivates with discernment and imagination |
BARTRAM | brave messenger |
baseball | see “game” |
basement | an abased location at the lowest level of security |
BASIL | royal |
basket | a carrier of intergraded purposes |
basketball | see “game” |
basset hound | a persistent person whose dedication is greater than their personal ability |
bassinet | implies immaturity |
bastard | the unregenerate; uncharacteristic of any literal interpretation |
bat | represents an unenlightened person with a negative and oppressive personality |
bath | keeping clean of any wrongdoing; see “water” |
bathroom | where one receives emotional relief from what has been mentally digested |
battery | necessary “power” needed to accomplish a task |
battle | a warning to prepare for spiritual warfare |
BAXTER | diligent worker, worthy of honor |
bay | see “water” |
beach | location of peaceful blessings, unless the water looks dark and tumultuous; see “water” |
beacon | person who helps others to find their way in life |
beans | nourishing words, like seeds, will grow into spiritual maturity; see “food” |
bear | a very angry person, i.e. a parent defending their child; see “animals” |
beard | undisciplined words and attitude |
BEARFORT | strong, noble spirit |
BEATRICE | a bringer of glad tidings |
beautician | one who helps to spiritually groom others; see “hair” |
beautiful | inner beauty |
bed | one’s personal situation that they have made for themselves |
bee | research the type of bee, i.e. dirt dabber, honeybee, hornet, sweat bee, yellow jacket, wasp |
beef | spiritually mature, wise words or actions; see “food” |
beer | the spirit of the world |
beg | an humble appeal to be seriously considered |
belch | unfavorable, useless, and unwise words |
BELINDA | beautiful, enlightened spirit |
bell | brings attention to itself |
BELLE | beautiful and blessed one, associated with declaring praise and exaltation |
belly | area figurative of self-control; see “abdomen” |
belt | shows type and amount of self-control; truthfulness; research the color and type; see “abdomen” |
BELVA | see “BELLE” |
bench seat | being set aside to wait |
BENEDICT | blessed |
benign | knowledge given to bring peace |
BENITA | blessed and of a pure heart |
BENJAMIN, BEN | mighty in faith and favor |
BENTLEY | peaceful spirit |
BERNADETTE | courageous spirit |
BERNICE | one who brings victory |
BERTHA | bright and glorious one |
BERYL | a symbol of good fortune |
BESSIE, BETTY | oath of God |
BEULAH | God’s promised blessings fulfilled |
BEVAN | one of grace and nobility |
BEVERLY | enlightened with peace and harmony |
BIANCA | fair one |
Bible | see “Holy Bible” |
bicycle | using one’s own strength and abilities to get something done without the help of others |
bill | an unpaid debt brought to one’s attention needs to be paid |
billboard | implies something will be revealed publicly without reservation |
billfold | money, amount determined by color, material, and condition |
bind | stop and render helpless |
binoculars | secretly observing from a distance |
bird | a messenger, and the type and color determine the type of message; research accordingly |
BIRNEY | spiritual integrity |
birth | a new beginning; see “baby” |
biscuit | the spiritual “bread of life”; new words for a new beginning; see “bread” |
bishop | a religious authority who may be a substitution for someone who is comparable |
bit | used to hold in the mouth of a stubborn person who has no understanding |
bite | to attack with words that wound |
bitter | painful to endure |
bittersweet | that which is blessed, yet oppressed, i.e. a beautiful rose with painful thorns |
black | oppressed |
blackhead | the result of oppressive anxiety that has built-up gradually; removal is being loosed; see “loose” |
BLAINE | steadfast and trustworthy |
BLAIR | diligent worker |
BLAKE | one who brings harmony |
BLANCHE | pure and gracious spirit |
blank check | an empty promise |
blanket | protects and comforts, unless wet, which is pretentious |
bleach | spiritual purification, unless used only to change appearance, i.e. bleached hair is a symbol of hypocrisy |
bleacher | being benched in the game of life; see “game” |
bleeding heart | one who consistently whines, displaying excessive sympathy |
blemish | according to type, i.e. a wound, spot, acne, flaw, etc.; research accordingly |
blender | successful integration |
blind | eyes that physically see but are covered by invisible scales of spiritual instability and ignorance |
blindfold | intentionally avoiding acknowledgement, i.e. pretending not to see a need in order to avoid filling it |
blink | complacency; not alert or conscientious |
blister | excessive physical and mental stress caused by fiery trials; research anatomical location |
blonde | a covering figurative of purity, if natural; figurative of a hypocrite, if bleached |
blood | essence of life; loss of blood indicates loss of life to some degree (if the color of red is seen);research details, i.e. physical position |
blood-money | payment for betrayal; debasing one’s religious morals for self-gratification, i.e. thirty pieces of silver, drug- dealing money |
blue | divine grace; sky blue is healing; royal blue is royalty; navy blue is grace in the midst of oppression |
BLYTHE | filled with joy |
boasting | reveals one with low self-esteem, camouflaged as pride; see “pride” |
boat | type of spiritual support; see “water” |
BOBBY, BOBBIE | distinguished leader, bright in counsel, enlightened one; see “ROBERT” |
bodyguard | one who protects, i.e. angels are known to protect |
BOGART | resourceful strength |
boil | spiritual purification. Boiling over is overdoing to excess |
bomb | a warning of sudden failure caused by pent-up pressures |
bonus | literal, though it may come in an unexpected way |
book | type and title indicates what one is learning; research accordingly |
boots | tough steps |
bootee | implies that one’s steps are very immature and dependent upon others |
border | a separating point, i.e. one draws an arbitrary boundary excluding intolerable issues |
BORIS | warrior |
boss | one who is bossy or in an authoritative position |
bottle | research contents, i.e. bottled up emotions; tears are bottled by God for remembrance |
bottom | the lower, the more abase the situation |
bounce | instability; see “waver” |
bouncer | see “bull” |
bound | imprisoned with invisible bars; see “loose” |
bouquet | a joyful and appreciative reward of love, beauty, and sentiment; multiple flowers imply multiple returns |
bow tie | yoked with favor; research the color; see “yoke” |
bowels | digested emotions; improper location of elimination is taking advantage; see “bathroom” |
bowing | whether for respect, submission, shame, etc., depends upon the circumstances revealed |
bowl | represents well-rounded, balanced proportions, unless empty i.e. a fair settlement or plan of action |
bowling | see “game” |
box | feelings of being “boxed in” under another’s control; no freedom of expression |
box cutter | removes mental stress of feeling “boxed in”; see “razor” and “knife” |
boxing | warning one to be pliable, avoiding controversial and arbitrary issues |
boy | if a man is seen as a boy, he is acting immaturely |
BOYD | enlightened, quiet spirit |
bra | support for the enablement of nurturing others; research details, i.e. color, material, etc.; see “breast” |
braces | restraints for keeping spiritually straight, according to anatomical location, i.e. teeth, etc.; research accordingly |
bracelet | a commitment, i.e. a ring of promise; research material, i.e. gold, silver, plastic, etc. |
brad | restriction |
BRADLEY, BRAD | broad-minded; unwavering |
BRADY, BRANDI | victorious spirit |
brag | see “boast” |
braid | to bind and restrict; see “hair” |
Braille | to have knowledge of by touch or emotion |
brain | refers to one’s mental state |
BRAINARD | courageous spirit |
branch | reveals the works of one’s life, either fruitful or dried up and worthless; see “tree” |
branded | marked with the same stigma |
brass | boldness and strength |
bread | provision for spiritual livelihood, words that give life, i.e. breaking bread together in friendship and unity |
break | to end, as it presently is; research whatever is broken |
breakdown | a warning given in order to recognize the cause and remedy |
breakfast | the partaking of a new beginning; see “food” |
break in | a precautionary warning |
break up | revealed to prevent or prepare |
breast | symbol of nurturing others; see “bra” and “milk” |
breastplate | protection; righteousness is a breastplate of protection against the unrighteous acts of others |
breath | life; it’s smell is a reflection of one’s words, i.e. garlic and onions symbolize unpleasant words that stink |
BRENDA | flame or sword |
BRENNA | lovely, faithful friend, gracious spirit |
BRENT, BRANT | proud one |
BRIAN | strong |
bribe | literal, though it may be in any form of favor |
BRICE, BRYCE | compassionate |
brick | a strong defense against outside offenses |
bride | figurative of entering into a new partnership, i.e. a new job, business, etc. |
bridge | symbol of rising above one’s circumstances, and crossing over to a new beginning |
bridle | restrains one who has no self-control |
briefcase | a brief business transfer from one case or location to another |
brier | a difficult person, place, or thing that irritates and buffets one |
bright | enlightenment |
BRITTANY | sensitive, easily disrupted or hurt |
broil | direct exposure to extreme heat; see “cook” and “fire” |
broken | see “break” |
bronze | enduring strength |
brooch | to “pin” one’s self with an outward show of a personal accomplishment and adoration; see “ornament” |
brook | see “water” |
BROOKE | peaceful, quiet spirit |
broom | used to “sweep away” one’s problems |
brother | see “relative” |
brow | can express an angry, critical attitude if eyebrows are excessive |
brown | the color of work; shade represents the type, i.e. the lighter, the easier |
brownie | a kind work done for another |
BRUCE | strong and protective |
bruise | spiritual wound; location determines the type, i.e. the head is mental anguish, etc.; research accordingly |
BRUNO | free spirit |
brush | according to type, i.e. a hairbrush grooms spiritually; a toothbrush grooms words, etc.; see “grooming” |
bubble | deceptive; empty expectation |
bubble gum | useless words that come to nothing |
BUCK | vivacious spirit, prepared to fight for his cause, if necessary |
bucket | full is blessed; empty is desolate; a hole is a spiritual flaw; research contents accordingly |
bucking horse | the controlling power of the world rising up in rebellion; see “horse” |
buckle | a restraint |
bucktoothed | arrogant, know-it-all words; see “pride” |
bud | the beginning of a complimentary blessing |
budget | informing one that a budget is needed |
buffalo | one who bewilders others |
buffet | an informal service accessible to all, according to individual needs; see “food” |
buffing | smoothing out small problems and improving one’s surface appearance in a gentle manner |
bug | someone or something that “bugs” others; for more clarity, see “insect” |
buggy | minimum power, according to type of buggy, i.e. “baby”, “horse”; research accordingly |
bugle | proclamation |
bulge | excessiveness; research the location of the bulge for more clarity |
bull | controlling, head-strong, foolish talking bully; a cover-up for one with low self-esteem, trying to appear self-confident; see “pride” |
bull fight | a confrontation with a bully |
bulldog | one with a dogmatic personality; a bully |
bulldozer | demolition in the construction of one’s life |
bullets | harsh words that wound one’s spirit; see “gun” |
bulls-eye | making the mark; right on target |
bully | see “bull” |
bum | one who sponges off others; may symbolize someone of similar character |
bumblebee | a person who speaks stinging words in a fearful, bumbling manner |
bumper | figurative of protection from run-ins with others |
bunion | pain caused by enduring excessive and difficult steps |
bunk beds | persons in same situation, yet top bunk has authority |
buoy | one who gives hope and help to others in the waters of adversity |
BURGESS | citizen |
burglar | a warning, i.e. a sneaky, cunning person who may be disguised as moral, but they walk in spiritual darkness |
BURKE | fortified, protective |
BURL, BYRLE | one who serves others |
burn | intense mental anguish; see “fire” |
burning bush | since God spoke through a burning bush, it is a spiritual symbol of the power and protection of His word |
burst | a warning that something has past the point of duration and must be relieved |
BURTON | fortified provider |
bury | the finality and concealment of that which is obsolete; if a body, see “death” |
bus | to engage in a joint learning experience |
bush | symbol of security; see “shrub” |
butter | a blessing used to smooth over rough edges of a problem |
buttercup | smoothing out small problems in a gentle manner, involving fearfulness; see “butter”, “cup”, and “yellow” |
butterfly | symbol of regeneration, i.e. from the cocoon of spiritual bondage unto a new creature in Christ; see “loose” |
buttons | implies one is being discreet |
buy | to “pay the price”, not necessarily monetary |
buzzard | one waiting with anticipation for another’s decline |
BYRAM | strong, free spirit |
BYRON | generous, forgiving spirit |
cab | assistance for compensation |
cabbage | money |
cabin | a purposeful, temporal place of unfinished business |
cabinet | contains objects of interest presently “shelved” |
caboose | the last one on a one-way track; see “last” |
CACEY, CASEY | brave, watchful leader |
cactus | survival in dry desolate times |
CAESAR | sharp |
caesarean | new beginning taken by force |
café | an informal place of service; see “food” |
cafeteria | a place where everyone participates in the service; see “food” |
cage | physical or mental place of confinement |
cake | something sweet and easy to one’s spirit, i.e. “a piece of cake”; see “food” |
cakewalk | figurative of a pleasantly rewarding walk in life |
CALEB | fearless, great faith |
calendar | orderly and time-related schedule; observe specific dates |
CALHOUN | strong spirit |
calico | blessed because it is cotton, a natural fabric; see “cotton” |
Calvary | figurative of regeneration, the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ |
CALVERT | caretaker who loves all creatures, divinely led |
CALVIN | favored one |
CAMDEN | pliable |
camel | one who carries a heavy burden under hard circumstances and fearful working conditions |
camel hair clothing | see “camel” and “clothing” |
camellia | a joyful and appreciative reward after having gone through a difficult time |
cameo | a permanent memory of a temporary blessing |
camera | captures memories of current events for future purposes; using no film is pretentious |
CAMERON | independent |
CAMILLE | devoted |
camouflage | to disguise one’s true feelings in order to prevent disapproval and rejection |
camp | a rugged experience outside one’s normal lifestyle |
can | to arrest or stop; ingredients represent whoever or whatever is canned, i.e. an incarcerated female is a canned tomato; see “tomato” |
can opener | used to reveal that which is concealed, i.e. secrets that have the potential of starting a lot of problems |
cancer | an out of control condition, i.e. the cancer of bitterness, fearfulness, despair, temptation; if physical, see “diagnosis” |
CANDACE | bright, unblemished, sweet spirited |
candle | the passing of time; enlightenment if lit; melted or fallen indicates little time left; see “melting” |
candy | sweet words and deeds |
cankered | corrupted by spiritual negligence |
cannibalism | bankrupting others financially, spiritually, or physically, for self-gratification |
cannon | victorious in warfare, whether spiritual or literal |
canopy | protection |
cantaloupe | see “fruits” |
canteen | dry, hard times will call for a drink of living water |
CANUTE | trustworthy, steadfast |
canvas | protection and security |
canyon | a valley of problems where one must jump from one edge to another to keep from falling |
cape | type of protection represented by fabric, color, and design; research accordingly |
capital | the highest ranking |
cappuccino | that which is pleasantly calming to one’s spirit |
capri pants | only partial protection for one’s personal abilities, because they are short; research the color; see “pants” |
capsule | if medication, see “medication”; anything else in a capsule is in isolation |
captain | head authoritative figure |
captive | see “bound” |
car | see “automobile” |
CARA | beloved |
caravan | literal |
card game | simple playing cards represent taking a chance; if tarot cards, see “witchcraft” |
caress | according to the type, i.e. hug, massage, fondle; research accordingly |
CARISSA | creative |
CARITA | beloved |
CARL | tiller of the soil; manly |
CARLA | endearing, beloved woman, full of grace |
CARLIN | champion |
CARLISLE | brave defender |
CARLOS | noble and discerning |
CARLOTTA | womanly |
CARLTON | industrious |
CARMEN | joyful singer |
CARMICHAEL | abundance, powerful |
carnation | a flower representing a joyful and sentimental occasion |
CARNETTE | caring, beloved lady of nobility, God’s gift of grace and wisdom |
carnival | temporary amusement |
CAROL | noble, womanly, caring; figuratively, one who sings or proclaims a joyful message |
caroling | speaking forth joyful commendations |
carousel | going around and around in circles, but not moving ahead |
carp | service or provision that is filled with problems |
carpenter | one who builds up others; see “construction” |
carpet | see “foundation” |
carport | a supplemental protective covering for one’s outside activities; not restricted to transportation |
carriage | minimum power |
CARRIE, CARY | caring and helpful spirit |
CARROL | see “Carol” |
CARSON | diligent, loyal, faithful spirit |
cart | bearing a heavy load with no help |
CARTER | humble, loyal |
cartoon | playing around instead of being serious |
carving | by the work of one’s hands, a permanent message of any type or formation, i.e. a book, song, etc. |
cashews | prompt and uncomplicated gratuity |
cashmere | goat’s hair represents an expensive, yet worldly, covering; see “clothing” |
casino | a mistress of chance; see “mistress” |
casket | figuratively, one’s old way of life ending so a new beginning can come forth |
CASPER | overseer of treasury |
CASSANDRA | wise helper |
casting | putting one’s faith into action if casting upon the water, i.e. casting one’s cares on the Lord |
castle | a secure fortress and retreat; the promise of future blessings |
castrate | to deprive one of their authority and ability to figuratively impregnate; see “baby” and “pregnant” |
cat | a contentious person causing strife and discord |
cataract | a stumbling block causing an inability to perceive the truth, i.e. a bad influence; doubt and unbelief |
cater | offering special privileges |
caterpillar | gossip; hairy indicates malicious intent; a warning to avoid communication |
catfish | fishing for trouble and strife and catching it; see “cat” |
CATHERINE | pure of spirit |
catsup | bitter-sweet words which sound good, but bring discord and strife |
cattail | catty gossip that brings on strife |
caulk | a quick fix, i.e. plugging the hole in a dam; patching a broken relationship |
CAVANAGH | handsome, merry |
cave | a depressed situation under unwise submission |
CB radio | banding together in communication for a common cause |
CECIL, CECILIA | Blind to own self’s attributes, beautiful, creative, a butterfly |
cedar | because it is an “evergreen”, it has permanent security, i.e. a Christian; see “tree” |
CEDRIC | courageous in battle |
ceiling | overall spiritual covering, and any leak, etc., is a problem that will enlarge unless resolved |
celebration | knowledge of a joyful event |
CELESTE, CELESTINE | heavenly blessing |
CELIA | see “CECIL” |
celibacy | choosing absolute independence, even in desolation |
CELINA | wise, victorious |
cellophane | a man-made covering not ordered or blessed by God |
cement | a strong foundation made by “sticking together” through hard times; see “foundation” |
cemetery | a place of finality, i.e. a business that has closed down |
centipede | one who is very busy doing dead works and spreading poison gossip; a warning to avoid communication |
ceramic figurines | people and material possessions used to decorate the lives of others |
cereal | the provisions for something new; see “food” |
ceremony | a formalization |
certificate | literal certification, whether formal or informal |
certified | assurance of genuine authenticity |
cesspool | accumulation of past mistakes |
CHADWICK, CHAD | brave, noble, Godly warrior of righteousness and justice |
chaff | indication of a spiritual need, i.e. the false and worthless need to be removed to bring about genuine blessings |
chain | bondage; see “bound” |
chain letter | a message with strings attached |
chain saw | repeatedly cutting down others with wavering words and actions |
chair | to be still in a situation, observing but not resting, unless reclining |
chalk | a message, etc., in chalk is temporary and a waste of time, for it will come to nothing; research colors |
CHALMERS | prosperous, just protector |
champagne | ceremonial drink of celebration; see “wine” |
chandelier | enlightened wisdom shining brightly and beautifully |
CHANDLER | candle-maker, enlightened one |
chapel | a small religious place of worship, formal or informal |
chaplain | a religious figure who may be substituted for someone else of like character |
chapped | indicates a need for relief from hardships; research the anatomical location; see “cold” |
charcoal | the dead past, charred by adversity; using it brings more adversity; change spiritual fuels |
chariot | involving a heaven-sent experience with the Holy Spirit in control |
charity | generosity at an appointed time |
CHARITY | benevolent |
CHARLEEN | strong in the midst of adversity |
CHARLES | strong man of the world |
CHARLOTTE | small, worldly |
charm bracelet | significant symbols are brought to attention for a reason; research accordingly |
CHARMAIN | happiness in the midst of adversity |
chased | pursued by the pressures of life from which one tries to escape |
chasing | implies one may do better to chase after contentment |
chauffeur | see “cab” |
CHAUNCEY | trustworthy chancellor |
cheap price tag | foreknowledge; the price is not always monetary |
cheat | a warning |
check | a promise to pay later |
checkered | going in many different directions |
cheerleader | one whose optimism and cheerfulness is contagious |
cheese | inhibited words or deeds curdled by restrictions |
chef | one who prepares and serves spiritual, mental, or physical nourishment, i.e. a teacher, minister, etc.; see “food” |
chemistry | finding the right combination |
CHERI | see “CHERYL” |
CHERISE | cherished , beloved |
cherry | the ultimate of new blessings, i.e. the cherry on top |
CHERYL, CHERI | cherished, beloved, filled with grace and beauty |
chess | mental game of life; see “game” |
chest | storage place for safe-keeping treasured items |
CHESTER | courageous defender |
chew | not just accepting immediately, but carefully contemplating the evidence received |
chicken | eaten as the “food” of fellowship and security |
chicken feed | a small or insufficient amount of money |
chief | the head authority |
chiffon | sheer luxury |
Chihuahua | a person who is put last by the big dogs of power, but they have the fearless courage needed to persevere; see “small” |
child | an immature adult; maturity determined by size and age |
chili | words or situation involving some degree of anger, because of the red pepper; see “red” and “pepper” |
chimes | bringing attention in a unified manner; see “bell” |
chimney | positive way to relieve tension by controlling the fires of life; see “fireplace” |
chimpanzee | see “monkey” |
chin | an excessively prominent chin is figurative of stubbornness |
chintz | blessed, because it is natural; research the color and design |
chipmunk | one who has a chip on their shoulder; see “animals” |
chisel | a warning that a chiseler may be taking advantage; see “whittle” |
chives | see “onion” |
CHLOE | vibrant spirit |
chlorine | that which removes spiritual impurities that pollute one’s life |
chocolate | pleasant words or deeds in a working situation |
choir | organized group giving the same message; religious in nature |
choke | unable to “swallow” or accept something given to them |
chopping | using cutting words that chop away at one’s spirit; see “whittle” |
chorus | organized group giving the same message |
christening | a sacrament of dedication to declare a new beginning |
CHRISTIAN | born again follower of Jesus Christ, anointed child of God, beloved, triumphant spirit |
CHRISTINA | beloved gift of God, anointed, triumphant spirit |
Christmas | a time of blessings and giving to others, as at Christmas, Christ’s celebrated birthday |
Christmas card | divinely inspired, joyful news |
CHRISTOPHER | vigilant in the work of Christ |
church | wherever Christian gather to worship, inside or outside the traditional church building; one’s body is their spiritual “temple” where their spirit dwells until their demise |
churn | to agitate and stir-up something until it brings division |
cider | mature favor; see “apple” and “drink” |
cigar | very offensive, proud words |
cigarette | see “cigar” |
Cinderella | used as a substitute for someone of like character and circumstances |
cinnamon | see “spice” |
circle | infinite, unending promise |
circuit | a hookup for multiple sources; if literal, there is a reason to check it out |
circuit breaker | an interference causing a breakdown in the figurative circuit or hookup of one’s life; if literal, check it out |
circus | state of frenzied confusion |
clam | keeping quiet |
clamp | a restrictive action |
clan | organized group (often religious) that excludes outsiders and makes it’s own rules |
CLARENCE | declaring light to the world, one who makes things clear |
CLARK | learned one, declaring enlightenment to others |
class | educational group; a learning experience of any nature |
CLAUDE, CLAUDIA | victorious |
claustrophobia | a warning to avert circumstances causing one’s fear of entrapment |
CLAY | unstable, troubled beginning, carnal |
CLAYTON | pliable one of troubled beginnings |
clayware | man’s carnality, unrelated to spirituality; see “clay” |
cleanse | to free one from spiritual impurities; for particular type of cleansing, research accordingly |
clear | free from all obstructions and hindrances |
CLEMENT | benevolent, kind, gentle |
CLEO | of eminent understanding |
clergy | religious authority who may be substituted for another religious person |
CLEVE, CLIVE | strong, enduring |
cliff | a warning that one has been forced to the edge and needs to stop and change courses |
climate | type of climate, cold, hot, warm, dry, wet, etc., is descriptive of one’s situation; research accordingly |
climb | to advance to a higher level by one’s own abilities |
clinch | holding fast to keep from losing control |
clinic | anyplace, formal or informal, where one receives help in time of trouble |
CLINTON, CLINT | head of the estate |
clip on | attaching one’s personal touch |
cloak | see “cape” |
clock | indication that it is time for something that should not be delayed |
clod | a carnal minded, selfish person |
clone | double-minded, copied version |
closet | hiding place for secrets |
clothing | spiritual covering; the outward reflection of one’s inner spirit; research color, fabric, size, condition, type, i.e. shirt, pants, etc. |
CLOTILDA | renowned defender and helper in battle |
cloudy | muddled by gloom of uncertainty |
clover | peace and prosperity |
clown | putting on a false, funny front of happiness when one is really sad |
club sandwich | a combination of social activities or services at one occasion; see “sandwich” |
clubhouse | a house where friends meet for social activities, formally or informally |
clumsy | insecure |
clutter | confusion; disorganization |
CLYDE | warm, teachable, loving spirit |
CLYTIE | gracious, beautiful spirit |
coach | trainer and mentor |
coal | something which appears to be “burned out” and worthless, but can be used for good |
coaster | a sure foundation of protection for the spiritual cup of life; see “cup” |
coat | see “cape” |
cobweb | the evidence of timely entrapment, and a warning to beware; see “spider” |
cock | one who is cocky; an arrogant boaster; see “pride” |
cockfight | a verbal or physical conflict between cocky individuals |
cockroach | person who is arrogant and “bugs” others |
cocoa | identified with pleasant work, because of the color brown |
cocoon | one who is bound by circumstances now, but will be loosed and have a new beginning; see “bound” |
codicil | indication that some legality is incomplete |
coffee | relaxing enjoyment; if the bottom falls out of coffee pot, the opposite effect has taken place, i.e. hysteria |
coffin | see “casket” |
coins | a small amount to money; research individual coin for clarity |
cola | see “coffee” |
COLBERT | renowned, brilliant seafarer, anchored in the word of God |
COLBY | trustworthy man of God |
cold | hard times |
cold feet | in order to understand the problem and solution, see “cold” and “feet” |
cold shoulder | unfriendly |
collapse | a literal warning; if whatever collapsed is symbolic, research accordingly |
collar | whatever “yokes” or guides a person; research details, i.e. color, material, etc.; see “yoke” |
collection | if one keeps adding to their collection, they have become the collection of their collectibles |
college | a mature learning experience |
COLLENE | victorious over adversity |
COLLIER | diligent, honorable worker |
coloring | whatever color one uses is descriptive of their individual circumstances, i.e. if yellow, they are fearful, etc.; research colors accordingly |
colors | each color has a specific meaning that is important and should always be researched accordingly |
COLTER | industrious lover of animals |
COLTON | resourceful head of estate |
column | one who is a pillar of support and an advocate to others |
coma | unable to communicate while in a state of helplessness, spiritual or physical |
comb | used to groom one’s spiritual covering, i.e. uncombed hair is an undisciplined spirit |
combat | strife and contention |
comedian | one who makes others laugh, so they can laugh |
comet | a divine sign, i.e. a rainbow |
comforter | that which brings protecting comfort, unless wet; research the color and material |
communion | sharing; becoming one in a common purpose and identity, i.e. a religious sacrament, drinking from Christ’s cup of regeneration |
compass | indicates directions are needed |
competition | if the outcome is seen, whether positive or negative, it is to prepare one |
complaint | discontent revealed in order to correct and avert the situation |
completed | revealed to bring assurance, though the timing may be elusive |
complicated | enables one to simplify the complexity before it becomes a problem |
compliment | when given in a dream, it is sincere and not given to flatter |
computer | implies there is a need to process data |
CONAN | exalted, wise |
conceit | exposing one who has a fanciful opinion of themselves; see “pride” |
concert | a concerted group unified in purpose to publically communicate their efforts, musically, politically, etc.; see “music” |
concrete | a mass of many solidified together to give strength; see “foundation” |
condensed milk | the water is removed, so it is sweeter, but less nourishing; see “milk” and “water” |
confession | anything confessed in a dream is literal and should be taken seriously |
confiscation | a warning, though whatever is confiscated may be figurative; research details |
confused | revealed in order to bring focus |
CONLAN | esteemed, heroic |
conned | warning that may be given to reveal the con-artist and avert the deception |
CONRAD | discerning, bold counselor |
CONROY | wise leader |
consignment | revealing a profitable venture |
consoling | revealing a need to be consoled |
conspiracy | a warning of caution |
CONSTANCE | steadfast, consecrated |
constipation | unable to get emotional relief from the problems one has mentally digested; see “bowels” |
construction | constructive progress being presently made in one’s life |
CONSUELA | compassionate friend |
contact lens | using wisdom in one’s contacts with others |
contempt | revealed to avert the contemptible situation |
contraception | used to intentionally prevent profitable production when entering into any course of action; see “baby” |
contract | literal, though it may be formal or informal |
contribution | revealing a cause and whether or not it is legitimate and worthy |
controlling | revealed in order to avert; see “bound” |
conversation | to help guide one, a conversation may take place first in a dream |
converted | revealing a sincere decision |
convertible | no top, whether an automobile, airplane, etc., means no spiritual covering; see “covering” |
convicted | a warning of caution |
cook | preparing spiritual, mental, or physical nourishment; see “food” |
cookies | especially pleasing, rewarding, small bits of words or deeds; see “food” |
cop | one who stops wrongdoing |
copper | strong and capable |
copy | tracing over something; see “imitate” |
CORA, CORRIE | maiden, innocent of guile |
coral | lifeless |
CORDELL | industrious, creative craftsman |
CORETTA | devoted seeker of truth |
COREY, CORY | one whose faith makes their valleys fertile |
CORISSA | see “CORA” |
cork | see “plug” |
CORLISS | benevolent, cheerful, see “COREY” |
corn | financial prosperity |
corncob | the evidence of being broke; see “corn” |
corncob pipe | offending others by excessively talking about one’s financial condition; see “smoking” |
CORNELIA | strong, noble, prosperous |
cornered | revealed to help one become free of the control that cornered them |
cornerstone | a symbol of the “heart” of one’s spiritual foundation; research details, i.e. shape, color, etc.; see “foundation” |
cornstarch | the bare necessities |
CORWIN | supportive, sincere friend, victorious spirit |
COSETTE | victorious and confident in spirit |
cosmetics | superficial appearance that one wants others to perceive, i.e. underneath the make-up is a different person |
cosmetologist | see “beautician” and “hair” |
costume | appearing to be something other than what you are to impress or appease |
cot | a temporary situation of difficult circumstances, i.e. one who is totally helpless, sick, etc., lies helpless on a stretcher or cot |
cottage | see “cabin” |
cotton | natural material is a blessed covering, because it is figurative of God’s handiwork |
cotton candy | sweet talk that tickles the ears but is of little or no worth |
cotton gin | a place of work that is spiritually motivated; see “cotton” |
couch | used when one is present, but not actively involved |
cough | rejecting something that was spoken |
cough drop | gives relief from words that were painful to swallow |
cough syrup | excessive relief from words that were painful to swallow |
counselor | implies counseling is needed, whether formal or informal |
counter-clockwise | regression |
counterfeit | a warning that something is not what it appears to be; a sham |
coupon | a literal discount, free service, rebate, etc. |
court | being judged by others |
COURTLAND | seeker of truth and wisdom |
cousin | see “relative” |
covering | spiritual protection; research the type of material and the color |
cow | symbol of prosperity or famine, according to whether cow is fat or lean |
COWAN | see “CORWIN” |
coward | revealed to give one courage |
COYLE | follower in battle of life |
coyote | person of low character; see “animals” |
crab | person who is grouchy |
crack | tension causing a crack in one’s mental and spiritual foundation; see “foundation” |
cracker | represents a Christian influence, because it has no leaven, a symbol of sin; see “baking powder” |
crackerjack | one who has an excellent personality and character |
cradle | used for someone childlike and helpless |
CRAIG | strong, enduring spirit |
CRANDELL | peaceful one whose faith is greater than their valleys |
crash | a clash of personalities; see “accidental crash” |
crawfish | one who withdraws from a promise or position |
crawl | to beg for favor by humble submission |
crayon | used to color premature and temporary plans that may become permanent if allowed to mature |
crazy | a warning of irrational behavior to be avoided |
cream | smooth-going best |
cream puff | ineffectual |
credit card | a plastic promise; see “plastic” |
credited | literal |
creek | blessings flowing freely; see “water” |
creeping | moving ahead very slowly in a negative manner |
CREIGHTON | humble spirit whose trust is in God |
cremated | burned-out; totally oppressed |
crepe myrtle | a blessing that also protects |
crest | identity of association |
crew cut | a stiff, bristle attitude or appearance |
crib | situation made by immature actions |
cricket | forewarning of someone or something causing destruction and/or financial distress; a computer virus |
crime | literal, though names and places may be figurative; research accordingly |
cripple | one who is in need of help who may not appear cripple |
crisscross | doing good works |
critical | an attitude brought to attention in order avert |
crochet | accomplishing a task one step at a time in succession |
crock-pot | something is slowly, but surely, being “cooked up”, and it is “crock” |
crocodile | see “alligator” |
crop | the “fruit” of one’s labor, according to the type of crop; research details |
croquet | see “game” |
cross | symbol of Christianity; type of cross defines one’s God, i.e. golden cross is worship of money, etc. |
crossing over | leaving one’s past and crossing over to a new beginning |
cross-stitch | doing good works |
crossword puzzle | seeking and finding the answers to puzzling questions in one’s life |
crow | a boastful “know it all” with an oppressing message; see “bird” |
crown | exaltation and honor |
crucify | to cruelly persecute and humiliate |
cruiser | cruising leisurely through the sea of life; see “boat” |
crumb | the least amount given to the humble |
crusade | a literal crusade, though symbols may be used |
crust | the hard, dry foundation; see “food” |
cry | sincere emotions in need of empathy; see “tears” |
crutch | an enabler of the dependency of another, i.e. any addiction and/or the one who supports the addict |
CRYSTAL | wise and pure discernment |
cuckoo clock | the cuckoo bird insinuates the timing is of no common sense |
cudweed | going over and over the same unproductiveness |
culled | selected as the one with the most potential |
CULLEN, CULLIN | favored one, loving spirit |
cult | any religious organization which becomes self-serving, followed by the vulnerable |
cultivate | laboring to break new ground in one’s life and groom it in order to achieve success |
cummerbund | see “belt” |
cup | whatever one partakes of, i.e. the cup of worldly pleasure, the Lord’s cup of regeneration, etc. |
curb | removing something out of one’s life is leaving it on the curb |
cured | given to encourage one while going through afflictions |
curly | fanciful |
cursing | reveals a lack of emotional self-control and a limited vocabulary |
curtain | veils the undesirable from visibility |
CURTIS | curious, honorable spirit |
curtsy | showing humble respect |
curve | an unexpected and unwelcome turn of events |
cushion | to make “easier”; see “pillow” |
cut | see “knife” |
CUTHBERT | renowned one, brilliant and highly esteemed |
cymbal | making noise with a pretentious motive |
CYNTHIA, CINDY | one who gives light of truth in the darkness of despair |
CYRIL, CYRILLE | superior one, ruling over others |
CYRUS | spiritually enlightened |
DACEY, DACIA | honorable, enlightened |
dachshund | one whose endurance and humble dedication exceed the limitations of their abilities; see “dog” |
daddy | an authoritative figure |
daddy longlegs | a relative who intends to do an evil work against the innocent |
DAGAN | understanding spirit |
dagger | see “knife” |
DAGMAR | glorious day of enlightenment |
dainty | literal |
dairy | a place dedicated to nourishing others with pure, but elementary doctrine; see “milk” |
DAISY | highly esteemed |
DALBERT | brilliant one |
DALE | peaceful one whose faith is higher than their valley |
DALINDA | see “DAVID” and “LINDA” |
DALLAS | peaceful, gentle spirit |
Dalmatian | a good person, but not without flaws; research colors and see “animals” |
DALTON | peaceful, calm, serene spirit |
DALY | enlightened counselor |
dam | a restraint to protect and regulate one’s life; a hole is a spiritual flaw |
damage | revealed in order to lessen or avert |
DAMITA | noble, gracious lady |
DAMON, DAMIAN | steadfast, filled with faith |
damp | something that one has started to take care of, but it is still unfinished |
DANA, DANNA | spiritually enlightened, gracious |
dance | to follow the steps of another’s plan instead of our own, by choice or to appease |
dandelion | worldly pleasures that, like weeds, choke out the flowers in our lives; see “flowers” |
dandruff | figurative of a dry, close minded attitude |
danger | the danger may be spiritual, as well as physical, and it is revealed to avert |
dangling earrings | to hear the truth and believe, but start to doubt again; see “waver” |
DANIEL, DAN | spiritual discernment, wise judgment |
DAPHNE | victorious, honorable |
DARA | pearl of great wisdom and understanding |
DARBY | freedom of spirit |
DARCIE, DARCY | courageous, strong spirit |
DARIA | royal nobility, prosperous |
DARIUS | prosperous |
dark | unenlightened |
DARLENE, DARLA | beloved one, blessed |
darn | to make amends |
DARREN | greatly esteemed |
DARRICK, DEREK | chosen ruler |
dart | see “arrow” |
dashboard | depicts the guiding control in a given situation; research details, i.e. color, material, flaws, etc.; see “automobile” |
date | mark it on a calendar, for important dates are sometimes revealed |
daughter | the more submissive fruit of one’s labor; compare to “son” |
DAVID, DAVIDA | spiritual love |
DAVY | see “DAVID” |
DAWN | a new and happy beginning |
day-dream | revealing the substance of hope and faith that sustains one’s spirit until fulfillment; see “dreaming” |
daze | implies a need for evaluation |
deacon | religious leader; if anonymous, research the name |
dead | death may be symbolized in different ways; see “blood”, “casket”, “asleep”, and “landlord” |
dead bolt | one is never to go back into whatever is behind that lock, for it is dead to them |
dead letter drop | a message that falls on dead ears |
deaf | ears that can hear, but will not adhere |
DEAN | official, abundant supplier |
DEANNA, DEE | divine grace, compassionate |
death | see “dead” |
debate | revealed to prepare one to meet the demanding situation |
debit | a reminder of importance |
DEBORAH | leadership, worker, divinely inspired |
debris | trivial hindrances; research details |
debt | a reminder, not necessarily monetary |
debug | eliminating aggravating circumstances involving worrisome people; see “bug” |
debutant | literal socialite |
decal | a label given as identification |
decanter | a glass decanter shows enlightenment; research the contents; see “glass” |
decapitate | removing one’s authoritative control |
decay | the final result of gradual neglect, literally and spiritually |
deceased | see “dead” |
deceived | a warning to prevent or expose deception |
decelerate | advising one to literally slow down |
decision | one’s discernment is less hindered in a dream, which helps with decisions |
deck | being outside and on the edge indicates the need to stop and evaluate one’s course of action |
declaration | the declaration is negative or positive, according to who gave it, friend or foe; research details |
decline | foreknowledge is to give one time to reconsider their options |
decode | hidden information may be literally brought to light in a dream |
decomposed | a warning to avert the situation, because it has or will come to nothing |
decoration day | revealing a need to show honor and respect to someone while they are still alive |
decoy | a warning to prevent entrapment |
decrease | literal information |
decree | though figuratively shown, the decree is literal |
dedication | literal, though it may be formal or informal |
deduction | the amount may be figurative; research details |
deed | implying ownership, whether by legality or promise; timing is elusive |
deep | a deep pit in a dream is a warning to cancel the plan before it fails |
deer | one who is vivacious in spirit |
deface | warning one to take precautions for protection |
defamed | a warning to avert circumstances involving the disgrace |
default | foreknowledge to lessen or avert the consequences |
defeat | a literal warning, but given to prepare for victory or be prepared for defeat |
defecate | see “bowels” |
defect | revealing whatever is lacking for the purpose of perfecting |
defend | if defense is shown to be necessary, research details for instruction |
deficient | revealed in order to research and supply whatever is lacking |
defiled | a warning given in order to avert the situation |
define | anything defined in a dream should be researched and taken seriously |
deflate | an humbling; see “inflate” |
deformity | a spiritual flaw that needs spiritual help; research anatomical location |
defraud | literal, and is revealed to prevent by using wisdom and discernment |
defrost | eliminating the cold, hard circumstances from a situation that was put on hold |
defied | revealed in order to meet the challenge |
degraded | revealed to lessen or avert the degradation |
degree | acknowledgement that a degree is eminent, whether formal or informal |
dehumidifier | that which quenches the Holy Spirit; see “water” |
dehydrated | revealing a need for spiritual help; see “water” |
DEIRDRE | seeker of wisdom and truth |
déjà vu | when one has peace of mind that the situation is resolved, there will be no need for déjà vu |
dejected | literal; see “rejected” |
delayed | revealed to either prevent or prepare for the delay |
DELBERT | new and enlightened beginning |
delete | literal instruction |
deliberate | literal, in case there is any doubt |
delicacies | revealed to consider the motive before indulging and later regretting |
DELICIA | delightful, joyful spirit |
delicious | enjoyable to one’s spirit; see “food” |
delightful | revealed to encourage |
delinquent | a warning |
delivery | literal, though the item delivered may be figurative, as well as the timing; research details |
DELORES | compassionate |
DELPHINE | graceful, trusting spirit |
demands | revealed to prepare one to meet or delete the demanding situation |
demean | revealed to avoid |
demerit | a warning to change one’s pattern of behavior |
DEMETRIA | abundantly fruitful |
demolished | a warning |
demon | evil spirit; revealing one’s problems are spiritual not carnal; see “spirit” and “witchcraft” |
demonstration | an outward display, whether formal or informal |
demoted | foreknowledge may provide the opportunity to reverse the negative |
DEMPSEY | highly esteemed |
den | see “room” |
denial | discernment is present when dreaming, and the truth uncovered |
DENNIS, DENIS | favored one |
denomination | names may be figurative, i.e. First Assembly refers to one’s “first” time to assemble |
dense | overwhelming, whether by physical increase or by mental decrease; research object of density |
dent | a flaw caused by a sudden blow or pressure, indicating a need for relief; research whatever is dented; see “flaw” |
dentist | an authoritative figure used to help correct one’s words |
DENTON, DENNY | one whose faith is higher than their valleys |
dentures | false words |
deny | revealing the truth and consequences of one’s reply to an accusation |
deodorant | a precaution taken to prevent critical discernment of one’s personal attributes |
departure | foreknowledge to prepare one for the aftermath |
dependable | knowledge to prevent one from depending on the unreliable |
dependency | acknowledgement of dependence is also assurance of deliverance, if sought; see “loose” |
depleted | revealing a need to restore |
deplorable | revealed to avert |
deployed | appropriately positioned for spiritual warfare is assurance of victory |
deport | a literal deportation |
deposit | literal, though the type and amount may be figurative |
depot | a secure place for reception and forwarding transitions |
depression | revealed for the sake of encouragement and restoration |
deprived | revealed in order that one may take a preventive course of action |
derail | trying to throw one off track; a bad influence |
dermatologist | one who helps only with surface problems and appearances |
DERWARD | guardian, trustworthy companion |
DERWIN | beloved friend and companion |
descending | see “falling” |
description | because descriptions are often figurative, they need to be researched for clarity |
desecrate | warning one of a literal act; if the object of desecration is figurative, research it |
desert | a place in one’s life that is desolate because of spiritual drought; see “drought” |
desertion | a warning in order to prevent a state of desolation |
deserving | brought to one’s attention because they are worthy of recognition |
designate | that which is designated in a dream is literal, but the timing may be elusive |
designs | original, creative designs are revealed, as well as the traditional |
desire | one’s true desires are uninhibited in a dream |
DESIREE | one sought after |
desk | paperwork |
DESMONA | one who desires wisdom and truth |
DESMOND | starting anew |
desolate | revealed to remind one of the neglected |
despair | revealed to encourage and give hope |
despised | to avert the distasteful attributes |
destitute | literal, and revealed in order to bring about the help needed |
destroyed | a warning |
detective | one who is trying to detect the truth |
detergent | used to cleanse spiritual impurities |
deteriorated | problems that gradually built-up to a serious condition |
determined | showing one’s seriousness is genuine |
detour | advice to change one’s course of action |
DEVA | blessed |
devalue | revealed to prevent undesirable reduction |
developing | assurance of advancing development |
devil | see “demon” |
DEVIN | divinely inspired |
devoted | assurance of the trustworthy |
devotional | sincere devotion |
devour | a warning given in order that one not become the prey |
devout | acknowledging the absolute in case of any doubt |
dew | new spiritual blessings |
DEWEY | beloved , divinely inspired |
DEXTER | industrious, skillful worker |
diabetes | caused by excessively indulging in pleasure, if figurative; if literal, it can be confirmed by a physician; either are warnings |
diagnosis | requires confirmation from one’s physician, literally; otherwise, research the figurative definition |
diagram | evasive solutions, when graphically visualized in a dream, are easily grasp, i.e. the blueprint of one’s life; see “invention” |
dialing | trying to communicate; if unsuccessful, it shows a feeling of desperation and a need for help |
dialogue | trustworthy; the true intents of the heart are not hidden in a dream |
diamond | a reward of priceless favor and true devotion, transparent, liberated, secure |
DIANA, DYANA | divine grace, love |
DIANNE | see “DIANA” |
diaper | a protection for the immature who are in need of discipline in self-control |
diarrhea | abnormal relief of built-up pressures, i.e. cursing is diarrhea of the mouth; see “bowels” |
diary | one’s undisclosed personal reflections may be seen as a diary |
dice | a symbol of futility, not a chance |
dictate | control |
dictionary | revealing a need to research |
diet | literally dieting, but not necessarily food |
digest | to absorb whatever is received, whether word or deed |
digging | to prod into the unknown, i.e. to “dig up” the dirt on someone |
dignified | literal dignity, unless pride is displayed; see “pride” |
dilapidated | see “desolate” |
dilated | indicating a magnified interest, i.e. eyes that see too much or ears that hear too much |
dilemma | a warning to avert the situation |
diligent | revealing one who is devoted and deserves appreciation |
dill pickle | a sour personality |
DILLON | faithful, devoted one |
diluted | adding water is spiritually blessing; see “water” |
dim | lacking in sufficient enlightenment |
dime | a small sum of money, not a dime; a tenth part is a tithe of one dollar; see “tithe” |
diminishing | knowledge revealed to avert lessening |
DINAH | spiritually discerning, divine one |
dinner | the finishing service; see “food” |
dinosaur | the out-dated |
dint | see “dent” |
dipper | research whatever is being dipped; see “cup” |
direction | turning left is making the wrong choice; the straight and narrow is right |
DIRK | discerning leader |
dirt | see “clay” |
dirt dabber | one who spreads malicious gossip |
disabled | revealing an inadequacy, physical or spiritual, in order to give adequate help |
disagreement | revealing the problem gives one a chance to prepare for the solution |
disappointment | revealed in order to lessen or avert |
disaster | a warning; research the type of disaster; see “storm” |
disbar | to remove one’s controlling power or influence |
disbelief | revealed in order to search out the matter and know the truth |
discarded | implies something or someone was thrown aside as worthless; see “rejected” |
disciple | a disciplined, religious person; research the name |
discount | a discount will be given in some form; research details; see “coupon” |
discouraged | one who is discouraged in a dream is inwardly calling for help and encouragement |
discovery | many discoveries are revealed first in a dream |
discrimination | revealed in order to avert; see “pride” |
disease | must be diagnosed to confirm whether literal or figurative, physical or spiritual; substitutions are possible; see “diagnosis” |
disfigured | see “deformity” |
disgrace | a warning given in order to lessen or avert the disgraceful circumstances and restore honor |
disguised | revealed to expose, bringing enlightenment |
disgust | a warning in order to avert the situation |
dish | research the type of dish and it’s contents, i.e. glass, clay, metal, paper, etc.; see “food” |
disinfectant | removes spiritual impurities |
disinterested | revealed to prevent one from wasting their time |
diskette | implies the need for such |
dismantle | implies that it will no longer be used; research item |
dispatched | a warning |
display | made evident for a purpose; research items on display |
disposal | literal information concerning the dispose of authority |
dissuade | advice to help advise |
distance | implying remoteness in time or place; research any numbers |
distaste | a dislike of words or deeds; see “food” |
distemper | an abnormally bad tempered person; see “dog” |
distorted | see “disfigured” |
distraction | revealed to help one stay on track |
distressed | revealed to lessen or avert the distressful situation |
distribution | a literal distribution, though that which is distributed may be figurative; research accordingly |
district | distinguishing characteristics can prioritize, i.e. a business district points to a business need |
disturbance | a warning to lessen or avert the situation |
ditch | a desolate place of rejection |
dive | moving head-first into a situation; see “water” |
divided | literal division; research details |
divination | see “witchcraft” |
divorce | the end of a partnership; sometimes represented by the color of gray; see “marry” |
DIXIE | from the south |
DIXON | powerful, prosperous ruler |
dizzy | a state of confusion |
dock | a place where people can visit for spiritual help in their time of need, i.e. a loving, charitable home; a mission; see “water” |
doctor | an authoritative figure who helps others feel better physically, mentally, spiritually, etc. |
doctrine | uninhibited information revealed for a particular purpose |
document | factual evidence |
dodge | instructive advice to evade an unpleasant situation |
dog | a person of like character, i.e. a golden retriever is prosperous, brown is a worker, pit bull is dangerous, white is innocent, etc.; see “animals” |
DOLAN | enduring adventurer |
doll | a person’s material creation, i.e. a songwriter’s song, an author’s book, etc.; research details |
dollars | monetary, but the number may be figurative; research |
dolly | indicates a need for help in carrying a heavy load |
dolphin | a substitute for one who serves others in the sea of life and is led by the Holy Spirit; see “water” |
DOMINIC | divinely set apart for God |
dominos | one failure having a domino effect, causing others to fail, i.e. a stock market crash |
DONALD, DON | world mighty, most courageous, ruler over all, father of greatness |
DONALDA | see “DON” |
DONATA | beloved gift of God |
donation | literal, though the item or amount may be figurative |
DONATO | devoted man of God |
donkey | a stubborn person who has no understanding |
DONNA | gracious, honorable, refined |
DONOVAN | delightfully refreshing spirit |
door | the “door of opportunity”; open is an invitation to enter; the degree determines the sincerity; back door is humbling |
doorbell | an unexpected visitor |
doormat | indication that one is being used as a doormat |
door prize | an exceptionally desirable reward will be behind that “door of opportunity” |
dope | anything that causes one to become dopey and stupid; see “bound” |
DORA | favored one |
DORCAS | filled with joyful grace |
DORE | favored one |
DORIA | see “DORIS” |
DORIAN | bountifully blessed, benevolent |
DORIS, DORICE | bountifully blessed, benevolent |
dorm | a temporary place to sleep without total privacy, i.e. school, hospital visitor’s quarters, etc. |
DOROTHEA | blessed gift of God |
dosage | sometimes corrected in a dream, but must be confirmed |
dot | see “flaw” |
double-minded | trying to live two ways and not fully convinced of either; see “hypocrite” |
doubt | implies a need for discernment and wise judgment until all doubt is removed |
dough | implies that one’s work is unfinished; see “bread” |
DOUGLAS, DOUG | victorious over adversity |
dove | a symbol of the Holy Spirit, peace and humility |
down | a negative direction |
DOYLE | from afar, divinely led from adversity to a new spiritual beginning |
doze | not being attentive or interested |
dozen | the number that symbolizes a perfect purpose |
drafted | an involuntary selection; not restricted to military |
drawbridge | a conditional means of crossing over to a new beginning; see “bridge” |
dreaming | dreaming in a dream is of significant importance; research details |
dress | a dress implies submission; research details, such as design, length, color, fabric, etc. |
DREW | wise, esteemed one |
dribble | not fully applying one’s self; see “game” |
drifter | unstable, without roots; may be substituted for one of like character |
drift-wood | evidence of dead works that have taken on the character of a drifter without roots or direction |
drill | mental drilling |
drink | determines one’s portion in life; research the type of drink and container |
dripping | nagging continuously |
drive | to have control in an active situation |
drizzle | minute amounts of continuous blessings |
droop | sick in heart or body; humbled by oppression; see “posture” |
dropped | voided; a mistake which caused failure of purpose |
dross | spiritual impurities that are removed by going through fiery trials, as dross from silver and gold; see “fire” |
drought | a lack of spiritual nourishment; see “water” |
drown | overcome by the cares of the world |
drowsy | see “doze” |
drugs | if medication, see “medicine”; if illegal drugs, see “dope” |
drug dealer | see “blood-money” and “prostitution” |
drums | indication of marching to a different drummer; i.e. one who will not conform to an established pattern |
drunk | a warning of addictive bondage, i.e. alcohol, drugs, power, money, etc.; see “bound” |
dry | without spiritual life, i.e. blessings dried up as flowers in a drought; see “water” |
DRYDEN | enduring spirit |
dual | a dual nature; not being single-minded; see “waver” |
DUANA | sweet, gracious; see “DWAYNE” |
DUANE | see “DWAYNE” |
dub | characterizing one’s personality or reputation by giving them a distinctive nickname |
duck | figurative of a blessing, because of it’s adaptation to water; see “water” |
DUDLEY | peaceful, kind-hearted |
due | a literal reminder |
duet | two who speak or act as one |
dugout | a place of desolation |
DULCINEA | sweet, enlightened by grace |
dull | revealing the need to be sharp |
dumb | figurative of one who is slow to speak; see “mute” |
dummy | one who is controlled by others |
dump | a place or person where everyone dumps their problems instead of taking care of them |
DUNCAN | steadfast, faithful |
dunce-hat | implying someone did something mischievous; see “hat” |
dune | a place of spiritual desolation without any foundation or security |
dungarees | worn when working for pleasure, under enjoyable circumstances |
dungeon | a place of desolation and abuse that is revealed in order to warn one to avert the situation |
dunk shot | making a positive move of advancement; see “game” |
DUNSTAN, DUSTIN | brave, victorious |
duplex | a divided life |
DURANT, DURAND | faithful, enduring overcome |
dusk | lacking in sufficient enlightenment |
dust | the settlement of time that has past |
duty | a literal reminder |
DWAYNE | harmonious, diligent worker, transformed heart |
DWIGHT | fair |
dyed | a false appearance; research the color; if bleached, see “bleached” |
DYLAN | wayfarer of the sea, steadfast, courageous |
dynamite | a warning that an explosive situation is going to take place unless precautions are taken; a short fuse is a quick temper |
eagle | spiritual strength renewed after waiting patiently |
ear | hearing, i.e. big ears hear too much; plugged ears refuse to hear; research type earrings; see “deaf” |
EARL, ERROL | noble leader |
EARLENE, ERLINE | noble lady |
EARTHA, ERTHA | strong, down-to-earth character |
east | direction of the sunrise; figuratively, a new beginning |
Easter | a new spiritual beginning, i.e. regeneration, Jesus Christ’s resurrection after his death and burial |
eat | to partake of spiritual nourishment; see “food” |
echo | the returning consequence of spoken words to either justify or condemn |
EDA | vigorous, faithful, prosperous |
EDGAR | brave, faithful |
EDITH | blessed in prosperity and joy |
EDMOND, EDMUND | prosperous and peaceful protector |
EDNA, EDENA | vigorous, mentally and physically, fruitful as Eden |
EDREA | powerful, prosperous, victorious |
EDSEL | prosperous one |
EDWARD | prosperous, protector |
EDWIN, EDWINA | wealthy, victorious |
EFFIE, EUPHEMIA | honorable, beloved |
EGAN | zealous spirit |
EGBERT | brilliant, honored one |
egg | a new beginning in a premature, undeveloped stage |
eight | a new beginning |
EILRRN, EILENE | enlightened, glorious one |
EINER | faithful defender, leader |
ELAINE | brilliant and admirable one |
elastic | area of personal pliability |
ELDEN | gifted in wisdom, knowledge and understanding |
ELDON | mighty ruler of wisdom, knowledge and understanding |
ELEANOR, ELINOR | enlightened, superior leader, gentle and kind hearted |
electricity | conduction of spiritual power; sparks from a short reveal a failure in performance |
ELENA | enlightened, gracious one |
elephant | big dissolution |
elevator | to be promoted or demoted, according to whether the elevator goes up or down; research the number |
ELI | highest authority, esteemed one |
ELIJAH | Jehovah is God |
ELIZABETH, BETH, LIZ | Oath of God |
elk | one who is willing and able to fight for the benevolence of others |
ELLA | beautiful, faithful friend |
ELLARD | courageous, noble one |
ELLAS | God is Lord |
ELLEN | enlightened one |
ELLERY | self-reliant, creative |
ELMER | renown, noble |
ELMO | watchful protector |
ELOISE | Holy, exalted one |
ELROY | majestic nobility |
ELSIE | noble friend |
ELSWORTH | divinely discerning, noble |
ELVA | noble, enlightened |
ELVINA | supportive, understanding friend |
ELVIRA | pure spirit, fair |
ELVIS | all wise |
ELWOOD | the highest in the forest |
ELYSIA | blessed with sweetness of spirit |
EMANUEL | God with us |
embrace | see “caress” |
EMERY | mighty ruler, divinely inspired |
EMIL | industrious, supportive worker |
EMILY | see “EMIL” |
EMMA | caring, divinely inspired |
EMMET | genuinely sincere |
empathy | revealing sincere compassion |
encyclopedia | additional information is accessible |
enemy | may be represented as a hostile nationality, military force, dangerous animal, etc.; research accordingly |
engagement | promise of a partnership that has not yet developed; see “marry” |
engrave | see “carve” |
ENID | pure in spirit |
ENNIS | choice one |
ENOCH | consecrated to Christ |
ENOS | carnal, mortal man |
ENRICA | beloved ruler of home |
EPHRAIM | prosperous one |
erase | removing the evidence of something, i.e. correcting, forgiving |
ERASMUS | worthy of love |
ERIC, ERICK | mighty ruler, all powerful |
ERIN | fair, pure one |
ERNEST | earnest, sincere |
erosion | the “wearing away” in one’s life by time or neglect; research details |
ERROL | see “EARL” |
ERSKINE | esteemed one |
eruption | caused by built-up mental anguish that must be relieved, i.e. an emotional volcano |
ERWIN | see “IRVING” |
escaping | finding a way out of one’s problems, i.e. avoiding undesirable persons or situations |
escort | one who befriends by association |
ESMERALDA | victorious spirit |
ESMOND | gracious, enlightened spirit |
essay | a report or judicial design with the purpose of giving supportive knowledge in a learning experience |
ESTELLE | a star, highly esteemed |
ESTHER | a star, victorious, enlightened |
etch | see “carve” |
ETHAN, EYTHAN | faithful, strong |
ETHEL, ETHYL | noble one of high regard |
EUDORA | favored one |
EUGENE | benevolent, noble one |
EUNICE | joyful, victorious |
EUSTACE | peaceful, steadfast, resourceful |
EVA, EVE | mother of all living |
evacuate | see “escape” |
evading | disassociating one’s self from a problem instead of facing it |
EVAN | brave, noble defender |
EVANGELINE | joyful messenger of good news |
evangelist | messenger of spiritual “good news” |
EVELYN | enlightened one of high degree |
evening | revealing the closure of an effort; the less the light, the less the enlightenment |
EVERARD | strong spirit |
evergreen | figurative of a Christian, because it is invariable; see “green” |
evicted | one’s body houses their spirit, and God is the landlord who can evict the spirit from the body; if literal eviction, see “foreclosure” |
EWALD | strong, just, discerning spirit |
EWING | benevolent friend and defender of justice |
exaggerating | reveals low self-esteem |
examination | personal audit, according to situation; research whatever was examined and by whom |
excavate | digging up the past |
exercise | exertion to bring about something desired |
exhibit | for “show” only |
exit | revealing the need to depart from that situation |
exorcism | see “loosed” and “spirits” |
explosion | a warning given in order to avert an “explosive” situation |
exterior | the surface appearance, if inconsistent with the interior, is superficial |
exterminate | a problem, according to what is exterminated, will be eliminated; research whatever is exterminated |
extinguisher | indication that a “fire hot” problem will be eliminated; see “fire” |
eye glasses | wisdom, unless upside-down or dark; research the color and any unusual appearance |
eyes | if attention is brought to the eyes, it is revealing one’s motive of intent; research details |
EZEKIEL | made strong by God |
EZRA | one who searches for the truth |
FABIAN | bean grower, nourishing spirit |
fabric | a protective covering; research the type, and see “man-made” and “natural |
face | each feature has a different meaning; research any obvious or abnormal features |
faded | evidence of being worn-out; if clothing, research the anatomical location and type of fabric, etc. |
failing | a learning experience that is not over yet |
faint | faintheartedness |
fair | where one finds temporary pleasure and amusement |
FAITH | unwavering confidence in God’s word, evidence of things hoped for and not seen |
fake | hypocritical, superficial, i.e. a stage of artificial plants is figurative of an insincere performance |
falling | fear of failure, signifying a desire for higher achievement |
fan | blowing air means empty words are being spoken |
FANCHETTE | free spirit |
FARLEY | from the sheep meadow, peaceful, pure of spirit |
farming | cultivating something new in one’s life; see “cultivate” |
fat | see “obesity” |
father | a symbol of authority that may be represented by a father figure |
faucet | controls the flow of spiritual empowerment; see “water” |
FAY | see “FAITH” |
fearful | revealed in order to recognize and overcome the cause of fear |
feast | see “banquet” |
feather | one feather is an honor and mark of accomplishment; decked in feathers is a show of pride |
feces | see “bowels” |
feed | to serve; see “food” |
feet | one’s walk in life; see “barefoot”; if shoes, research the color, type, and material; see “toes” |
FELICA, FELIX | blessed with good fortune and happiness |
female | a literal female or a male with effeminate qualities |
fence | a barrier of division, i.e. a spiritual fence dividing right from wrong |
fence removal | mending a relationship by removing the hostile factor causing the division |
FENTON | from the marsh land |
FERDINAND | bold adventurer |
FERGUS | highly esteemed one |
fern | true sincerity, honorable blessing |
ferret | one who is persistently searching for something that does not belong to them; see “animals” |
ferry | a symbol of trust and faith carrying one over troubled times to a place of safety; see “water” |
fertilize | a fertile step taken to help one’s life progress into maturity; see “farming” |
FESTES | joyful one |
fetus | see “egg” |
fiddling | nonsense coming from one who is insincerely “fiddling around”; see “music” |
FIDEL | faithful one |
fidgeting | instability |
field | green and fertile is peace, prosperity, and service; dried up represents desolation |
fifty | jubilee, the celebration of emancipation and restoration |
fight | a warning to avoid conflict |
file | rough edges of a situation need to be smoothed out; filing papers implies a need to orderly set aside |
fillet | the dividing and classification of a matter, discerning the thoughts and intent of motive |
film | the substance of hopeful plans which will be developed |
filter | “screening” one’s life for protection from undesirables |
filth | evidence of immorality |
FINDLAY | courageous |
finger | fingers have their own language; see “fingernails” and “pointing” |
fingernails | reveals the motive of intent; research distinguishing details, i.e. color of polish, length, etc.; see “pointing” |
FIONA | fair one |
fire | spiritual fire purifies unto regeneration; fire may also be seen as a warning |
fired | a warning |
fireplace | controlled “heat” means one’s control over the fiery trials of life are in order; see “fire” |
fish | mankind in the sea of life |
fishing | attempting to “catch” the desires of one’s heart, i.e. a salesman seeking clients, a minister winning souls |
FITZGERALD | mighty ruler |
five | incompletion |
flabby | see “obesity” |
flag | liberty |
flannel | a natural fabric is figurative of a divine covering; research color, design, etc. |
flattery | unmerited praise used to deceive |
flaw | a spiritual weakness causing failure |
flea | insignificant one who lives off others, mentally “bugging” them |
FLETCHER | industrious, arrow-maker |
flicker | to waver in hope and faith; see “waver” |
flimsy | something that one is not putting enough effort or substance into; research accordingly |
flint | courageous and strong-willed |
flirt | insincere, casual interest; revealed to prevent deception |
floating | something undecided, but still under consideration; research whatever is floating |
flock | group of people, usually religious; research accordingly |
flooded | overcome by problems |
floor | see “foundation” |
FLORA | flower, joyful, appreciative, enlightened |
FLORENCE | blooming, prosperous spirit |
flour | an essential ingredient in one’s spiritual livelihood, i.e. God’s word is the “bread of life” |
flowers | a joyful and appreciative reward of love, beauty, and sentiment; research type and color, i.e. dead flowers are the end of such |
FLOYD | wise, white haired one |
fly (insect) | one who gossips; a warning to use discretion when, what and with whom one is speaking |
flying | mentally escaping from pressures by rising above them; revealing one has the faith and fortitude to overcome |
foam | evidence of the removal of spiritual impurities; see “dross” and “scum” |
FOB | see “FORREST” |
fog | a state of confusion |
folded | the object in question is finished |
fondle | warning one to avert insincere, trifling attention |
food | words or deeds received or served; research type of food and preparation |
forceps | used to remove someone or something from an undesirable situation to a more desirable one |
foreclosure | revealed as a warning in order to guide one successfully; if spiritual instead of literal, see “evicted” |
foreign | alien culture; the enemy only if from an enemy nation |
forest | an overwhelming situation; industry; since paper comes from trees, it may involve an increase in paperwork |
fork | for spiritual food; curved back is responding; see “food”; forked is division for decision; research material |
fornication | see “adultery” |
FORREST | woodsman, industrious, prosperous |
fortune-teller | a warning to prevent association; see “witchcraft” |
forty | the completion of testing |
fossil | an inactive, aged person |
foundation | the spiritual strength or weakness of one’s life; the “bottom-line”, i.e. rock, sand, etc.; research accordingly |
fountain | a reservoir of “living” water”, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit; see “water” |
four | completion |
fox | a sly, crafty person disguised as a well-meaning person |
fracture | a break up of something that has gone beyond the limits; research accordingly |
frame | the label or reputation describing the picture, i.e. a gold frame implies financial security; see “photo” |
FRANK | free spirit, lover of the world |
FRANKLIN | enlightened, free spirit |
FRASER | fair one |
frayed | controversial, unrestrained, unfinished |
freckles | figurative of spiritual flaws; of no literal connotation |
FREDERICK | peaceful, discerning ruler |
free pass | see “coupon” |
FREMONT | defender of liberty |
FREWIN | friend of good fortune |
FRICK | industrious, brave one |
FRIEDA | peaceful, enlightened, benevolent counselor |
friend | literal; research the name in case of substitution; see “substitute” |
fringe | adornment of additional favor; see “frayed” |
frog | spiritually unclean person who jumps to wrongful conclusions, enjoys gossip, speaking words that kill the spirit |
frozen | put on hold for a later date; research the frozen item |
fruit cocktail | a cocky tale, considered boasting or exaggerating |
fruits | spiritual fruits are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; research individually |
fry | oil represents the Holy Spirit; fried food is spiritually prepared; see “food” and “oil” |
fudge | pleasant words and deeds that appease in a working situation |
fuel | spiritual power |
FULLER | diligent, industrious worker |
FULTON | blessed dweller |
funeral | something that has ended; see “dead” |
fur | animal-like character unless fake, which implies trying to act tough |
furnace | see “fireplace” |
FYODOR | divine gift, blessed by God |
GABRIEL | messenger of God |
GAIL, GAYLE | high spirited, strong winded |
GALATIA | pure in truth and spirit |
GALEN | enlightened healer of mind and spirit |
GALLAGHER | foreign helper |
gallows | unjust condemnation; ensnared |
gallstone | mental bitterness caused by constant irritation |
GALVIN | brilliant, blessed |
gambling | putting one’s trust in the world instead of God; futility, not a chance |
game | the game of life, determined by positions, scores, uniforms, winners, and losers; we are all participants |
GAMILIEL | rewarded by God |
garage | protective covering for one’s power over a situation |
garage-sale | literal sale; bargain |
garden | spiritual cultivation which brings blessings; research particular kind of plant and see “cultivate” and “planting” |
gargle | taking time to ponder one’s use of words to avoid being offensive and insure effectiveness |
garlic | words that gar and offend |
GARRETT | courageous defender and ruler |
GARRICK | mighty ruler |
GARTH | caretaker of the garden of life |
GARVEY | faithful endurance in an adverse situation |
GARVIN | a friend, even in adversity |
GARY | a joyful spirit in the presence of adversity |
gas (fuel) | the Holy Spirit’s empowerment |
gas (intestinal) | A failure of purpose, i.e. plans forsaken instead of finished, causing unpleasant emotional atmosphere |
GEARY | pliable, courageous |
gelatin | used to cause something incoherent to “jell”; see “jelly” |
gems | of great value, spiritual or material; research individual type and color |
GENE | gracious, blessed of God |
GENEVA | filled with grace and love of life |
GENEVIEVE | filled with grace and purity of spirit |
genitals | represents one’s ability to produce or create a new beginning; research details; see “baby” |
GEORGE | farmer, one who walks with God, cultivating good for mankind |
GERALD | of high principles, loyal one |
GERARD | strong, brave defender |
GERDA | protective one |
GERMAIN | represents country of origin |
germs | spiritual impurities; see “disinfectant” |
GERTRUDE | strong in battle |
ghost | see “witchcraft” |
giant | extraordinary |
GIDEON | man of faith, benevolent witness of good news |
GIFFORD | gifted one |
gift | a spiritual gift is ability to help others; a literal gift shows favor; for intent of purpose; research accordingly |
giggle | nervous fearfulness in disguise |
GILBERT | enlightened oath of devoted one |
GILCHRIST | consecrated servant of Christ |
GILDA | a superficial covering |
GILES | youthful vitality |
GILLIAN | youthful spirit, filled with grace |
GILMORE | dedicated servant |
GINA | royal, gracious one |
GLADYS | joyful princess, ruler |
glass | discerning wisdom, if clear |
GLENN, GLENNA | dweller in the valley, faith greater than adversity |
GLORIA | glorious one |
glossy | outstanding, according to color, i.e. gold is forthcoming financial prosperity |
glove | covering of protection and blessing over the work of one’s hands; research the color |
glucose | kindness being given to a weak and needy person |
glue | used to hold together in unity people or things that would otherwise be separated |
glutton | one habitually given to food, drink, power, money, etc. |
glycerin | someone or something appearing to be innocent and sweet, but is danger in disguise |
GLYNIS | see “GLENN” |
goal-post | a sign in the “game of life” that a goal is reached, and it is the end of an event; see “ballgame” |
goat | a person on the wrong side of life |
goatee | figurative of one’s words; see “beard” and “goat” |
gold | figuratively, that which God refines by spiritual trials comes forth as pure gold, i.e. faith, saints; see “fire” |
golf | see “game” |
gonorrhea | see “venereal disease” |
goose | a person with a loose sense of humor |
GORDON | strong, mighty ruler |
gorilla | a warning; unlike “monkey”, a gorilla is figurative of a heathen, savage-like person |
GORMAN | strong, manly |
gospel | a message of good news |
gossip | revealed to warn one not to entrust confidences to unwise tongues |
gown and p.j.’s | a nightgown is submissive, pajamas are authoritative, representing a situation at home |
grab | revealing an immature impatience in gratification |
GRACE | unmerited favor, gracious spirit; may be represented by a sky blue color |
grade | research numbers if figurative |
graduate | one who has proven themselves ready to move up to a higher level |
GRADY | illustrious, famous |
GRAHAM | from the gray land; see “pearl” |
grain | one’s daily blessing of provisions |
grandchild | a child that is considered especially “grand” |
grandparent | a symbol of “grand” authority |
GRANGER | farmer |
GRANT | great assurance |
GRANTLAND | grand, blessed by God |
grapes | new spiritual blessings unless dried up from lack of care or sour from a bad attitude |
graph | indicates there is a precise plan laid out for a particular purpose; research details |
grass | blessed if green and groomed; if dead or not groomed, it is a reflection of spiritual neglect |
grater | that which has an irritating effect is rubbing one the wrong way |
grave | see “dead” |
gravel | small irritations which fill one’s pathway will lead to a sure foundation if tolerated; see “foundation” |
gravitate | see “flying” |
gray | an intermediate, depressed state, i.e. a gray horse, a divorce litigation |
GRAYSON | fruit of the intermediate |
greedy | warning one not to give or show favor to the greedy who will return to rend when the favor ends |
green | spiritual peace, prosperity, life, service |
GREG | see “GREGORY” |
GREGORY | trustworthy guardian, watchman |
grenade | a warning given to avert the impending explosive action or accusation |
GRETCHEN | see “pearl” |
greyhound | forging ahead at full speed, refusing to give up |
GRIFFITH | strong leader |
grilling | “dry” cooking is preparing your work or service the hard way; compare to “oil” and “water” |
grits | courage and determination to succeed |
groggy | confused because of a lack of knowledge |
grooming | removing flaws from one’s life in order for a new spiritual beginning to take place; see “pruning” |
ground | uncultivated, bare ground is a livelihood that is not groomed and painfully difficult; to improve, see “cultivate”; research type, i.e. dry, muddy, etc. |
GROVER | from the grove of trees, fruitful one |
growling | an animal that growls represents a person of like character and disposition; see “animals” |
guardian | a symbol of God’s spiritual protection |
guest | company coming; if a name is substituted for clarity, research the name |
guide | the guide may be revealed by God to direct and comfort one in their time of need |
gulf | see “beach” |
gull | a gullible person |
gum | chewing gum is the repetition of useless words that will come to nothing |
gun | a force of ejection, i.e. “shooting off one’s mouth”, etc.; an unsuccessful attempt to fire is impotency |
GUNNAR | warrior |
GUSTAVE, GUS | worthy of respect, strong spirit |
GUTHRIE | perseverance, spiritual strength and fortitude |
guts | representative of one’s innermost seat of emotions |
gutter | relating to or characteristic of extremely low moral or economic condition |
GUY | one who directs with wisdom |
GWENDOLYN | fair one, full of wisdom and honor |
gym | place of training for the competitive game of life; see “game” |
habit | bringing attention to it is for the purpose of helping to overcome |
HAGGAG | wise counselor |
HAIDEE, HEIDI | modest |
hail | very hard time in life, but temporary |
hair | a spiritual covering, according to the cleanliness, length, thickness, style, and color; research accordingly |
hairy | excessive, unshaven hair is as wild-hair, figurative of crude, undisciplined behavior |
HALBERT, HAL | honored hero |
Halloween | a symbol of mischief and madness, the results of hallowing evil |
hallucinate | a warning that things are not as they seem to be |
hallway | an impersonal space of temporary transition |
halo | divine glory |
ham | extra, above and beyond the necessities, whether in performance or prosperity; see “pork” |
hamburger | mature, convenient, spiritual nourishment on the go |
HAMILTON | lover of home and family |
hammer | symbol of authoritatively asserting opinions |
hand | figurative of help |
hand-cuff | making one powerless or ineffective in the work of their hands |
handicap | an area of weakness, physically or spiritually; research the anatomical location |
handkerchief | used to wipe away tears of sorrow; a spiritual symbol of Christian prayers; a symbol of surrendering one’s will |
hand-rail | “helping hands” |
handsome | at it’s best; pleasing |
hang | keep in a transitional state; to ensnare; see “noose” |
hanger | support for one’s inactive duties |
HANLEY | protector from the blessed high pasture, peaceful one |
HANNAH | grace |
HANS | the Lord is gracious |
harassment | a warning that reveals the problem and the one causing it |
harbor | a place of shelter and refuge, i.e. a loving home that opens it’s doors and hearts to help others |
harem | signifying that one is unfaithful and has other love interests |
HARLAND | leader, brave guardian |
HARLEY | protector |
harmony | singing in harmony is being in agreement with a group |
harness | being tied-down at work |
HARNISCH | full armor of God |
HAROLD | wise leader |
HARRIOT, HATTIE | ruler of home |
HARRIS | ruler; figuratively used to imply crudeness; see “hairy” |
HARRY | see “HARRIS” |
HARTLEY | enlightened, caring heart |
HARVEY | determined, strong, ardent |
hash | many questions and answers dished out; see “food” |
hassle | a warning to avoid persistent and annoying disagreements |
hat | defines one’s title of/or responsibility, i.e. a son who takes his dad’s place, wears his hat |
hatch | stage of development in the beginning of a new work, but before maturity |
hawk | one who preys on others for incriminating information to use against them |
hay | insecure and temporary |
HAYDEN | from the hedged valley, peaceful, happy spirit |
HAYLEY | enlightened, creative, scientific |
HAZEL | God sees and knows all |
hazy | confusion; lack of wisdom |
head | refers to one’s mental state and/or head authority |
headache | mental anguish |
healed | assurance of timely restoration |
heart | symbol of emotions |
heart attack | an attack of great emotional distress, causing heartache |
HEATHER | heath dweller, one whose beauty blooms in the valley of despair |
Heaven | divinely inspired according to God’s purpose for personal guidance, revelation, warning, encouragement |
HECTOR | temperate, faithful |
HEDDA, HEDI | head authority, divinely led |
hedge | a protective partition, symbolically separating one from the enemy |
HEDY | see “HEDDA” |
heel | to lift up one’s heel against another is a symbol of betrayal; to put under one’s heel is a sign of victory |
hefty | spiritually blessed if strong; if flabby, see “obesity” |
heir | literal successor |
heirloom | secure and blessed |
HELEN | enlightened, wise, understanding |
HELGA | divinely enlightened |
helium | see “air” |
hell | a literal warning |
helmet, HELMUT | symbol of salvation’s protection; divine wisdom |
HELOISE | enlightened, free spirit, benevolent |
hem | to finish what one has started |
hemorrhage | see “blood” |
hen | a person who gives protective shelter and care for others |
HENRY | prosperous ruler, protector |
HERBERT | enlightened protector, distinguished |
herbs | symbol of healing |
HERMAN | strong leader of man |
hermit | one who lives in solitude, i.e. a religious devotee |
HERMOINE | of integrity, enlightened one |
hernia | an unbearable overload of problems; if literal, seek confirmation |
hero | one admired for their achievements and service to others |
herpes | see “venereal disease” |
HERTHA | earthly, fertile |
HESPER | evening star, divine enlightenment |
HESTER | enlightened, exalted one |
hibernate | one who finds it easier to hide than to face their problems; see “animals” |
hiccups | intermittent attempts to communicate |
hickory | disciplined and strong |
hiding | revealing disassociation in order to avoid confrontation for whatever reason |
high | a positive direction |
high heels | walking on a higher level |
highway | pay attention to name and/or number, directions right or left, for each has a meaning |
hijack | warning that someone plans to swindle or take control |
hike | rough pathway ahead; be prepared |
HILARY | invariably cheerful, optimizing |
HILDA | courageous battle maid |
HILDEGARD | guardian |
hill | a small problem in comparison to a mountain, and victory is at the top |
hinge | a flexible turning point that could go either way; a need to be fully persuaded and not to waver; see “waver” |
HIRAM | of nobility |
hired | literal information to bring peace |
hiss | a warning of harbored malice |
hit | a warning of an attack that could be with words, as well as physical |
hitchhike | insignificant one with no control or power of their own; co-dependent |
hives | anxiety from frustrating problems |
hoard | to disclose the motive behind the hoarding; see “collection” |
hoarse | a perception of harshness is revealed in order that one’s conveyance become more acceptable |
hoax | see “conned” |
hobble | bringing attention to a neglected physical problem which may not be apparent |
hockey | see “ballgame” |
hoeing | removing the spiritual weeds or mistakes from one’s life, so blessings can grow; see “pruning” |
HOGAN | vigorous, young at heart |
HOLBROOK | one who delights in the wisdom of the Lord, peaceful one |
hole | a spiritual flaw; if in the ground, see “pit” |
holiday | a day exempted from one’s regular work schedule, not necessarily officially recognized |
HOLLIS | faithful, spiritually enlightened |
hollow | no substance; empty promise; see “macaroni” |
holly | a spiritual blessing mixed with the fruit of long suffering; see “fruit”, “evergreen”, and “red” |
HOLLY | see “HOLLIS” |
holster | habitual anger, because a gun shoots wounding words; see “gun” |
Holy Bible | the literal word of God implies one is depending and trusting in it and will be blessed |
home | if different in appearance, look up each change; figuratively represents one’s body; see “landlord” |
HOMER | secure in the promises of God |
homicide | see “kill” |
homosexuality | figuratively, a course of action without ability to conceive a new beginning; of no connotation with “sensual”; see “baby” |
HONDORIA | honorable one |
honey | sweet, nourishing words and deeds which draw the approval of others |
honey-bee | a diligent worker who interacts well with others |
honeysuckle | unexpected blessings of sweet words and deeds that nourish one’s spirit |
hoodlum | warning of one who has like character |
hoofs | worldly steps that do not put their trust in God; see “horse” |
hook | used to snare; see “trap” |
hoot of owl | rebellious remark from a “know it all” who is not enlightened; see “owl” |
hop-scotch | a short, fast effort to frugally accomplish a tediously laid out plan of action |
HOPE | virtuous, steadfast in the assurance of God’s blessings; see “FAITH” |
hopping | trying to do several things quickly and at one time in order to satisfy the expectations of others |
HORACE | opportunist, enlightened observer |
hornet | a trouble-maker with a stinging personality who tries to entrap and control |
hors-d’oeuvres | insufficient amounts; see “food” |
horoscope | see “astrology” |
horse | the power of the world, opposite of the power of God |
HORTENSE | fruitful cultivator of life, gracious benefactor |
hose | used to convey spiritual life; research the color and whatever is hosed; see “water” |
HOSEA | salvation and deliverance by grace |
hospice | comfort at death; if figurative, it is a divine and final warning to seek salvation; see “salvation” |
hospital | a place of help and restoration, not necessarily a hospital; see “vacation” |
hostage | forced to put aside one’s own free will and desire in order to appease another; see “bound” |
hot | the result of anger, anxiety and hard times; revealed to avert the root cause; see “temperature” |
hot-dog | food tempered with trouble; see “‘food” and “hot” |
hotel | temporary housing, whether commercial or residential; higher than ground level is blessed; see “high” |
hound dog | a dogmatic person who “hounds” others |
hounds-tooth pattern | a persistent, but futile verbal effort; see “clothing” |
house | see “home” |
houseboat | a household that is temporarily in limbo, supported by the Holy Spirit; see “foundation” and “water” |
housekeeper | see “maid” |
HOWARD | vigorous defender and protector |
HOWE | exalted, honored |
HOWELL | successful, vigilant |
HUDSON | discerning, vigorous, creative intelligence |
hug | to bond, i.e. forming a close personal relationship by sharing one’s time and interests |
HUGH, HUGO | discerning, vigorous in mind and spirit |
HULDA | refuge in adversity, spiritual benefactor, gracious one |
hull | personal emptiness where there once was fullness of life; see “shell” |
humble | literal humility has God’s assurance of exaltation in due time; see “last” |
humpback | one who’s load in life is too heavy |
HUMPHREY | defender of freedom, guardian |
hungry | literal when undernourished; figuratively, it is a need and desire for spiritual fulfillment |
HUNTER | seeker of truth, creative, scientific |
hunting with guns | searching for trouble that is usually none of their business; see “gun” |
hurricane | a warning that the spiritual storm of turmoil and confusion can be averted if heed is taken beforehand |
husband | If not literal, an authoritative figure in control of a mutual situation, i.e. a boss, partner, etc.; see “marry” |
husk | financially dried up |
hut | insecure and temporary |
HUXLEY | peaceful, enlightened one |
hydrant | see “faucet” |
hyena | one who is not in earnest but answers with laughter; see “animals” and “giggle” |
HYMAN | exalted one, lover of life |
hymn | religious message to be taken personally and seriously |
hypnosis | manipulating, mental inducement |
hypochondriac | a neurosis revealed in order to prevent morbid concern |
hypocrite | a double-minded, religious person is easily discerned in a dream; exposed to prevent deception; see “double-minded” |
hysterectomy | deprives one of the ability to conceive a new beginning; see “baby” |
hysteria | a warning to avert unmanageable emotional situations |
IAN | God is gracious, blessed one |
ice | lingering hardships; hard feelings |
ice cream | the “icing” of a situation, i.e. an ice cream cone is the winner’s “mike” in song competition |
IDA | joyful, abundantly blessed |
identical | in one mind and one accord |
idiot | one may be symbolized as an idiot when they act like one |
idol | an object of excessive devotion, i.e. money, power, addiction, etc.; see “collection” |
igloo | a life built by blocks of hard times; see “ice” |
IGNATIA | ardent spirit |
ignored | revealing the rejection helps prepare one’s heart; see “rejected” |
IKE | see “ISAAC” |
ILA | independent, courageous spirit |
ILEANA, ILENE | diligent, wise in adversity, as well as abundance |
ILKA | spiritually enlightened, diligent |
illness | brought to one’s attention in order to get confirmation and care, if literal; see “diagnosis”; if figurative, research type of illness |
illuminate | see “glossy” |
illusion | revealed to prevent further deception |
illustrate | a clear illustration will help enlighten by example |
ILONA | spiritually enlightened one |
image | research each detail for intended enlightenment |
imbecile | see “idiot” |
imitation | insecurity |
immaculate | spiritual purity and order |
immature | a spiritually immature person may be represented as a younger person; see “age” |
immersed | complete submission; see “baptism” |
immigrant | literal |
immobilize | to take complete control of all freedom of choice |
immunize | taking precautionary measures to prevent interaction of contaminating influence |
IMOGENE | beloved, gracious one |
impeach | action taken against one who is accused, formally or informally |
imperfect | flaws revealed in order to remove, make perfect, or accept as is |
impersonate | exposing one who is not in earnest; see “conned” and “imitation” |
impetuous | conduct revealing one should slow down and think before acting |
implant | a substitution for spiritual inadequacy; research anatomical location, i.e. breast implants reveal a need, but inability, to nurture adequately |
import | revealing one’s needs may be met by going far, rather than near |
important | genuine importance is more easily discerned in a dream; revealed to prompt prioritization |
impulsive | a warning to not act hastily |
INA | virtuous one |
incense | the sweet fragrance of pleasing attention, i.e. prayer is a sweet fragrance to God |
index | reference all words indexed, for they are pointing out something one needs to know; see “important” |
Indian Apache | involving a property type dispute |
INEZ | see “PEARL” |
infant | see “baby” and “age” |
infirmary | see “hospital” |
inflate | artificial increase; see “air” |
INGEMAR | noble defender |
INGLEBERT | angelic brightness |
INGRAM | spiritual messenger |
ingredients | each one has a symbolic meaning; research individually |
INGRID | beautifully endowed with nobility |
injection | injecting one’s own ideas, opinions, medical remedy, etc.; see “syringe” |
injury | usually figurative and revealed for restoration, i.e. heart is emotional, head is mental, etc.; research anatomical location |
in-law | in regard to the law |
INNIS | see “PEARL” |
innocent | information to prevent wrongful accusation |
inoculate | protection; see “injection” |
inquest | inquiring about a symbolic death, i.e. a divorce, business failure, etc. |
insects | troubles or troublesome people; research type of insect and avert; to kill an insect and find medicine inside, is reversing the formidable |
insolent | a warning to be prepared for such conduct or avert the situation |
insomnia | dreaming of and actual insomnia is an affirmation of a need for peace of mind |
installment | research whatever was installed for the need that will be met |
instance | concerning the literal time schedule |
instruction | take literally, judge, confirm, and act accordingly |
instrument | implicating a need for one; research instrument and whether literal or figurative |
insulation | separates and protects one from the undesirable , i.e. spiritual armor; see “padding”; research item |
insulin | used to balance and control undisciplined indulgence; see “diabetes” |
insult | see “insolent” |
insurance | the security of one’s faith in God’s promises |
intelligent | revealed for the purpose of discerning between one who knows and a know-it-all |
interceding | shows a need for offering one’s self to intervene for another |
intercourse | entering into a mutual course of action to bring about a new beginning, i.e. a new job; see “baby” and “sex” |
interest | the higher price one must pay for unpaid debts; debts are not always monetary |
interference | be prepared for interference and how to avert it |
interior | the true motive; one’s interior and exterior must match; see “cup” |
interlock | sincere unity; research whatever was interlocked for clarity |
intern | one whose work is under the authority of another more experienced; research name, if substituted |
intimidated | be prepared for the intimidation that it may be lessened or averted |
intoxication | see “drunk” |
intrusion | revealed in order to avert an unwelcome situation |
invalid | see “cripple” |
invention | many inventions take place first in a dream; see “patent” |
inventory | taking stock of one’s life, etc. |
investigation | a literal investigation will take place, formally or informally; research accordingly |
investing | literal, whether it is financial, personal, etc.; research accordingly |
invitation | be prepared to respond |
invoice | pay attention to details, for they may be revealing |
IOLA | cloud of dawn, a new beginning |
IONE | royal, of a sure foundation |
IRA | watchful, spiritual guardian |
IRENE | messenger of peaceful serenity |
iris | the apple of one’s eye; research the color for more clarity |
IRIS | spiritual promise of God’s covenant, royal reward |
IRMA | exalted one |
iron | strength |
ironing | smoothing out problems; research anatomical location, i.e. shirt, pants, etc. |
irrigate | trying to channel circumstances in the right direction so they will flow easily |
irritating | a warning in order to avert an irritating situation |
irruption | warning of a release of regressed pressures, i.e. losing one’s temper may be averted if the last straw is not applied |
IRVINE, IRVING | sea friend, spiritually led |
IRWIN | victorious spirit |
ISAAC | laughter, promised one |
ISADORA | gift of life |
ISAIAH | God is salvation and deliverance |
island | a totally protected area of one’s life, because it is surrounded by the Holy Spirit; see “water” and “moat” |
itch | impatient desire |
itemized | priorities in order |
itinerary | guidance to a successful route |
IVA, IVAN, IVANA | God is gracious |
IVAR, IVOR | pure, honorable |
ivory | pure and strong |
ivy | fidelity, humble submission, true dedication, i.e. a devoted wife |
JACK | God is gracious, favored one, quick to help others, benevolent |
jackass | a stubborn person with no understanding |
jacket | see “cape” |
JACOB, JACOBA | supplanted |
jade | a precious gem, overworked until exhausted |
jade plant | see “jade” |
jaguar | a person of like character |
jail | a physical or mental place of confinement |
JAKE | see “JACOB” |
JAMES, JAMIE | supplanted, one who supports others |
jammed | revealed to provide a workable solution |
JAN, JANA, JANE | God’s gift of grace |
JANELL | see “JAN” |
jangles | making a lot of noise that brings attention only |
janitor | one who cleans up other people’s problems but is held in a humble position |
jar | it safely stores something important and timely, i.e. God bottles our tears, never forgetting |
JARED, JARROD | to descend unto greatness, renewed in Christ |
JARVIS | open-minded, enlightened one |
JASMINE | a flower, rewarding, sentimental |
JASON | healer of body and spirit |
jaundice | fearfulness |
javelin | fierce words that pierce the heart |
jaw | if obviously exaggerated, it is figurative of one who is long-winded |
JAY | adventurous spirit |
jaybird | careless person who does not follow the rules and chatters impertinently |
JAYNE, JEAN | see “JOHN” |
jealously | literal, and not to be confused with loving favor |
jeans | worn to do an enjoyable tasks; if cut off or frayed, see “short shorts” |
JED, JEDIDIAH | beloved one |
jeep | symbol of being involved in a personal battle or power struggle |
JEFFREY | peaceful, joyful, blessing |
jelly, jelly beans | unstable, sweet words or deeds that have taken shape and are now cohesive; see “food” |
JENNA | The Lord is gracious, benevolent spirit, favored one |
jeopardize | a literal warning |
JEREMIAH | divinely established, faithful in adversity |
jerk | if awakened by a spasmodic jerk, be very cautious of the unexpected |
jersey | a type of protective covering, if made from a natural fabric; if man-made it is not blessed |
JESSE, JESSICA | God exists, outstanding |
jet | a quick move of power which gains greater leverage |
jet lag | implies one needs to slow down and catch up on overdue rest |
JETHRO | excellent, enlightened friend of God |
jewel | beautiful, luxurious reward |
jigsaw puzzle | see “puzzle” |
JIM, JIMMY | see “JAMES” |
jingle | see “jangles” |
jitters | a warning to be prepared or avert the situation shown to cause anxiety |
JOANNE | see “JOHN” |
job | job related problems may be revealed, as well as answers; research details |
JOBINA | faithful in adversity, challenged one |
JOCELYN | cheerful spirit |
jockey | one who is maneuvering too fast; see “horse” |
JODY | see “JUDITH” |
JOEL | Jehovah is God, my provider |
jogging | trying diligently to get ahead on one’s on strength and abilities |
JOHANNA | see “JOHN” |
JOHN | God is gracious, ready to perform a duty to help others, benevolent |
joining | revealed for thoughtful consideration |
joke | something that one should not take too seriously |
jolly | see “laughter” |
jolt | see “jerk” |
JON, JONNIE | see “JOHN” |
JONAH, JONAS | peaceful dove, humble, teachable |
JONATHAN | precious gift of God, faithful friend |
JORDAN | to descend unto greatness, renewed in Christ |
JOSEPH, JOE | may God provide and bless with increase |
JOSHUA | God is salvation, renewed spirit, wise, courageous |
JOSIAH | God heals, exceptional character |
jotting | take more note of a situation |
journal | keeping records of one’s activities, etc. is profitable |
journey | a long distance trip away from daily pressures, even if only in a dream, is beneficial |
JOVITA | joyful, filled with grace |
jowl | talking too much about the wrong thing |
JOY, JOYCE | God’s gracious gift of joy |
joyful | see “jolly” |
JUAN, JUANITA | God’s grace is sufficient |
jubilee | one may look forward to celebrating without reservation |
JUDD | praised one |
judge | one who is judgmental |
JUDITH, JUDY | wisdom to praise, honored one |
judo | advising one to prepare for a quick movement of power to gain greater leverage |
jug | according to the type and contents; a person inside a jug is incarcerated; see “can” |
juggle | manipulating a balance to benefit or manage one’s many obligations, financial, etc. |
jugular | most vital |
juice | the inside information |
juke-box | controls the messages that can be manipulated |
JULIA, JULIANA | youthful spirit, mature wisdom |
jumbled | confused and disorderly |
jumping | having to hurry from one thing to another while avoiding obstacles; see “hopping” |
jungle | a place so overcome by competition that it is overwhelming; see “forest” |
juniper | something that is sweet and pleasantly enjoyable |
junk | worthless |
jury | a group of judgmental people |
JUSTIN, JUSTINE | just one, excellent character |
juvenile | an immature person; see “age” |
kabob | offering bits of help, etc., but with consequences, i.e. words that pierce the heart |
KANE | exalted, faithful, honorable one |
kangaroo | a person who jumps from one thing to another, very possessive and protective of their own |
KARA, KAREN | caring, pure spirit, beloved one |
KARI | see “KARA” |
KARL | see “CARL” |
KARLA | endearing, beloved woman |
KATE, KATHLEEN | pure one |
KATRINA | see “KATE” |
KAY, KAYE | see “KATE” |
kayak | see “boat” |
KEANE, KEAN | discerning, enlightened one |
KEEGAN | small one of great courage, ardent spirit |
KEELY | brave warrior, enlightened |
KEENAN | brave warrior, gracious |
keepsake | a reminder of the unforgettable |
KEITH | from a battle ground |
KELLY | brave warrior |
KELSEY | enlightened warrior |
KELVIN | conquering warrior |
KELVIS | conquering warrior, seeker of truth |
KENDRICK | understanding, peaceful one ( the prefix, “KEN”, may also be used as a substitute for one’s kin) |
KENNEDY | prosperous, powerful |
kennel | place of shelter for the downcast; see “animals” |
KENNETH | handsome, trustworthy |
KENT | bright one |
kerchief | see “handkerchief” |
KERMIT | youthful, adventurous spirit |
kerosene | spiritual power |
KERRY, KERRI | caring, helpful spirit |
ketchup | bittersweet, bringing pleasure with sorrow; see “red” |
kettle | used to purify |
KETURA | incense, restoration |
KEVIN | handsome, kind |
key | authoritative power to gain or prevent entrance , possession, or control |
khaki | worn to work and serve; a blessed covering of natural fabric |
kick | to rebel |
kid | immature; see “age” |
kidnap | capturing one’s spirit and turning them from the right direction for self-motivated purposes |
kidney | a vitally important part of purification and elimination of emotional problems spiritually digested; see “urine” |
kill | spiritually kill with harmful words; see “knife”, “gun”, and “dead” |
KIMBALL | peaceful ruler |
KIMBERLY, KIM | nobility |
kin | may also be used to describe one spiritually related |
kindergarten | a place or situation for the immature; see “age” |
kindling | the beginning of action taken on a small scale |
king | a symbol of the highest authority, i.e. governors, God, etc. |
kink | a peculiar twist of events, not on the straight and narrow |
KIRBY | one who fellowships with God |
KIRK | one who practices true religion, whose spirit dwells in the house of God |
kiss | an agreement of words |
kitchen | a place to serve and be served; for a better understanding, research all details; see “food” |
kite | something of no consequence; see “balloon” |
kitten | younger person who is filled with strife; see “cat” |
KKK | the symbol of a lower rank of prejudice and pride; see “prejudice” and “pride” |
knapsack | heavy burden |
kneading dough | maneuvering one’s daily provision into proper balance by clever management |
Kneel, knees | submissive humbleness, i.e. swollen, painful knees have had to submit excessively |
knife | cutting words that pierce the heart, severing good from bad, and a discerner of one’s thoughts and intents |
knitting | to accomplish a task one small step at a time; research the type and color of item |
knob | means by which one is enabled to seize an opportunity |
knock | seeking permission for an invitation |
knot | the entanglement and constriction of a problem |
knowledge | instruction, warnings, revelations, etc., are to prevent one from perishing for the lack of knowledge |
knuckles | a symbol of anger and fighting, whether physically or spiritually |
KNUTE, CANUTE | a free, victorious spirit |
kosher | proper, acceptable |
KP | the preparation of spiritual food for those engaged in a spiritual warfare; see “food” |
kraut | a financial arrangement that has gone sour |
KRISTIE | beloved gift of God, anointed, triumphant spirit |
KURT | courageous, bold counselor |
KYLE | discerning, just |
label | brings special attention to the name or reputation; research the name |
laboring | literal, though the type of labor may be figurative; research details |
lace | an adornment figurative of honor; research color |
laced | going through difficult, narrow loopholes in one’s life to tie up loose ends; research color |
LACEY, LACIE | a zest for life, pliable |
lacquer | as a coat is worn for protection from the cold, it is a spiritual protection from outside influences |
lactose | sweet talk without substance that tickles one’s ears but does not add wisdom |
lad | see “age” |
ladder | see “staircase” |
ladle | research whatever is being dipped; see “cup” and “food” |
ladybug | one who is irritating, but harmless; see “insect” |
lagoon | see “salt” and “water” |
lake | see “water” |
LALITA, LOLITA | delightful |
lamb | innocent; humble, Christ like |
LAMBERT | shining, innocent |
lame | see “cripple” |
lament | see “cry” |
laminate | see “lacquer” |
LAMONT | enlightened man of law |
lamp | enlightenment, unless turned off |
LANA, LANI | bright as the morning |
LANCELOT, LANCE | attentive, helpful |
landlord | the Lord; one’s body is a house where their spirit indwells until the Lord evicts at their demise; see “home” |
landmark | descriptive of one’s internal, as well as external, character; see “cornerstone” and “foundation” |
landslide | warning that one’s livelihood is threatened; see “foundation” |
lane | the peaceful, enlightened path |
lanky | appearing upright and self-sufficient, but lacking in total fulfillment |
lantern | see “lamp” |
lap | figurative of custodian responsibility, i.e. the decision is in the lap of the judge |
lapse | temporary failure revealed in order that it may be averted; see “procrastination” |
LARA | glowing with fame |
LARAINE | free spirited one |
larceny | a warning in order to prevent the theft |
lard | excessiveness |
large | a large room, etc., is spiritually blessed; a large, muscular person is spiritually strong; see “obesity” |
LARK | free spirited, joyful messenger |
larva | gossip, after it has spread; see “gossip” |
laser | critical discernment; see “knife” |
lashing out | violent words that cut like a knife, wounding one’s heart |
lasso | to ensnare in order to gain control; see “rope” and “noose” |
last | position of humility which carries God’s promise of becoming first if patiently endured; see “humble” and “rejected” |
latch | an order to stay out; if the reason is not presently known, it will be revealed at the proper time |
late | this can be averted if one is shown what made them late |
LATHAM | peaceful, industrial cultivator of life |
latrine | see “bathroom” |
laughter | highly contradictory; whether fake, scornful or joyful, emotions are more easily discerned in a dream |
launch | whatever was launched has entered into a new course of action |
laundry | dirty clothes are an indication that one’s spiritual covering needs to be cleansed |
LAURA, LAUREL | pure, renown, enlightened, victorious |
LAUREN | see “LAURA” |
Laundromat | an establishment that spiritually cleanses, i.e. a church, mission, rehabilitation; see “laundry” |
lava | sorrow and humility, the aftermath of a burn-out caused by restraining a mountain of troubles; see “eruption” |
lavatory | see “bath” and bathroom” |
LAVEDA | purified |
lavender | royalty |
LAVERNE | spring-like, renewed |
LAVINIA, LAVINA | priceless, pure beauty |
lavish | may be emphasized for the purpose of encouraging more discipline |
LAVONNE | spring-like, pure, fruitful spirit |
law | revealed to adhere |
lawn | an outside reflection of the inside spiritual condition; research colors, plants, condition, etc. |
lawnmower | used to spiritually groom, cutting down overgrown problems; see “lawn” |
LAWRENCE | pure in spirit, renown, enlightened; figuratively used to represent a legality |
LAWTON | honorable, from the hill-town estate |
lawyer | involving a legality; research details |
laxative | used to induce emotional relief from spiritually digested problems; see “bowels” |
layette | provisions for something new in one’s life; see “baby” |
lazy | revealed to prevent being devoured, as by the locust who eat another’s food; see “sponge” |
leader | an authoritative figure; if substituted, research the name |
leaf | represents the condition of the tree (person), whether fruitful or dry and barren; see “tree” |
LEAH | fruitful spirit |
leak | a mistake or fault that has leaked through; immediate correction is vital |
LEANDER | courageous, fearless |
leaning | depending too much on that person or object that one leans upon |
leanness | in great need |
leap | totally and enthusiastically complying with something |
lease | a temporary situation |
leash | controlling one to the point of complete domination |
least | see “last” |
leather | tough-skinned |
LEATRICE | joyful spirit |
leaven | see “baking powder” |
LEDA | see “LETHA” |
ledge | see “cliff” |
ledger | positive and negative records are brought to one’s attention for an update |
leech | one who drains another to the point of emotional distress |
leek | see “onion” |
leery | suspecting hidden intentions, i.e. a wolf in sheep’s clothing |
left | a situation or circumstance that is not right |
legacy | favor paid for by another’s life sacrifice |
legal | accepted as legitimate |
legend | unproven, but accepted |
legs | one’s human and personal strengths and abilities; of no spiritual connotation |
LEILA, LEALA | enlightened one |
LEILANI | priceless flower from Heaven |
leisure | literally, free time |
LELA, LILA | see “LEILA” |
LELAND | peaceful meadow |
lemon | anything that is considered a bad deal, i.e. a new car, etc., that doesn’t run properly |
LEMUEL | enlightened one, consecrated to God |
LEN | benevolent, enlightened, discerning spirit |
LENA | peaceful, gentle spirit, caring one |
lending | foreknowledge prepares one to use wisdom |
LENICE, LENIS | pure in spirit, white lily |
LENNOX | peaceful spirit, diligent worker |
LENORE, LENORA | bright, enlightened spirit |
lens | wise discernment |
lentils | meekness, the spiritual food for wisdom and understanding |
LEO | courageous, fearless |
LEON | courageous, brave |
LEONA, LEONE | lion-like, courageous spirit |
LEONARD | lion-hearted, ardent spirit |
leopard | a life spotted with transgressions; a white leopard is self-righteous; see “animals” |
LEOPOLD | brave protector |
leprosy | one who is spotted, undeservingly, with social destitution |
LEROY | Kingly, royal |
lesion | a wounded spirit that needs to be healed; research the anatomical location |
LESLIE, LESLEY | one whose strength is made perfect in weakness and low valleys |
less | see “last” |
LESTER | one who shines brighter than their circumstances; may be substituted because of the prefix, “less” |
LETA | see “LETITIA” |
LETHA, LEDA | joyful spirit |
lethal | warning one by exposing that which looks good to the flesh but is lethal to the spirit |
LETITIA, LETA | gladness, joyful spirit |
letter | indicating the importance of an oncoming message; research all details, i.e. colors, return address, etc. |
lettuce | money |
leveler | implies one should make sure everything is honest and balanced |
lever | using force outside one’s self to accomplish a task |
LEVI, LEVY | united, harmonious spirit, faithful worker, defender of justice |
LEVINA | enlightened, faithful, gracious one |
LEWANNA | divine enlightenment, gracious one |
LEWIS | protective guardian, appointed by God |
LIANA, LENA, LINA | enlightened, faithful, gracious one |
liar | untruthful person exposed to prevent defamation and deception |
library | indicating a need to use the services offered |
lice | visible evidence of being mentally drained by a “louse”; a despicable person; see “leach” |
license | evidence of permission |
lick | to test out by discernment, in order to ascertain acceptable qualities |
lid | a spiritual protection; research the contents and type of container, i.e. plastic, glass, etc., see “cover” |
LIDA | loving, kind spirit |
lie | see “liar” |
lifeguard | one who watches over another’s safety, either an authoritative figure or a guardian angel |
lifeboat | saves one from drowning in their sea of troubles; see “lifeguard” and “boat” |
lifebuoy | that which channels one in the right direction and gives them hope; see “water” |
life-preserver | figurative of the spiritual protection one wears; see “armor” |
lift | that which gives hope, lifting one’s spirit |
light | wisdom |
lighthouse | one who is a guiding light to others |
lightning | a warning of a sudden, unexpected problem that is approaching |
lightning-conductor | the person deterring the sudden unexpected problem |
LILA | see “LEILA” |
LILLIAN, LILY | pure in spirit, a light for others; eternal life |
limber | pliable |
limbo | undecided; see “waver” |
limb | one’s arms are tree branches which are to bear fruit; see “fruit” and “pruned” |
lime | figurative of a fruit of the spirit with slight acidity; see “fruit”, “green”, and “acid” |
limelight | recognition of one’s success |
limestone | problems that are overcome by blessings, if patiently endured |
limousine | a black limousine symbolizes the end of something or someone |
limp | see “cripple” |
limpid | serene and untroubled; see “water” |
LINAS, LINUS | enlightened, scientifically perceptive, favored |
LINCOLN | esteemed one, enlightened leader |
LINDA, LYNDA | beautiful, enlightened, gracious spirit |
LINDELL, LIND | peaceful, enlightened, benevolent |
LINDSEY | independent, enlightened, benevolent |
line | according to the position; a warning if it is slanted across something, etc., |
linen | spiritually pure; research the color |
linger | caution to avoid delay |
lining | unseen motive, clean or dirty; research the color; see “interior” |
link | a person or an object that has “connections” |
LINLEY | exalted, enlightened one |
LINNIE | see “LEN” |
linoleum | see “foundation” |
linseed | wise words |
lion | the enemy seeking whom he may devour |
LIONEL | lion-hearted, strong in spirit |
lips | outward borders for inward thoughts and emotions; see “teeth” |
lipstick | the visible cover for one’s words, revealing the motive; see “make-up” and research the color |
liquor | fermented is the spirit of the world; unfermented is the spirit of God |
licorice | the medicine of sweetness that brings healing to one’s oppressed spirit |
lisp | figurative of immature words |
list | take note of any list, etc., research, and discern contents |
lithography | figurative of an imitation, not to be confused with the genuine |
litigation | handling matters legitimately, formally or informally |
litter | spiritual or literal children or followers; research the type of animal; see “animals” |
little | see “small” |
liver | figurative of bitterness and cowardice |
Lizard | a person who has a hypocritical tongue, ridiculing others behind their backs |
LLOYD | divinely inspiring, wise |
load | a heavy bourdon, i.e. to be loaded down with cares |
loan | see “lending” |
lobby | an area figurative of involvement with visitors, etc. |
lobster | one who will claw and pull to get their way |
lock | see “latch” |
locust | a financial burden; one who mooches off others; see “lazy” |
loft | one’s mental state |
log | see “wood” |
LOGAN | prosperous, witty, enlightened one, benevolent spirit |
loin | see “legs” |
LOIS | virtuous, dedicated to service, gracious, free spirit |
LOLA | discerning empathy for others |
lollipop | immature, sweet words and deeds which can deceive the innocent |
lonely | revealing loneliness is encouraging one to reach out in a mutually acceptable way |
long | enduring; having long legs is figurative of longevity |
loose | set free from spiritual bondage; see “bound” |
LORIN, LORING | pure in spirit, divinely perceptive, knowledgeable |
LORRAINE | lion-hearted, divinely inspired |
lost | when lost, one is confused and in need of spiritual direction; a lost item is a warning |
lotion | the oil of consolation |
lottery | a lot of money; winning may be figurative of a new job, etc.; if literal, see “gamble” |
lotto | see “lottery” |
loud | a loud voice is emphasizing the need to pay attention |
LOUELLA | friend, divinely appointed |
lounge | reveals that one is at ease in a situation and not an active participant |
louse | see “lice” |
love | literal, though there are many types |
LOWELL | loyalty, indiscriminate of circumstances |
lower | the lower, the more negative the situation |
loyal | revealing who is worthy of trust |
LOYAL | see “LOWELL” |
lozenge | oil of consolation concerning one’s conversational skills |
LUANA, LUANN | gracious, pure in spirit, enlightening |
lubricate | see “lotion” |
Lucifer | see “demon” |
lucky | revealed in order to bring right circumstances together |
LUCRETIA | prosperous, creative spirit |
LUCY | see “LUANA” |
LUDWIG | see “LEVI” |
luggage | lugging a heavy load; preparing for a forthcoming move |
LUKE, LUCAS | luminous, enlightening spirit |
lukewarm | hypocrisy; see “hypocrite” |
lumber | construction in one’s life, i.e. paperwork, etc.; see “wood” |
lump | revealed in order to lessen or avert; research according to type and location |
lunatic | see “insane” |
lunch | a time of enlightenment for a specific purpose; see “food” |
LUPE | fierce warrior |
lupus | any destructive influence, i.e. the “wolf” of chronic stress; see “diagnosis” |
LURA, LURINE | charming, alluring |
lure | temptation revealed in order to avert entrapment |
lurk | see “lure” |
lush | immoderation in any form |
lust | revealed to make a way of escape |
luster | see “glossy” |
LUTHER | see “LEVI” |
LUVENA | enlightened, gracious, beloved one |
luxury | see “prosperous” |
LYDIA | joyful woman, delightful, enlightened spirit |
lye soap | used to spiritually cleanse one’s mouth of lies |
LYLE | independent, victorious spirit |
LYNDON | enlightened one, great leader |
LYSANDRA | free spirit, indiscriminate liberator |
MABEL | lovable, honorable, nourishing spirit |
macaroni | hollow instability; see “food” |
machine | the carnal power of man; research the type |
mad | see “angry” |
MADELINE | highly esteemed, enlightened one |
MADISON | victorious in adversity |
MADONNA | a religious symbol of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ |
MAE, MAIA | see “MAY” |
magazine | research the name or type of publication to establish a relation or reference to |
maggot | see “gossip” |
magic | see “witchcraft” |
magnet | an irresistible force of attraction, i.e. temptation in any form; research accordingly |
magnifying glass | exaggeration; a precaution to use sound judgment and words; see “exaggerate” |
MAGNUS | great, highly esteemed, victorious one |
MAHALA, | a loving, tender heart |
mahogany | strong and secure |
maid | one who is treated as a servant |
determined by contents, colors; i.e. financial support may come in the form of a support garment; research accordingly | |
MAISIE | see “MARY” |
make-up | see “cosmetics” |
MALCOLM | diligent worker, indifferent to circumstances |
malignancy | see “cancer” |
MALINDA | esteemed one, enlightened, nourishing spirit |
mall | public place of various impersonal services |
mallard | one of strong will, yet good intentions |
mallet | see “hammer” |
MALLORY | knowledgeable counselor, indifferent to circumstances |
malnutrition | a state of insufficient spiritual nourishment; see “food” |
MALVA | delicate spirit, perfected in adversity |
MANFRED | peaceful ruler |
mange | a chronic state of disfavor, ruin, dogged by trials; see “dog” |
maniac | see “crazy” |
manicure | grooming one’s suggestive authority; see “nails” and “groom” |
manikin | one who appears to be so perfectly beautiful or handsome on the outside, but dead on the inside |
man-made | does not represent God’s covering of protection; see “natural” |
manna | spiritually provided blessings |
mantis | a religious hypocrite |
mantle | a symbol of preeminence, honor and authority |
MANUEL | God with us |
manure | see “animals” and “bowels” |
map | a strategic plan |
MARA | comforter |
marathon | the race of life’s fast, competitive pace |
marble | strong and secure, yet veined with problems; see “foundation” |
MARCELLA | exalted spirit |
marching | proceeding in an orderly fashion, usually with others, sometimes to a different drummer |
MARCIA | fearless, brave |
MARCUS | see “MARK” |
margarine | not the best; a substitute for the natural; see “butter” |
MARGE | see “PEARL” |
MARGIE | see “PEARL” |
MARGOT | see “PEARL” |
MARIAN | bitter-sweet, spiritual awareness, gracious one |
MARIE | see “MARY” |
marigold | love, beauty, and sentiment; the “gold” implies a monetary blessing |
MARILYN | bitter-sweet, spiritually enlightened one |
MARIO | see “MARK” |
MARION | see “MARY” |
marionette | one who is controlled by another |
mark | according to where it is located, a brand of association; research details |
MARK | ardent, brilliant defender, victorious spirit |
market | research items marketed and name of market |
MARLON | perfected in adversity, from the hill |
maroon | redemption; color based on the blood Christ shed at Calvary |
marquee | a “marquee” diamond ring is a promise of public exaltation, i.e. an appointment to public office |
marry | formally entering into a new partnership, i.e. a new job, business, etc. |
Mars | symbol of a place where one goes through the fiery trials of life |
marsh | a state of insecurity without foundation; see “foundation” |
MARSHALL | one who is intent on doing things by the book of law, no matter what the consequence; ardent protector |
marshmallow | a soft- hearted person who is easily manipulated |
MARTHA, MARTA | helper, teacher |
MARTIN, MARTEN | ardent, warlike spirit |
MARTY | see “MARTHA” |
martyr | voluntary suffering for a cause, not necessarily the right cause |
MARVEL | priceless wonder |
MARVIN | renown, honored friend |
MARY, MAISIE | bitter-sweet, spiritually aware, faithful |
mascara | suggestive eye service; see “cosmetics” |
mascot | a popular, favorite character in a group |
masculine | authoritative and strong in spirit |
mask | a warning to beware of one whose true motive is hidden |
masquerade | a situation of deception |
massage | insincere physical act to pacify and appease for self-gratification |
master key | superior authority to gain or prevent entrance, possession, or control |
matador | one who enjoys bullish behavior |
match | a very small amount of power |
material | research the type, i.e. cotton, plastic, polyester, leather, etc. |
maternity | see “baby” |
math | research the numbers, i.e. calculation |
MATHER | discerning conqueror |
MATHILDA | beloved, noble lady |
matinee | a façade |
matriarch | the lady of authority; research the name |
MATTHEW | gift of God |
matting | padding a hard situation by word or deed in order to help soften it |
mattress | see “bed” |
MAUDE, MAUD | beloved, noble lady |
MAUREEN | gentle, beloved one |
MAURICE | noble one, gallant spirit |
mausoleum | see “cemetery” |
mauve | royalty and luxury combined with love |
maverick | one who marches to a their own drum, no matter what the consequences |
MAVIS | harmonious, joyful |
MAX, MAXINE | renowned, distinguished, trustworthy |
MAXELL | highly capable, truthful, influential one |
MAXIMILLIAN | highly capable, secure, distinguished character |
May Day | a time of help for those long-awaited needs |
MAY, MAE, MAYA | highly esteemed, blessed one |
MAYER | renowned, honored, exalted one |
MAYFIELD | valiant defender |
MAYHEW | gift of God’s divine grace |
MAYNARD | noble, brave, ardent spirit |
MAYO | God’s gift of joy |
mayonnaise | an additional benefit to one’s food of life; research each ingredient, i.e. egg, oil, lemon, etc.; see “food” |
mayor | may be substituted for a high governing spiritual authority |
maze | confusion |
meal | if cornmeal, see “corn”; if a meal served, research the types of foods; see “food” |
mean | a literal warning |
MEARA | God’s joyful gift |
measels | anxiety |
measurement | research the item measured and the size, i.e. large, small, symbolic numbers, etc. |
meat | food of knowledge and wisdom; see “food” |
mechanic | one who has the knowledge to remedy a failing effort; see “machine” |
mechanical arm | wanting to use force see “arms” and “machine” |
medal | a display of deserved honor and accomplishment, whether formally or informally |
meddling | a warning to prevent one’s trust from being abused |
medicine | necessary intervention for physical or mental pain or neglect, i.e. undesirable, but beneficial chastisement; see “pill” |
medium | see “witchcraft” |
meek | see “humble” |
MEGAN, MEGHAN | victorious spirit, mighty one |
melancholy | see “depression” |
MELANIE | renewed rest, peaceful spirit |
MELICENT | refreshing, sweet spirit |
MELINDA | cherished one, spiritual awareness |
MELISENDA | diligent worker, successful, strong, gracious spirit |
MELISSA | industrious, creative, diligent worker, sweet as honey, pliable |
MELITA | sweet, joyful spirit |
melody | the harmony of one’s life put to music; see “music” |
MELODY | joyful, harmonious spirit |
melon | see “fruits” and how they may be of benefit |
melting | the passing of time, i.e. wasting away caused by a chronic condition, procrastination, etc.; see “candle” |
MELVILLE | industrious one of excellent virtue |
member | of mutual association or society, formally or informally |
MEME, MIMI | one like me, of me, my family, i.e. a grandmother |
memorial | literal in a sense that one is honored |
menace | literal warning |
mend | restoration in some area of one’s life; research accordingly, i.e. anatomical location, if clothing; see “clothing” |
menopause | changing one’s role in life |
menstruation | the cancellation or failure of what might have been; see “baby” |
mentor | revealing one who will sincerely encourage and advise |
MERCEDES | highly esteemed, a gift |
mercy | literal |
MEREDITH | ruler of greatness |
meretricious | a warning to avert all superficiality |
merge | becoming less in order to become more |
meringue | a favorable topping to a “sweet” deal; see “food” |
MERLE | thrush bird, joyful messenger |
MERLIN | falcon or hawk, carrier of wares |
MERRILL | honorable, renown |
merry-go-round | going in circles and not getting anywhere because of merry activity |
MERTON | from the estate of prosperity |
MERVIN | honorable and famous friend |
mesh | used to screen something or someone in order to eliminate undesirables |
message | literal and important |
Messiah | a divine revelation to bring spiritual help and encouragement |
messy | a life out of order and in need of spiritual help |
META | a pearl, God’s wisdom, gift of God |
metal | gold and silver are wealth and wisdom purified by fiery trials; brass, iron, and tin are strong |
meteor | conformation of a spiritual act or event |
MICAH | who is like Yahweh? extolling God in poetic praise; see “MICHAEL” |
MICHAEL, MIKE | who is like God, defender, guardian |
microphone | used to exclaim a message |
microscope | critically analyzing a person or situation |
microwave | service on a small scale |
midget | limited; see “small” |
midriff | area figurative of self-control; see “abdomen” |
midwife | one who helps another to birth their “new beginning”; see “baby” |
MIGON | full of grace, gentle spirit |
migraine | mental anguish |
migration | no roots; see “root” |
MIGUEL | mighty champion, victorious spirit |
mike | see “microphone” |
mildew | slow and gradual spiritual destruction caused by spiritual neglect |
MILDRED | gracious one, tender-hearted |
mileage | indication of quantity, not quality, of one’s service |
MILES MYLES | merciful, benevolent |
military | spiritual warfare, only if the enemy if from an enemy nation |
milk | the nourishing word of God for the immature until they can digest meat; see “food” and “meat” |
milky way | viewing the milky way is searching for divine intervention |
mill | a place of honest, hard labor |
MILLARD | diligent worker, successful, strong spirit |
million | the ultimate amount |
millstone | destructive weight which symbolically belittles |
MILO | diligent worker, helpful spirit |
MILTON | industrious, creative, blessed one |
mimic | see “imitation” |
mince pie | a blessing derived from having gone through many trials |
minced | carefully dividing one’s words or works into small pieces in order to bring discernment |
mine | see “pit” |
mine-field | a problematic area of one’s life that is filled with hidden or unexpected traps and loopholes; see “missile” |
mineral | research according to type |
MINERVA | wise, discerning spirit |
minister | religious leader; if substituted, research the name |
minnow | the small beginning of one’s service in the sea of life |
mint | money |
miracle | divine help in a hopeless situation |
mirage | the false image of a realistic situation |
MIRANDA | admirable, beloved one |
mire | a deeply troubled area of insecurity and affliction; see “marsh” and “foundation |
MIRIAM | stubborn |
mirror | seeing one as they really are; facing reality |
misbehavior | a warning |
miscarry | the cancellation or failure of that which was intended to become a new beginning; see “baby” |
mischief | a warning |
miser | revealed to prevent one from being absorbed |
miserable | recognizing the unhappiness of a situation is meant to bring a change for the better |
misfire | feeling out of control and powerless when unable to meet one’s intended objective |
misfit | revealed in order that one might help the misfit to fit; see “rejected” |
MISHON | divinely inspired gift |
mislay | a warning |
misled | a warning |
misprint | revealed to prevent or to correct |
misquote | warning one not to make a statement that can be misinterpreted |
missile | a means of spiritual attack, i.e. verbal, financial, physical, etc. |
missing | see “lost” |
mission | a place of refuge and shelter, i.e. to help the desolate, whether at home or at a formal Mission |
mistake | revealed to avert and learn from the implication |
mistletoe | sincerity of one’s feelings of adoration toward another |
mistress | any illicit activity, i.e. “lady luck” in gambling; alcohol or drugs to an addict, wealth to the greedy, etc. |
mistrust | revealed in order that confidence be restored |
misunderstanding | revealed in order to bring about an understanding and avert confusion |
MITCHELL | who is like God |
mite | one who is irritating in small ways; see “insect” |
mitten | see “glove” |
MITZI | see “MIRIAM” |
moaning | revealing mental or physical pain that is quietly tolerated and needs attention |
moat | spiritually protected; see “island” |
mob | a warning |
moccasin | the type of steps that one is walking; see “Indian” and “shoes” |
mocking | a warning to beware of a bully with low self-esteem who wears the mask of superiority; see “bull” |
model | a representation |
modern | not tempered by time and experience; compare to “antique” |
modest | humble with the potential for exaltation |
modification | revealed in order to bring instruction and clarity |
mohair | see “cashmere” |
molars | the teeth figurative of destructive words; see “teeth” |
molasses | that which is agreeable and sweet, natural and unpretentious; see “food” |
mold | spiritual neglect; see “mildew” |
mole | a flaw in one’s character; research anatomical location; see “wart” |
molested | a warning; research details for what type of molestation, i.e. physical, mental, financial |
MOLLY | see “MARY” |
MONA | the moon, enlightened one |
money | literal, though the amount may be figurative; research numbers for clarity |
MONICA | advisor |
monitor | literal, whether official or unofficial |
monkey | worrisome person, habit, addiction; unlike a gorilla; see “gorilla” |
monogram | a figurative stamp of one’s personal, distinctive own, i.e. a unique manner, etc., setting one apart |
MONROE | trustworthy, from the hill |
monster | see “nightmare” |
MONTGOMERY | prosperous one |
monument | a permanent recognition |
mooching | a warning to discourage selfish behavior; see “sponge” |
moody | see “depression” |
moon | spiritual insight; see “milky way” |
MOONEY | divinely inspired with wisdom to enlighten others |
moonshine | the spirit of the world in an illegal situation; see “liquor” |
moose | see “elk” |
mop | see “clean” and “foundation” |
mope | see “depressed” |
MORGAN | divinely inspired wisdom |
morgue | where the “spiritually” dead reside |
morning | time of new beginning |
morning glory | gloriously blessed new beginning; see “flower” |
moron | see “crazy” |
Morse code | figurative of any private code of communication |
mortar | see “glue” |
mortgage | one’s spiritual obligations; see “house” and “landlord” |
mortician | the caregiver over the “spiritually” dead; i.e. a minister, counselor, etc.; see “dead” |
MORTIMER | quiet, peaceful spirit |
MORTON | the moor estate, authoritative |
mortuary | see “cemetery” |
MOSELLE, MOSES | drawn from the water, deliverer, leader, humble spirit |
moss | slothful and immature, depending upon other instead be self sufficient |
mountain | an obstacle of great difficulty, i.e. financial debt, sickness, etc. |
mouse | a fearful, timid person, unlike a rat; see “rat” |
mucus | contamination of negative influence and attitude that hinders one’s discernment; see “smell” |
mud | criticism, i.e. mud slinging; see “mire” |
mule | a stubborn person with no understanding |
mumble | unwise words |
mummy | something or someone kept in wraps to keep others from knowing the truth |
mumps | mentally painful condition caused from being stifled |
mural | as “the writing on the wall”, a symbolic message of self-description; research symbols |
murder | see “kill” |
MURIEL | sea bright, divinely enlightened |
murmur | see “complain” |
MURRY | man of the sea, caring, discerning spirit |
muscular | spiritually strong |
museum | secure place where sentimental items of importance are kept for display, whether public or private |
mushrooms | a fly-by-night type venture which exploits |
music | it depicts the harmony of one’s life; take seriously any lyrics to the music |
muslin | figurative of oppression |
mustache | one whose words are untrustworthy (unless they literally have a mustache) |
mustang | unruly; see “maverick” |
mustard | that which starts small and becomes great; see “food” |
mute | silence, for whatever reason, may be the answer |
muzzle | indicates a need for controlling an unruly mouth |
MYRA | abundantly blessed |
MYRNA | beloved, gentle spirit |
MYRON | scented oil, understanding, sweet spirit |
MYRTLE | one who overcomes obstacles, victorious spirit, a blessing from God |
NADINE | divine hope, spiritual awareness |
NADJA | giving light, spiritually discerning |
nail | painfully restrictive in the flesh; a surety bond if used as a means of attachment |
naïve | revealing the unpretentious |
naked | feelings of inadequacy; unprotected; see “clothes” |
name | every name has a meaning; if a person who is unfamiliar to the situation is seen, research the name |
NANCY | gracious, caring spirit |
nanny | revealing one who is or has the necessary qualifications to be a caretaker, formally or informally |
NAOMI | spiritual renewal, delightful blessing |
nap | temporarily unaware |
napkin | used to erase anything undesirable or embarrassing that one has spoken or partaken of; see “food” |
narcissus | flower representative of one who is self-gratifying |
narcotic | anything in one’s life that enslaves them |
nark | literal |
narrate | literal |
narrow | disciplined, wise, and in the minority |
nasty | spiritually unclean |
NATALIE | joyful, celebrated birth, Christmas gift |
NATHAN | gift of God |
nation | symbolized as friend or foe, not literal nations of ethnic groups |
naughty | a warning |
nausea | not being able to bear the words or actions being served; see “food” |
navel | exposed is figurative of a lack of self-discipline; see “abdomen”; if cord, see “umbilical cord” |
navigator | one who is in control of guiding others |
navy | see “military” and “boat” |
NEAL | esteemed leader, honored champion |
neat | a state of spiritually disciplined order |
neck | expresses high or low self-esteem, servitude, bondage, appetite; see “yoke” |
necklace | a spiritual yoke; research anything worn around the neck; see “yoke” |
necktie | research the color and fabric; see “yoke” |
nectar | spiritual fruit of favor and blessings; see “flowers” |
NEDRA | spiritually aware, discerning one |
needle | used to aggravate with piercing words or actions; see “injection”; if sewing, see “sew” |
needy | revealed in order to fill the need |
negative | revealed in order to accentuate the positive |
neglect | revealed to stop the neglect and start the nurturing |
negotiation | literal negotiations may be beneficial |
neighbor | a neighborly person; if a substitution is used, research the name |
NELDA | established in wisdom and peace, from the home of the elder tree |
NELLIE | see “HELEN” |
NELSON | honored champion, brave one |
nephew | see “relative” |
nervous | revealing what caused the anxiety enables one to pursue peace |
nest | a shelter; see “hen” |
net | a warning to avert the entrapment |
NETTI, NETTIE | God’s gift of grace, see “JANET” |
network | a group united in purpose |
neuter | see “castrate” |
neutral | literal |
NEVILLE, NEVILE | a new beginning, from the new estate |
new | literal |
NEWELL | a new hall, authoritative leader |
news | literal, though the time frame may be figurative |
NEWSOM | creative spirit |
newspaper | public exposure |
NEWTON | a new town, adventurous, creative |
nibble | mentally digesting small amounts, but not accepting the whole lot; see “food” |
nice | literal |
NICHOLAS, NICKY | victorious spirit |
nickel | an incomplete amount, not a nickel |
niece | see “relative” |
NIGEL | traveler, creative adventurous spirit |
night | a state of obscurity |
nightmare | the fear and distress is real, but can be overcome by seeking spiritual wisdom |
NILES | see “NEAL” |
nine | fruits of the Spirit |
nipple | see “breast” |
nit | a small problem, but a great irritation, i.e. one who nit-picks |
NITA | see “ANITA” |
NOAH | rest, refuge |
noble | revealing one’s outstanding character |
nocturnal | one who is in spiritual darkness |
nodding | a non-verbal answer indicates a lack of communication |
nodule | see “mole” |
NOEL, NOWELL | Christmas child, gift from God |
noisy | literal confusion |
NOLA | noble, renown; a bell |
NOLAN | famous, honorable |
nomad | one who has an unstable lifestyle and cannot live in unity with others |
NONA | pure, gracious heart |
nonchalant | an unconcerned attitude revealed to disquiet any expectations |
noncommittal | revealed to protect one from depending on a commitment – not one to presently entrust with commitment |
nonconformist | revealed to discourage efforts |
nonprofit business | revealing that there is no profit to be expected in this venture |
nonsense | literally senseless |
noodles | the food of foolishness; see “food” |
noon | a time of perfect purpose |
noose | spiritual bondage; see “bound” and “hang” |
NORA | highly esteemed one |
NORBERT | honorable, brilliant, heroic |
NORMA | conforming, unpretentious, contented |
normal | literal information |
NORMAN | from the north, enduring spirit |
NORRIS | northerner, enlightened spirit |
north | a cold climate; see “cold” |
NORTON | from the north town, enduring overcomer, honorable one |
NORVAL | victorious spirit of honor and integrity, from the north |
NORWOOD | honorable, plenteous, north forest |
nose | used to discern between good and bad, etc.; research any peculiarities; see “smell” |
notarized | figurative of security and approval |
notch | just another score for the record |
note | important enough to bring to one’s attention and to be taken seriously |
notified | the time frame may be figurative |
nourishment | one’s needs may be spiritual, as well as physical; see “food” |
nozzle | needs to be checked out; if figurative, research type of nozzle for clarity of purpose |
nudge | indicates one that might need a gentle prompting |
nuisance | a warning in order to avoid encouraging such behavior |
nullify | a warning to avoid the ineffective |
numerous | literal |
nun | one who is devoutly religious; they may be substituted for another religious figure |
nurse | one who helps physically, mentally, or spiritually, not necessarily by profession |
nursery | the spiritually immature |
nut | according to type; research by name |
nutritious | see “food” |
nuzzle | figurative of affection |
NYDIA | gracious, caring spirit, a refuge |
nylon | see “man-made” |
oak | strong and reliable service; research the item, i.e. “tree”, “table”, “bed”, etc. |
oar | used in pursuit to move ahead, but without outside help; see “water” |
oath | an oath given in a dream is more reliable than one given when awake, but spiritual conditions must be met and kept |
oats | relates to vigorous new beginnings; see “food” |
obedience | worth more than sacrifice; one who is disciplined and can be trusted |
obesity | any area of overindulgence, i.e. power, money, food, etc.; see “large” |
obituary | not necessarily a physical death; see “funeral” |
obligation | a reminder |
obscene | a warning to avert the situation |
obscurity | revealing a need to seek more enlightenment |
observatory | revealing a situation where watchful observance is the primary objective |
obsessive | revealed because one is unaware or in denial of the excessiveness |
obsolete | literal information to prevent useless effort |
obstacle | revealing that which is blocking one’s progress in order that it may be removed |
occult | pertaining to evil, supernatural influences; a warning to prevent association; see “witchcraft” |
ocean | see “water” |
OCTAVIA | eighth child of a new spiritual beginning |
octopus | one with invisible cords that bind and control others, like a puppet on strings |
odd | literal; something or someone considered odd, may be used as a substitute; see “substitute” |
ODELLA ODESSA | prosperous one, fruitful spirit |
odor | words and deeds that are offensive |
offended | brought to one’s attention in order to avert the cause |
offer | literal offer, but details may be figurative; research accordingly |
office | wherever business is officiated |
OGDEN | from the oak valley, strong and noble spirit, enduring one |
oil | figurative of the Holy Spirit’s empowerment; see “anointing”; if cooking, see “fry” |
old age | mature wisdom if found in righteousness |
OLGA | holy, consecrated one |
OLINDA | fragrance of blessings and wisdom |
OLIVIA | peaceful one who serves God |
OLIVER | peaceful, kind, and affectionate |
olive tree | figurative of Christian service, hope, peace, the true church, prophetic symbols |
Olympic | mentally, physically, and spiritually vigorous |
OMAR | highly esteemed |
Omega | the end, a word used by God proclaiming His eternal sovereignty; see “Alpha” |
omen | more trustworthy when given in a dream than when awake |
omitted | literal |
ONA | unity of spirit and mind, truthful |
one | unity |
one thousand | God’s ultimate perfection |
onion | words that are offensive |
OPAL | a beautiful jewel of divine hope |
opaque | hard to understand |
open door | an opportunity |
opera | positive message of importance proclaimed formally; see “singing” |
operation | see “surgery” |
OPHELLIA | consecrated helper |
opinion | more trustworthy when given in a dream than when awake |
opium | see “drugs” |
opportunity | unless one procrastinates or ignores opportunities revealed, they will lead to success |
opposition | if faced in a dream, one has more knowledge and wisdom to deal with opposition when it arises |
oppressed | literal, and revealed to help one prevent or overcome the oppression |
OPRAH, ORPAH | a fawn, affectionate, vivacious, descending unto greatness |
ORA | precious, shining |
oral | in word only |
orange | a combination of yellow, which is fear, and red, which is anxiety |
orchard | a blessed place that yields much spiritual fruit; see “fruits” |
ordaining | a sacred decree, whether formally or informally given; see “anointing” |
organ | see “music” |
orgasm | of no spiritual or figurative connotation; see “sensual” |
ORIANA | a new dawn of spiritual enlightenment |
original | ideas for inventions, songs, poems, etc., are often originated in dreams |
ORIN | spiritual discernment and enlightenment |
ORMOND | peaceful protector |
ornament | outward display of inner delight, i.e. a grandparent’s display of grandchildren |
orphan | see “adoption” |
ORSON | little bear, ardent, loyal |
ORVAL | spear, mighty, victorious spirit |
ORVILLE | from the golden estate, prosperous, benevolent |
OSBORN | divine warrior, conquering spirit |
OSCAR | divinely appointed spearman |
OSMOND | divine protector |
ostrich | one who is in denial, too proud or fearful to face the truth |
OSWALD | divinely powerful |
OTIS | acutely keen of hearing, spiritually discerning |
otter | one who likes to play more than to work |
OTTIE | prosperous, joyful spirit |
OTTO | prosperous one |
ottoman | defeat, because it is under one’s feet |
outcast | position of humility which carries the promise of becoming first, if patiently endured; see “rejected” |
outlaw | outside the politically correct law of society |
oval | figurative of wise counsel |
ovation | public approval |
oven | used to prepare spiritual food; see “food” |
overboard | if falling overboard, see “falling”; throwing one overboard is unfair rejection: see “rejection” |
overcast | oppressive outlook from a lack of enlightenment |
overdrawn | a warning; not necessarily monetary |
overhaul | literal, though that which is overhauled may be figurative |
overhead | unprofitable expenses brought to attention |
overpass | figurative of leaving one’s troubles behind by passing over to a new beginning |
oversight | revealed in order that it be corrected |
overtaken | a warning to lessen or avert the problem |
owe | a debt that needs to be paid, whether literal or figurative; see “debt” |
OWEN | noble, distinguished one |
owl | a person of solitude who observes others for gain, only wise in their own eyes |
own | future ownership may be foreseen |
ox | one who carries an excessive work load for another and feels unappreciated |
oxygen | relief for one who is stifled from repression and discouragement; see “stifled” |
oyster | clamming up emotions; patient endurance of suffering ensures greatness; see “pearls” |
pabulum | food for the extremely immature; see “food” |
pacemaker | that which brings modification and equalization to one’s emotions |
pacifier | trying to pacify someone to keep peace |
padding | that which lessens the pressures of life; see “insulation” |
paddle | see “oar” |
padlock | a warning to not go through that door |
pageant | a show of pretense, honor, and exaltation |
PAIGE, PAGE | one who attends to the needs of others |
pain | a cry for help; research any details |
painter | one who is responsible for the scene of life that is created by the fruit of their hands |
pajamas | concerns one’s home life; pants represent authority |
palace | a place of greatness and grand events |
pale | weak |
palm of a hand | safety |
palm tree | victory and honor |
PALMER | honorable, peaceful, highly esteemed one, led by God |
PAMELA | harmonious spirit, a joyful melody |
pamper | see “spoiled” |
pamphlet | a small amount of information being made available; research details for clarity of purpose |
pan | used to prepare spiritual nourishment; see “food” |
pancake | the spiritual food of a new beginning for the desire of one’s heart; see “cake” and “food” |
panic | revealed in order to recognize what caused the fearfulness and avert the circumstances |
panorama | a series of events fit together when details are researched |
PANSY | dreamingly thoughtful; effeminate |
panther | a person one should avoid; see “animal” |
pantomime | when one can play the part but cannot truthfully say the words |
pantry | see “cabinet” |
pants | shows authority; research the color and fabric; see “legs” |
papers | research type, color, print, etc., i.e. a high stack implies procrastination; scattered implies a scatter-brain is in charge |
parachuting | bailing out of a troubled situation and being humbled at the same time, a choice of consequences |
parade | a showy exhibition of honor and exaltation |
Paradise | see “Heaven” |
paraffin | used to bring closure by sealing the matter |
paragliding | an escape from the pressures of life |
parakeet | see “bird” |
paralyzed | overcome with fear; see “panic” |
paramedic | see “doctor” |
parasite | insignificant one who lives off others; a moocher |
paratrooper | see “parachuting” |
parcel | literal; research type and color |
parching | a dry service rendered that cannot fulfill one’s needs |
pardoned | literal |
pare | removing the rough edges; research whatever is pared for more clarity |
parent | a parent or an authoritative figure substituted for one of like character and ability, research name |
parish | a religious establishment |
parked | a feeling of not getting ahead; see “automobile” |
PARKER | protective one |
parlor | company in the parlor implies visitors may be expected |
PARNELL | little rock, faithful, steadfast, enlightened spirit |
parole | feeling as if one is not completely free, but is controlled by others |
parrot | a well-meaning person with a parenting type of message; see “bird” |
PARRY | see “HARRIS” |
parson | a religious person of authority |
partition | a dividing wall is a division taking place in one’s fellowship, etc. |
partner | may be symbolized as a spouse, and vice versa; see “marriage” |
party | a light-hearted gathering |
passenger | one who goes along, but is not in control |
passive | reflections of the outcome of an inactive role, allows one to reconsider their options, i.e. looking into a mirror for a true image |
Passover | a religious sacrament of an escape from bondage may represent a need for escape from present bondage; see “bound” |
passport | confirmation of a trip, but not necessarily a trip abroad |
password | the word or expression that is needed for one to pass the test set before them |
paste | used to bring unity |
pastor | religious person of authority; if substituted, research the name |
pasture | a green pasture is a place of blessings and peace in one’s life |
patch | one patch is figurative of reconciliation; a patchwork quilt is an accumulation of many, resulting in the comfort of unity; see “quilt” |
patent | caution to prevent infringement; see “invention” |
pathway | depends on whether path is narrow or wide, paved or unpaved, up hill or down, straight, right or left; research accordingly |
PATIENCE | long-suffering, enduring fortitude, spiritually mature, pleasing to God |
patriarch | the authoritative head; if the name is substituted, research the name |
PATRICK | noble administrator, righteous ruler; figuratively used to express preciseness |
patrol | authoritative protection figurative of spiritual or physical help |
patronizing | revealed in order to recognize |
pattern | made evident for consideration; if original, see “invention” |
PAUL | small beginning, victorious, dynamic faith and dedication |
pauper | whether spiritual or financial, there is a need for help revealed |
paved | smooth-going |
pawn shop | financial stress; research details for clarity |
paying | paying the price is not always monetary, i.e. Christ paid the price for our sins with His blood |
peach | the fanciful, slightly fearful, desirable |
peacock | pride |
peanuts | a very small amount of money |
pear | a fruit of the rose family; see “fruits” and “rose” |
PEARL | priceless; God’s word; the church, formed by pain; the greater the suffering, the greater the pearl |
peas | words, i.e. black-eyed peas are oppressive words from one who sees through disapproving eyes; see “food” |
pebbles | many small problems that make up a rough, but honorable, walk in life; see “gravel” |
pecan | bitterness has formed a spiritual shell that keeps one from fully enjoying the fruit of their life |
pedal | see “bike” |
pedestal | a place of esteem and pride, which is the stepping stone to failure |
pediatrician | one of authority who helps the spiritually immature |
pedicure | keeping one’s steps spiritually groomed and going in the right direction; see “groomed” |
pedophile | a warning; see “perverted” |
PEDRO | see “PETER” |
peel | to shed the outside appearance and look into the true motive; research whatever is being peeled |
peeping | a warning of inconspicuous observation |
peg | a judgmental conclusion that pins one down |
pelican | pious |
pen | a written statement, etc., unlike a pencil or chalk; research colors; see “pencil” and “chalk” |
pencil | temporary. see “pen” and “chalk” |
pendent | left hanging without support |
pendulum | indecisiveness |
PENELOPE | diligent worker, industrious spirit |
penguin | one who depends more on brain than brawn |
pennant | one’s statement of identity |
penny | a very small price, not a penny; associated with work because of the color |
penny-pinching | preparing one for a frugal situation |
pension | delayed gratification can be expected |
penthouse | a higher level in life, filled with faith and enlightenment |
pepper | oppressive temperament |
percentage | revealing knowledge concerning finances; research numbers |
PERCIVAL | considerate, unselfish spirit |
percolator | restores cheerfulness and vigor; taking time to do the very best |
perforated | cutting holes through something makes it vulnerable |
perform | putting into action a plan of accomplishment, i.e. executing a plan, one stage at a time |
perfume | see “fragrance” |
pergola | see “arbor” |
periscope | used for observation that is not deterred by obstructions or on the level |
perjury | exposing a detrimental witness |
permanent | literal |
permit | permission granted |
peroxide | see “bleach” |
PERRY | see “PARRY” |
persecuted | a warning, see “rejected” |
persevering | steadfastness will be rewarded |
persuading | to dissuade one from yielding to the wrong, and to encourage the right persuasion |
perturbed | revealed in order to avert confusing circumstances |
perverted | twisted from that which is natural into that which is unnatural |
pessimist | revealing the negative to accentuate the positive |
pest | one who causes the same type of problem, i.e. a locust is a freeloader; research the type of pest |
pet | represents someone of like character; research the color, attributes, etc. |
PETER | a rock, faithful, dedicated, spiritually sound |
PETRA | steadfast, strong, dependable one |
petrified | a spiritual hardness and inactivity caused by immobilizing fear |
petticoat | one’s unseen motive or identity; see “clothing” |
pew | a church pew is figurative of a religious or moral situation |
pewter | that which is secure and strong, but displeasing to the fanciful |
Pharisee | one who is piously religious and judgmental; see “hypocrite” |
pharmacy | see “drugstore” |
PHEDRA | bright one, enlightened spirit |
PHELAN | little wolf |
PHILLIP, PHIL | lover of horses, see “horse” |
PHILO | loving spirit |
PHILOMENA | lover of music |
PHINEAS | trusting, teachable spirit |
phlebitis | the infectious infiltration of harmful outside influences foreign to one’s nature, affecting their ability to perform |
phobia | literally unfounded, morbid fear is revealed to recognize the futility in order to overcome |
PHOEBE | enlightened spirit, bright one |
phone | spoken words are literal; dialing difficulties indicate a problem of personal communication |
phonograph | a mental recording of words and actions |
phony | a warning to prevent deception |
photo | a memory of substance in one’s life |
photo copy | see “copy” |
physician | an authoritative figure who helps others physically or spiritually, i.e. Jesus Christ is called the “Great Physician”; research name |
piano | depicts the harmony of life; take seriously any lyrics to the music; no lyrics means no committment |
picket | a public protest |
picnic | an humble and informal service outside normal accommodations; see “food” |
picture | a scene of life, a memory of substance; see “photo” |
pie | one’s heart’s desire; a piece is parcel fulfillment; total fulfillment is the whole pie |
pier | a blessed place that brings security and support; see “water” |
pierce | sharp words and actions pierce the heart; see “knife” |
PIERE | see “PETER” |
PIERRE | see “PETER” |
pig | spiritually unclean; a reprobate |
pigeon | a messenger who is duped, because of their trusting nature; see “dove” and “naïve” |
pigmy | see “small” |
pigtails | figurative of one’s spiritual covering being bound; see “hair”, “pig”, and “tail” |
pill | a symbol of temporary relief from mental or physical pain and neglect |
pillar | see “column” |
pillow | symbolizes peace of mind, because it is a headrest |
pilot | authoritative figure of power that is in control of an important situation at a higher level |
pimple | see “acne” |
pin | sharp words that hurt, unless a safety pin which uses tact |
pin cushion | one who is excessively stuck with hurtful words and problems, i.e. a scapegoat |
pinch | to put the squeeze on someone and cause painful hardship |
pine tree | a Christian; see “evergreen” |
pink | the color of love; the type of love depends upon the shade of pink; research item |
pinkie finger | figurative of submission |
pinnacle | depicts the highest point of success |
pinworm | sharp gossip; see “pin” and “larva” |
pipeline | controls the flow of success in the spiritual foundation of one’s life; size determines amount; see “foundation” |
PIPER | pipe player, joyful spirit |
pirate | a warning of one who would steal by reproducing another’s work, etc. |
pistol | see “gun” |
pit | warning one of a trap which will cause sorrow and depression |
pitcher | active participant in the game of life; see “ball” |
pitchfork | the forked tongue of the double minded |
pity | literal and sincere feelings to encourage whatever type of support is needed |
plague | warning of a sudden undesirable calamity; see “disease” |
plaid | going in many different directions; see “clothes” |
plane | see “airplane” |
planetarium | symbolizes one’s search for divine guidance |
plant | a green plant is good service; dried is useless; artificial is hypocrisy; research the type of plant |
plantation | a family owned business |
planting | sowing spiritual seed, i.e. words and deeds of service with the expectation of a harvests; see “reaping” |
plaque | see “ornament” |
plaster | concealment by interposing a false outer appearance; see “plastic” and “whitewash” |
plastic | figurative of that which is created by man instead of God |
plate | used to serve spiritual nourishment; research any details; see “food” |
platform | a place of exaltation |
platoon | an infantry of spiritual protection is revealed to bring peace and encouragement |
platter | an abundance of blessings will be served at the proper time; see “dish” |
play | a pretentious situation in the game of life; see “game” |
playhouse | a household of insincerity |
playwright | the originator of a pretentious act |
pleat | to double check the progress of one’s efforts with precise accuracy; research pleated item |
pledge | see “oath” |
pliers | used to loose that which is spiritually bound; see “loose” |
plot | a literal warning |
plow | see “cultivate” |
pluck | to literally remove, i.e. to pluck eyebrows is to remove an angry attitude |
plug | used to constrict and prevent intervention |
plum | valuable and desirable; research color; see “fruits” |
plumb line | that which brings balance and justice |
plume | see “feather” |
plump | blessed if muscular and strong; if excessive and weak, see “obesity” |
plunger | removes hindering obstructions, i.e. strife, fear, etc., which blocks peace of mind; see “bathroom” |
poaching | see “boil” and “egg” |
pock | see “acne” |
poem | important personal message |
pointing | index finger criticizes; middle finger curses; thumbs up is approval, down is disapproval; little finger is submission; see “fingernails” |
poison | corrupt words or actions that infiltrate the mind like venom, as yeast to bread, affecting all |
Poke | an undesirable intrusion |
poker | a situation where bluffing and chance is involved; see “card game” |
polar bear | a double-minded person who can suddenly become very angry and aggressive, especially over their family |
Polaroid | serving to create a substantial memory of the unification of opposing extremes; see “photo” |
polecat | one whose words and actions are offensive and conflictive, unless they get their way; see “animals” |
police | organized protection |
policy | a guide of conditions revealed for an important reason |
polish | going beyond what is expected in order to shine with excellence |
polite | good manners are in order |
politician | one who patronizes with promises of grandeur in order to bring about their designed plans |
poll | a literal account |
pollination | spreading good news that edifies |
pollution | profane words and actions |
POLLY | see “MARY” |
polo | using one’s personal abilities and strength to succeed; see “horse” and “game” |
poltergeist | see “witchcraft” |
polygamy | having more than one partnership, i.e. a religious person who lives in sin; see “marry” |
pomegranite | sign of fruitfulness and highly esteemed religious authority; see “fruits” |
pom-poms | represent victory |
pompous | a self-righteous person |
poncho | see “cape” |
pond | see “water” |
pontoon | a spiritual support used to cross-over from the past to a new beginning; see “boat” |
pony | the immature power of the world, opposite of the power of God |
pool | see “water” |
poor | whether materially or spiritually, revealing a need is asking one to help |
pop-corn | fast money |
Pope | high religious authority who may be substituted for another religious person of high authority |
popsicle | fun-food in a difficult situation; being on a stick indicates pride; see “food”, “ice-cream”, and “pride” |
porch | outside one’s household, but inside one’s domain’ |
porcupine | one who, when angry, attacks with sharp, needling words |
pork | over and above one’s needs; sometimes used to patronize |
porn | a warning that something is being perverted from upright to morally unacceptable, i.e. padding an insurance claim; see “perverted” |
port | a haven |
PORTER | gate keeper, guardian, protector |
portfolio | see “briefcase” |
porthole | enlightenment |
PORTIA | gift from God, priceless |
portrait | a permanent memory of substance |
positive | literal |
possessed | a spiritual condition; see “bound”, “loose”, and “witchcraft” |
possessive | revealed in order that one will recognize the problem; see “controlling” |
post card | a notice of significance, not necessarily postal |
postal | see “mail” |
poster | used to make a public statement |
postponed | being notified beforehand helps prepare one for the delay |
postscript | information to note |
posture | stooping sickly; unbalanced leaning; prostrate helplessness; bowing with submissive adoration; leaning unstably |
pot | mankind as a vessel of service; research accordingly, i.e. plastic, clay, glass, plastic, iron, gold, silver, etc. |
potato | a root; see “root” |
pouch | see “bag” |
pour | to freely dispense of one’s self, i.e. to pour out blessings; to pour out one’s wrath |
poverty | see “poor” |
powder | that which is dried out, quenched |
powerful | literal |
powerless | see “last” |
pox | see “acne” |
praise | literal |
prank | a warning |
prayer | prayer in a dream is unhindered, of pure intent, and prophetic |
preaching | a spiritual message relevant to one’s situation, sincere and divinely inspired |
prediction | should be divinely inspired and judged, never to be taken from a psychic counterfeit; see “witchcraft” |
pregnant | a state of expectancy in which a new beginning will take place; see “baby” |
prejudice | revealing pride rooted in insecurity and ignorance, eventually causing failure; see “pride” |
PRENTICE | helpful, teachable spirit |
preparing | preparation is needed |
prepayment | financial advice can be given in a dream; always confirm |
PRESCOTT | from the dwelling of the priest, spiritual awareness, consecrated one |
prescription | necessary, but not always medical; see “medicine” |
preserves | that which has been kept in a safe state to use at the proper time; research contents |
president | one who is the head authority may be used as a substitute; research the name |
PRESLEY | dweller at the meadow of the priest, peaceful, blessed spirit |
press | see “newspaper” |
pressured | revealed to bring about relief by exposing it as undue; see “controlled” |
pretend | literal pretense |
pretty | one whose words and ways are pleasing to others |
prey | a victim of foul play may be symbolized as an animal; research type and color |
price | helpful information; the price is not always monetary |
prick | see “needle” |
pride | rooted in insecurity and ignorance, eventually causing failure |
priest | religious authority who may be substituted for another religious person; research the name |
prim | literal |
prima donna | one who dramatizes excessively |
primer | the elementary beginning |
primitive | see “antique” |
principal | a figure of highest academic authority; if substituted for another, research the name |
anything printed should be taken seriously | |
PRISCILLA | old fashioned values, prudent, precise in purpose |
prism | crystal prisms are figurative of exalted wisdom |
prison | any place or state of confinement, i.e. a mental bondage; see “bound” |
prisoner | any type of mental, spiritual, or physical confinement; see “bound” |
privacy sign | revealing a need for more privacy in one’s personal life |
prize | literal, though the actual item may be symbolic; research |
probation | another chance, but with conditions |
problem | revealed in order that one recognize and deal with it wisely |
proclamation | literal |
procrastination | a warning to prevent delay |
prodigal | warning one to not foolishly squander away their lives and money |
professor | may be substituted for one of like character and high academic rank; research accordingly |
profit | literal; research details for clarity |
prognosis | see “diagnosis” |
program | research type of program and intended purpose |
progress | revealed to encourage and promote |
prohibited | literal warning |
promiscuous | uncommitted and indiscriminate in materialistic, as well as ethical principles of behavior |
promise | see “oath” |
promotion | any advancement or exaltation; given for encouragement and patience |
promptness | revealing the need and importance of promptness |
prongs | see“forceps” |
pronounced | research anything pronounced, for there is a reason it is brought to attention |
proof | literal |
prop | an enabler for one to lean on, instead of being self-sufficient |
propaganda | literal, though the scheme may be figurative in content |
propeller | figurative of expediently progressing |
proper | suitable expectations |
prophesy | literal, to be judged and confirmed; anything from a psychic is counterfeit; see “witchcraft” |
proposal | a forthcoming offer to consider |
proprietor | see “landlord” |
prosecute | a literal warning |
prosperous | material and spiritual blessings are revealed to encourage and guide one with wisdom, preventing hindrances |
prostitution | compromising religious morals for self-gratification, i.e. to intentionally debase one’s body, talents, ministry, etc., for personal gain |
prostrate | the position of helplessness, if on one’s back; humbleness, if forward |
protection | revealed to comfort and bring peace |
protest | a warning |
proud | see “pride” |
provoked | a warning to avert the situation |
prowler | a warning to take precautions |
prude | literal |
PRUDENCE | prudent, wise, discrete |
pruning | cutting back for the purpose of spiritual growth, i.e. if one makes too much to tithe, God may lower that amount; see “fruits” and “tree” |
pried open | using force to get control; a warning of presumptuous inquiry |
psalm | see “song” |
psoriasis | anxiety; see “skin” |
psychiatrist | one who helps others with mental problems, formally or informally |
psychic | see “witchcraft” |
psychologist | see “psychiatrist” |
publicity | public exploitation |
pudding | the pleasing finality of a conglomeration of events, activities, etc., i.e. the winning trophy after a series of competitions; compare to “pie” |
puddle | used to signify a voided word or action: see “spill” |
pull | to coerce |
pulpit | a religious symbol of preaching or teaching; see “sermon” |
pumpkin | a symbol of fear and anxiety presented as fun and joy, because of the color and association with Halloween; see “Halloween” |
punch | the drink of energetic, joyful celebration; research the type of container, i.e. glass, plastic, etc. |
punished | literal, and given to avert the offense or violation |
puny | underweight is desolation revealed in order to bring help; see “weight” |
pupil | figurative of wisdom and favor; research the color, if revealed, i.e. the “apple” of one’s eye; see “apple” |
puppet | one who is controlled by others; see “bound” |
puppy | one who is immature; see “dog” |
purchase | the item and price may be symbolic; research details for clarity |
pure | undefiled, i.e. people, like gold and silver, are purified by going through the fiery trials of life; see “fire” |
purge | means of spiritual purification; see “pure”, “loose”, and “prune” |
purple | royalty and prosperity |
purse | see “billfold” |
pus | see “abscess” |
pushed | warning one of forceful intimidation |
putt | see “game” |
putty | a pliable situation |
puzzle | confusion and separation caused by irregular circumstances |
quake | warning of an upset in the security of one’s spiritual foundation; see “foundation” |
qualifications | literal information which may help one qualify |
quality | literal information |
quantity | figurative numbers, etc., may be substituted; research accordingly |
quarantined | enforced isolation for any reason |
quarrel | revealed in order to avert |
quarry | a place filled with troubles |
quarter | figurative of a very small amount of money, not a quarter |
queasy | revealing a need for better judgment |
queen | one who is exalted and treated as royalty, yet submissive to a higher authority |
quench | to cut off the source of life; research whatever was quenched; see “candle” |
question | knowing the question will insure a correct answer |
quicksand | quick failure; see “foundation” and “sand” |
quiet | see “mute” |
quill | figurative of honor and importance; see “feather” and “antique” |
QUILLAN | highly esteemed, beloved one |
quilt | the covering for one with many places to go and things to do |
QUIMBY | estate of a woman |
QUINCY | dweller at the estate of the fifth son |
QUINN | enlightened one |
QUINTIN, QUINTON | the fifth |
quit | foreknowledge gives one time to reconsider options |
quiz | see “test” |
quotation | a personal message to be considered according to the source |
rabbi | a religious leader of high authority |
rabbit | one who makes the mistake of acting too swiftly; see “animals” |
rabies | out of control and unjustified anger in a person who acts like a mad animal |
raccoon | a person of like characteristics, i.e. unenlightened, undomesticated, racketeering |
RACHAEL | innocent, patient, humble spirit |
racial | nationalities and colors are figurative; research |
racing | a feeling that one must hurry to keep ahead and not be left behind |
rack | see “bench” |
racquetball | see “game” |
radar | having one’s whereabouts tracked |
radiance | emphasis of importance or greatness |
radio | audio; not restricted to a certain type of transmission |
radish | research the color and see “food” |
RAE, RAY | protector, counselor, enlightened one |
RAFFERTY | prosperous |
raffle | see “gamble” |
raft | see “log” and “boat” |
ragged | desolate; research the type of fabric and the color |
raid | a warning; research details for type of raid |
railing | protection |
railroad | on a difficult, one-way course |
rain | peaceful is a blessing; stormy is troubled; see “storm” |
RAINA | see “RAE” |
rainbow | an infinite promise of protection from God, relative to the present storm in one’s life; see “storm” |
raise | literal; if the amount or date is figurative, research details for clarity |
raisin | a blessing that has dried up from lack of spiritual nourishment; see “fruits” |
rake | used to spiritually groom by breaking away the undesirable from one’s life; see “grooming” |
RALEIGH | meadow of the doe deer, prosperous, peaceful spirit |
rally | revealed to arouse enthusiasm |
RALPH | wise, discerning counselor |
ram | figurative of one who whose force and strength is used for good |
ranch | a family owned business; see “plantation” |
RANDOLPH | zealous, direct spirit, shield |
RANKIN | little shield |
RAOUL | see “RALPH” |
rape | forcefully taking advantage of the innocent, physically, financially, i.e. like locust that rape the land |
RAPHAEL | divinely healed, consecrated one |
rare | revealed in order to acknowledge a quality which may not be recognized |
rash | see “acne” |
raspberry | something pleasant that also brings with it, the unpleasant; see “fruit’s” |
rat | one who is deceptive, unlike the mouse; see “mouse” |
rattle | unstable |
ravage | see “rape” |
raven | messenger of bad news; see “bird” |
raw | unprepared, i.e. steak is for the spiritually mature , but is of no use while raw or frozen; see “meat” |
ray | the light of wisdom |
RAYBURN | from the brook of the deer, spiritual awareness, see “RAY” and “burn” |
RAYMOND | shield of mighty protection, enlightened one |
RAYNOR | mighty army |
rayon | see “man-made” and “natural” |
razor | used to groom one’s attitude |
reading | research details for clarity of message, i.e. a book about a wolf is a personal warning; a book on etiquette implies a need for more |
realty sign | research any words, i.e. “Sunset Realty” means it is time to leave; “Sunrise Realty” means it is time for a new beginning |
reaping | harvest time, i.e. one reaps what they sow, whether it be good or bad; good works grow blessing, and vice versa; see “planting” |
rear | figurative of a more humble position; submissive instead of in control; see “last” |
reasoning | given in order to formulate an analysis |
reassurance | if received in a dream, it is a genuine |
rebate | every deed, whether good or bad, has a full rebate; see “coupon” and “reaping” |
REBECCA | binding |
rebellious | a warning |
rebound | literal recovery |
rebuild | literal restoration, whether physical, spiritual, or material |
rebuke | literal reprimand revealed as a warning to avert the circumstances |
receipt | needing proof of purchase is for a reason; research details for clarity |
received | literal, though timing may be elusive |
recess | a time-out is in order |
recipe | instruction for preparation of a need in one’s life; see “food” |
reckless | revealed to prevent |
recliner | taking a relaxed position in a situation, instead of an active one |
reconcile | literal assurance |
reconsidering | implies the need to reconsider one’s options |
recorder | a warning to be discreet, for one’s words will be conveyed to others |
recount | revealing a need to reconsider |
recovered | how one makes the recovery may be literal instructions to follow; research details |
recreation | reveals a need; research the type for more clarity |
recruiter | one who attempts to enlist another to volunteer their services for any cause |
rectory | a house owned by a religious person, not necessarily an established church |
red | dark red is redemption, like the blood of Christ, and bright red is the fire of tribulation; see “fire” |
redeemed | maroon or burgundy, figurative of Christ’s blood |
reduced | reduction of something too big is a correction; unnatural reduction that is too small is a lessening of power or ability |
reed | weakness and instability |
REED, REID | gentle, pliable spirit |
reel | something that staggers in motion |
referee | one who tries to settle a dispute, officially or unofficially |
refinery | figuratively, a place that refines others |
reflection | seeing things as they are; facing reality |
reflux | not being able to stomach something said or done; see “acid” |
refraining | instructing one to abstain from something detrimental |
refreshments | research the particular refreshment |
refrigeration | that which protects and stores something until it is needed; research the item |
refuge | a place that offers relief, i.e. a caring home away from home |
refugee | one who seeks help and protection from a troubled life |
refund | a literal return of any investment, monetary or spiritual; see “rebate” |
refusal | literal, and revealed in order to prepare |
REGAN | little king |
REGINA, REGGIE | royal, gracious ruler |
REGINALD REYNOLD | mighty in counsel and judgment |
register | figurative of giving personal approval |
regressing | literal warning |
regrets | revealed to prevent the regrettable |
rehabilitated | assurance to bring hope and encouragement |
rehearsal | preparation for high achievement |
reinforce | instruction for adequate security |
rejected | revealed to avert the situation or be prepared to accept, which assures favor and success; see “last” |
relative | either literal or a substitute of relative character; research the name |
relaxing | taking an inactive role in one’s situation |
released | see “loosed” |
reliable | revealed so one can know who to trust |
relic | a part of one’s life that will or has become extinct |
relief | see “bathroom” |
religious | one can discern between the righteous and the self-righteous in a dream |
reluctant | cautious reconsideration is shown to be needed |
remedy | literal remedies are given, but must be confirmed; see “diagnosis” |
remember | buried memories may come back if they are needed |
remnant | see “last” |
remorse | if felt in a dream, it is sincere and will lead to forgiveness and restoration |
remote control | man’s control over a remote situation |
removal | literal action; if the method of removal is figurative, research it |
RENATA | renewed faith, gracious spirit |
RENEER | renewed spirit |
renewal | witnessing the process of renewing is revealing instructions for a successful transaction |
renounce | see “refusal” |
rental | temporary |
repair | literal, though it may be spiritual, as well as physical |
repay | literal instruction |
repeat | revealed in order to act accordingly |
repent | see “remorse” |
repercussion | to avert the effect by exposing the cause |
report | a rumor or statement of decision |
reporter | a messenger |
repossession | revealed to avert |
repulsive | revealing that which is disgustful in order to avert it |
request | revealed to prepare one to meet or deny the request |
requirements | knowledge that may enable one to more easily meet the necessary requirements |
rescue | research type of rescue, i.e. God’s word is a life jacket to those drowning in sin, if they put it on |
resemblance | there are similarities the eye cannot see, for they must be discerned |
resentful | revealed to make one more aware of the indignation and be able to deal with it |
reservation | a literal reservation may be revealed, but the timing may be elusive |
reservist | spiritual or physical protector that is always ready when help is needed |
residence | if unfamiliar, research everything for clarity; see “house” |
resign | foreknowledge may be a confirmation or allow one more options |
resist | the opposition may be easier to resist if a means of resistance is revealed |
resolved | if a problem is successfully dealt with in a dream, it is more easily resolved |
resort | where one can spiritually and physically make a rebound, implies the need for one |
respect | revealed in order that it be recognized and offered |
responsibilities | an affirmation of obligations is a reminder |
rest | research type of rest, i.e. recliner, bed, awake, asleep; each has a different meaning |
restaurant | see “food” |
restoration | taking that which was destroyed and forming it into a rare new beauty, spiritually |
restrained | see “bound” |
results | foreknowledge enables one to change the results |
resume | instruction |
resume’ | such an account may need updating |
resurrection | the promise of a new spiritual beginning, paid for by Jesus Christ |
retarded | figurative of one who acts as such, and names may be substituted |
retired | literally, concerning a particular activity |
retraction | an action to reconsider |
return | revealing the consequences is to influence the decision |
REUBEN, RUBEN | behold a son |
REVA | revived, victorious |
revealed | to restrain from evil, reveal God’s purpose, reveal the future, instruct, and encourage |
revenge | revealed to avert, for vengeance belongs to God |
reverend | see “minister” |
reverse | a setback |
reward | see “award” |
REX | king, highly esteemed, honored |
REXFORD | dweller of the king’s ford, honorable, exalted one |
REYNARD | courageous spirit, powerful one |
RHEA | a life-giving stream, enlightened one |
rhinestone | false security; compare to “diamond” |
rhinoceros | a “thick-skinned” person who is unaffected by the negative |
RHODA | see “ROSE” |
RHONDA | strong minded |
rhyme | see “poem” |
rib | joking; see “laughter” |
rice | that which meets one’s basic needs; see “food” |
RICHARD, RICK, DICK | powerful ruler, prosperous; may be used as a substitute for the prefix “rich” |
RILEY | brave, ardent |
rigid | not pliable, stubborn |
ring | a promise; research type, i.e. gold, silver, plastic, paper, diamond, etc. see “finger” |
rinse | after a spiritual cleansing of the undesirable, it is important to rinse away, to forgive and forget |
RIORDAN | creative, gifted in song, joyful spirit |
rip | see “tear” |
ripe | research whatever is ripe, for it is ready |
ripple | figurative of a word or deed which has a domino effect; see “dominos” |
rising | a positive direction of advancement |
risky | revealing the insecurity of a risky venture |
rite | a religious custom |
rival | revealing one who is competitive, formally or informally |
river | see “water” |
roach | one who “bugs” others |
road | type and condition determines the spiritual condition of one’s pathway, i.e. paved, dirt, gravel, rock, etc.; research, accordingly |
roaming | without purpose or direction, searching for that something that is lacking in one’s life |
ROANNA | a sweet fragrance of graciousness, honored one |
roaring | an angry, threatening person; if no teeth, they are just a lot of empty talk; research the names; see “animals” |
ROARKE | famous ruler and benevolent refuge |
roasting | dry preparation; see “drought” and “food” |
robbed | whether literal or spiritual robbery, it a warning |
robe | a house robe implies a home situation; research details, i.e. color, fabric, etc. |
ROBERT, ROBB | bright in counsel, distinguished leader, enlightened one |
robin | a bird is a messenger, and a robin is a new beginning |
robot | see “puppet” |
ROCHELLE | little rock, faithful, trustworthy spirit |
rock | a secure spiritual foundation, figurative of Christ; see “foundation”; if small rocks, see “gravel” |
rocket | a spiritual warfare in one’s life that must be fought spiritually |
rocking | instability, i.e. rocking over a house key and breaking it, is a warning that instability will break up the household |
rod | authority and correction |
rodent | see “mouse” and “rat”, for they are different |
rodeo | figurative of the powers of the world in competition; see “horse” |
RODERICK | renown ruler, prosperous one |
RODNEY | renown ruler, spiritually aware |
ROGER, RODGER | expeditious, renown counselor and protector |
ROLAND | famous, wise in counsel |
roll-call | research names, for they are called out for a significant purpose |
roller skate | voluntarily or involuntarily moving on one’s on abilities, i.e. “on a roll” |
rolling | see “roller skate” |
ROMAN | brave, noble one, authoritative |
romance | desiring to win another’s favor; respectful admiration of quality attributes |
RONALD, RONNI | mighty in power and leadership, |
roof | the spiritual covering of whatever or whoever is under that roof; research details |
rook | as the crow, an oppressive messenger who gloats; see “bird” and “cards” |
rookie | the inexperienced |
room | according to the colors, whether large or small, type furniture, etc.; research accordingly |
roost | one who is at rest in a prominent position |
rooster | see “cock” |
root | the foundation that gives spiritual nourishment, i.e. Jesus Christ is the root of a Christian; see “foundation” |
rope | figurative of bondage; see “bound” |
RORY | king, worthy of honor |
ROSALIE | see “ROSE” |
ROSAMOND | protection |
rosary | revealing a need for spiritual intervention |
ROSCOE | from the deer forest, peaceful, serene spirit |
ROSE, ROSEY | a beautiful reward, figurative of hope and appreciation |
rose-colored lens | seeing things as positive, even in a negative situation |
rose-garden | a place of perfection, peace, and prosperity |
ROSEMARY | see “ROSE” and “MARY” |
ROSS | valiant, chivalrous, gracious spirit |
ROSSLYN | see “ROSE” and “LYNN” |
roster | duties seen posted on a roster are literal |
rot | that which has gone to waste because of spiritual neglect |
rotating | information to consider |
rouge | putting on a cheerful appearance when one is not cheerful |
rough | having a rough time; research whatever is rough for more clarity |
roulette | figurative of an insecure venture |
round | infinity |
round-trip ticket | informing one to expect a return |
roused | realization of the truth when one has been unaware or in denial |
route | the name or number will give clarity; research details |
rove | see “roam” |
rowdy | revealed in order to avert a troubled situation |
ROWENA | messenger of peace |
ROXANNE | the dawn of a new beginning, divine grace |
ROY | distinguished, honorable king |
royalty | dignified and powerful; often substituted for one of like character; research the name |
ROYCE | royalty |
rub | trying to closely associate with another in an annoying manner |
rubber | that which is insecure, tending to change courses without notification; see “waver” |
rubbish | figurative of that which is thrown aside as worthless; research details |
RUBY | priceless divine jewel, peaceful and contented spirit, gracious, benevolent one |
rudder | that which has authoritative control of a course of action |
rude | see “arrogant” |
RUDOLPH | courageous, mighty, supportive |
ruffled | excessively jealous and precise to the point of aggravation |
rug | figurative foundation; research color and fabric; see “foundation” |
rule | literal guideline |
ruler | indicating a need for correct measures to be taken; research, accordingly |
running | rushing to keep-up or ahead, but not having any help |
runt | see “small” |
rushed | under pressure and revealed to avert |
RUSSELL | fair countenance, enlightened spirit |
rusted | the evidence of wasted time and lack of spiritual care |
rustling | rustling livestock is figurative of theft on the job |
rut | to settle for less than intended |
RUTH | beloved, faithful companion, renewed spirit |
RUTHERFORD | from the cattle-ford |
RUTLEDGE | land of steadfast, faithful blessings |
RYAN | little king, gracious, benevolent spirit, noble, honorable character |
SABIN | vine planters, fruitful cultivator of life |
sable | see “fur” and research the color |
SABRINA | disciplined, serious minded, gracious spirit of abundance |
saccharin | figurative of an artificial display of sweetness, i.e. a Judas kiss; see “artificial” |
sack | see “bag” |
sack race | being controlled and rushed into doing something |
sackcloth | figurative of mourning or penitence |
sacrament | literal act of religious dedication |
sacred | literally valued highly in religious veneration |
sacrifice | literal |
sad | see “depressed” |
saddle | being saddled with an undesirable task; see “horse” |
SADIE | see “SARAH” |
sadism | a warning |
safari suit | worn when one is preparing to face the enemy of animal-like conduct; see “animals” |
safe | literal; revealed to bring peace |
safe-deposit box | a safe place; see “safe” |
safety belt | using self-discipline as a safeguard |
safety glass | wisdom that keeps one safe; see “glass” |
safety lamp | the light of wisdom that guides one to safety; see “lamp” |
safety pin | using tact in a difficult situation; see “pin” |
safety valve | indicates a need for relief from pent-up emotion or pressure; a warning to check it out, if literal |
sag | sign of decline |
sage | the spice of wisdom and good judgment |
sail | see “boat” |
sailor | see “boat” and “water” |
saint | one whose virtue is highly esteemed may be substituted by a saint; research name |
salad | a variety of “spur of the moment ” foods served cold; see “cold” and “food” |
sale | literal |
saline | see “salt” |
salmon | one who is fighting hard to keep their head above water in an uphill battle in the sea of life |
salt | a Christian influence |
salt-free | that which has no spiritual flavor nor favor; see “food” and “salt” |
salute | a sign of respect |
salvation | deliverance from bondage by God’s grace, i.e. eternally from sin and spiritual death ; temporal from sickness, enemies, poverty, etc. |
Salvation Army | figurative of salvaging the lost and desolate, spiritually and physically |
salve | the balm of healing and restoration, physically and spiritually |
sample | small example of something usually given in order to make one want more |
SAMSON | sun-like, strong, physically and spiritually |
SAMUEL, SAM | one who hears God, diligent, faithful, devout |
sanatorium | see “hospital” |
SANBORN | sandy stream |
SANCHO | sanctified, consecrated one |
sanctified | set apart to grow in holiness |
sanctuary | refuge |
sand | unstable foundation; see “foundation” |
sandals | lacking in total protection, leaving one’s steps in life vulnerable |
SANDERS | mighty defender of mankind |
sanding | figurative of agitating |
sand-paper | an agitating message on paper |
sandwich | help in the midst of a differential situation, i.e. tutoring received in addition to school; the “meat” between one’s daily bread; see “food” |
sanitary | spiritually clean |
sap | the life of a tree is in the sap, as the blood is to a person; see “tree” |
SAPPHIRE | beautiful, luxurious; see “blue”; if in a ring, see “ring” |
sappy | foolish acting, overly sentimental |
SARAH, SARA, SADI | beloved princess, noble lady |
SARAPHINA | zealous spirit, supportive, dedicated |
sardine | under pressured confinement |
sash | see “belt” |
satin | luxury and honor; research the color for more clarity |
sauce | the added touch, as spice to food; research the type and see “food” and “spice” |
sauerkraut | that which has gone sour; see “cabbage” and “food” |
SAUL | God’s chosen |
sausage | a diversified combination of words or actions minced with temperament; see “pork” and “food” |
SAVILLE, SEVILLE | fair one, beloved |
saving | literal advice in a dream is more valid than when awake |
saw | causing division with wavering words and actions |
sawdust | time wasted by wavering instead of being decisive; see “saw”, “dust”, and “waver” |
saxophone | used to communicate a personal, joyful message; see “music” |
scab | scorn |
scaffold | an intermediate means of construction in one’s life, i.e. a fallen scaffold is an ineffective means, destined to fail; see “construction” |
scalded | a warning of getting in “hot water” |
scales | keeping a correct balance |
scallion | see “onion” |
scalp | anything affecting the scalp is affecting one mentally |
scan | carefully checking over something |
scandal | a warning to be cautious and discrete |
scantily dressed | vulnerable and unprotected |
scar | evidence of an old spiritual wound that needs inner healing; research the anatomical location |
scare | see “fearful” |
scarf | a type of yoke; see “yoke” |
scarlet | bright red is the sign of going through a fiery trial |
scattered | out of control disorganization; research details for reorganization purposes |
scepter | authority |
schedule | a carefully thought out schedule indicates the need for one |
scheme | uncovered to avert the scheme and schemers |
scholar | one who is academically learned may be a substitute for another such person less formable |
school | wherever one learns a lesson, and not always an academic one |
school bus | an on-going learning experience |
scissors | used to cut-loose that which is bound; see “loose” |
scolding | revealed in order to prevent the need |
sconce | figurative of the light of wisdom which protects, as watchmen standing guard |
scoop | a tell-all of immediate interest; see “gossip” |
scooter | having no help and having to use one’s own capabilities; see “legs” |
scorch | while trying to iron out problems, one tries too hard |
score | see “game” |
scorn | see “scolding” |
scorpion | figurative of one’s enemy; a hypocrite |
scotch tape | implies a need for frugality |
SCOTT | free spirit |
scout | a well-intended person who does good works for others, including dead works |
scramble | confusion |
scrap book | fragments of memories that are no more relevant |
scratch | impatiently itching for something; research the anatomical location |
scream | implies a traumatic experience has not been resolved |
screen door | sorts out undesirable people from entering one’s life |
screw | a screw is a warning that someone has already or intends to cause unjust oppression |
scribble | confusion |
script | a carefully thought out plan of action indicates the need for one |
scroll | the last word on a subject of importance; see “proclamation” |
scrub | the elimination of the undesirable |
scuffle | a warning to avert the confusing situation |
sculpture | that which only appears to have life, but is spiritually dead |
scum | the undesirable consequences that arise from impure actions; see “dross” |
sea | see “water” |
seal | a symbol of dominion that is closed, unless opened by permission |
seam | steps taken for the completion |
SEAN | see “JOHN” |
séance | a warning to disassociate; see “witchcraft” |
seaplane | see “airplane” and “water” |
search | literal |
searchlight | implying a search will be made; an unwelcome search is a warning |
seasonings | see “spice” and “salt” |
seated | revealing one will be observing and not participating |
SEBASTIAN | honorable, highly esteemed |
seclusion | if involuntary, it is revealing a need; if by choice, it is revealing a need is being met by the seclusion |
secondhand | a transfer of responsibility or authority, i.e. wearing another’s shoes is experiencing their walk in life; a hat is a transfer of authority |
secret | instructing confidentiality |
secretary | pertaining to office work; research details, including names |
secretion | see “leak” |
sect | figurative of any united group, formal or informal, who has set themselves apart as superior in their own eyes |
secular | that which is temporary and insecure, because it is worldly |
secure | literal security is revealed to give peace when there is fear |
sedative | that which brings peace and comfort, whether it be word or deed |
sediment | as silver and gold is purified by fire, the sediment in one’s life falls when spiritually cleansed by fiery trials |
seduce | patronizing for the purpose of gaining favor is spoiled when exposed |
seed | words and deeds; see “planting” |
seersucker | ruffled circumstances covering one’s life |
seesaw | an unstable situation to avoid |
seething | hidden hostility is revealed to avert |
segregation | see “prejudice” |
seize | unfair confiscation is a warning |
SELBY | from the manor house of feudalism |
selection | revealed for the purpose of selective elimination |
SELENA | fair one, enlightened as the moon |
selfish | revealed to prevent one from contributing to the self-absorbed |
self-righteous | see “pompous” |
sell | literal; research details for clarity |
SELMA | divine protection |
semicircle | revealing an unfinished state, which will not be completed until a full circle |
semifinal | literal knowledge given to prepare one |
seminary | figurative of a place, formal or informal, where religion is taught |
senate | a formal group of legalists, not necessarily senators |
senator | one of legal governing authority, formal or informal |
senile | temporarily exhibiting mental weakness, because of emotional stress, reveals a need for relief |
senior | spiritually mature if found in righteousness |
sensitive | revealed to prevent insensitivity |
sensual | literally, a mental stimulation of senses, and of no spiritual or figurative connotation; for comparison, see “sex” |
sentenced | a judgmental opinion |
separated | a time of emotional separation |
septic tank | a place operating specifically for immoral gratification |
sequins | artificial beauty |
SERENA | fair one, peaceful spirit |
serenade | using complimentary words and actions to pursue and obtain |
serene | perfect peace, an assurance of divine protection |
serial dreams | an unresolved problem or an incomplete event of destiny; when resolved, the dreams will cease |
sermon | a divinely inspired, relevant message |
serpent | evil temptation, malice, hypocrite; a warning to avert the situation |
serving | literally serving others in some capacity |
SETH | chosen by God |
settlement | made clear to prevent a dispute or misunderstanding |
seven | perfection, fulfillment, and completion |
sever | see “knife” |
sew | steps taken to finish or sew up loose ends; see “hem” |
sewer | see “septic tank” |
sex | a mutual coarse of action to bring about a new beginning, i.e. a new business partnership; see “baby”; of no connotation with “sensual” |
shackle | a type of obstructive bondage; see “bound” |
shade | protection from the heat of one’s problems |
shadow | see “shade” |
shaggy | unfinished and in disarray |
SHAINA | beautiful |
shake-down | repetitive, forceful persuasion, i.e. shaking a tree so the fruit will fall before it is ready |
SHANE | see “JOHN” |
SHANNON | gift from God |
sharing | an unselfish act of charity is its own reward |
shark | a warning to beware of one who gains financially by deception, i.e. a loan shark |
SHARON | beautiful, floral plain |
sharp | to the point of extremity capable of inflicting pain, mental or physical |
shave | ordering the grooming of one’s words and attitude |
SHAWN | see “JOHN” |
sheets | a protective covering for one’s situation according to colors, cleanliness, design, etc.; research accordingly; see “bed” |
SHEILA | inner beauty, like a song of praise |
SHELBY | village on the ledge |
shelf | used to put one aside for a period of time; becoming inactive |
shell | the evidence of that which once was and is no more |
shelter | a refuge from the stormy trials of life |
SHERIDAN | free-spirited, diligent, creative |
SHERMAN | diligent worker |
SHERWIN | enlightened friend, blessed |
shield | that which protects one from harm, i.e. one’s faith in the promises of God |
shift | literal |
shimmy | unstable |
shine | finding approval in well doing; see “glossy” |
shingles | see “roof” |
ship | see “boat” |
shipwreck | see “boat” and “wreck” |
SHIRA | a song |
SHIRLEY | bright meadow, enlightened, peaceful spirit |
shirt | figurative covering for one’s heart-felt emotions, motives, etc.; see “clothing” |
shock | emotional disturbance, but not necessarily negative, i.e. a shocking surprise |
shoe-horn | steps in a tight situation |
shoes | covering of protection for one’s steps, according to color, fit, type, material, etc.; research accordingly |
shoot | see “gun” |
shopping | searching for something; research details for more clarity |
shortage | A warning of caution to be prepared |
shortcoming | revealed in order to overcome |
short shorts | inadequate covering of protection; see “legs”; if frayed, see “frayed” |
shoulders | used to carry a heavy load or burden, whether for one’s self, or for another to lean upon |
shove | see “bull” |
shovel | used to uncover or dig into the situation |
shower | to take an upright stand and stay clean of any wrong |
shred | to eliminate, one part at a time |
shrimp | small, but desirable; see “food” and “small” |
shrink | to lessen in influence, power, etc.; research whatever is shrinking |
shrub | a type of figurative protection, i.e. a moat around a castle; see “bush” |
shuck | that which was once important, but has become worthless and discarded |
shuffle | to repeatedly change one’s mind or position on a matter |
shun | see “prejudice” and “rejected” |
shutters | enable one to shut out or prevent outside visibility to inside one’s domain; see “window” |
shyness | see “fearful” |
SIBYL | enlightened one, beloved |
sick | whether literal or figurative, it is brought to one’s attention in order to help them |
sickle | a symbol of spiritual desolation |
side | not the regular, but the uncharted, irregular route |
sidewalk | see “walk” |
SIDNEY, SYDNEY | strong spirit, from Saint Denis |
SIEGFRIED | peaceful, victorious spirit |
sifting | being put through trials and tests to separate the acceptable from the unacceptable |
sign | reveals the correct direction, etc. |
signal | see “sign” |
signature | personal endorsement |
signet-ring | total authority; see “ring” |
SILAS | loyal, trustworthy companion |
silhouette | one’s spiritual presence or influence |
silk | luxurious covering which came from much hard work and sacrifice; research the color and style |
silly | literal behavior revealed to avert |
SILVANUS | dweller of the woods, enlightened spirit |
silver | wealth and wisdom that has gone through the “fire” of purification; see “fire” |
SIMON, SIMEON | one who hears, spiritually aware |
simulation | false security, see “rhinestone” |
sin | before judging, research type of sin, for it may be figurative instead of literal |
sincerity | literally free from hypocrisy; easier to discern in a dream |
singing | giving a message that should be taken seriously; heartfelt, sincere |
sink | if it contains water, it is used to spiritually clean; research whatever is cleaned |
sip | discerning; research details, i.e. type drink, cup or glass |
sissy | effeminate |
sister | see “relative” |
sit | taking an inactive role in a situation |
six | man’s troubles |
six-six-six | antichrist; a warning |
size | usually size is figurative; research, accordingly, i.e. number, small, large, etc. |
skating | see “roller skate”’ |
skeleton | total desolation; spiritual death |
skeleton-key | unauthorized power to gain or prevent entrance, possession, or control |
sketch | a temporary memory |
skewer | sharp words or tactics used to hold together and control |
ski | being able to smoothly glide over hard times; see “snow” |
skidding | losing emotional control |
skillet | see “pan” |
skillful | revealing who is qualified |
skim-milk | milk, which is the immature word, is even more immature when “skimmed” |
skin | the condition of the skin represents one’s inner spirit; research anything pronounced |
skinny | indicates a spiritual deficiency |
skip | negligence |
skipper | an authoritative figure; see “boat” |
skirt | submission; research details of skirt, i.e. color, material, etc. |
skull | total desolation; spiritual death |
skunk | one’s whose attitude stinks; see “animals” |
skylark | a messenger with blessed news |
sky-light | infinite wisdom from God |
slam | to end abruptly; see “shut” |
slander | revealed in order to lessen or avert the defamation |
slant | a slanted line is forbidding, i.e. angled across a person’s picture is forbidding association with them |
slap | a warning to avoid all conflict |
slaughter-house | a place where people are abused, either physically or mentally |
slave | one who is controlled and paid either nothing or unjust wages; see “bound” |
slave-driver | one who profits from the suffering and deprivation of others under their control |
sleep | a state of unawareness; innocence in a situation; asleep in Jesus |
sleet | hard times |
sleeveless | a lack of protection for one’s arms, which bear the fruit of their labor; see “clothes” |
sleeves | the protective covering of one’s arms, which bear the fruit of their labor; see “clothes” |
sleigh | since it is used on snow, it is figurative of overcoming hard times, making the best of them |
slice | see “fillet” |
sliding | getting by without putting forth an effort |
slipping | repeating a mistake |
SLOAN | victorious warrior |
slobber | lack of self-control |
slogan | identifies one’s motive |
slop | the spiritually unfit words and deeds preferred by prodigals; see “prodigal” |
slope | a low spot in one’s life |
sloppy | seeing the careless lifestyle is a prod to improve |
slouching | low self-esteem |
slow | literal |
slug | figurative of a lazy person; see “lazy” |
slum | desolation |
small | having nothing to do with one’s literal size; figuratively limited only; see “last” |
smart | literal |
smash | a warning |
smear | a warning of unethical tactics |
smell | an act of discernment, i.e. the sweet fragrance of kindness or the odor of contempt; see “nose” |
smile | showing that one has favor |
smirk | revealing a smug manner |
smocking | tucking in all the knowledge, etc., one can attain |
smoking | using offensive, critical words |
smoking food | cooking without oil or water is lacking spiritual empowerment” |
smooth | making sure all obstacles are removed |
smother | to overcome one by excessive attention |
smudge | a flaw |
smuggle | a warning |
smut | the humiliating fall-out from a fiery trial |
snack | an insufficient amount; see “food” |
snag | a hindrance |
snail | see “slug” |
snake | see “serpent” |
sneak | a warning |
sneeze | rejecting by a lack of seriousness |
snob | revealing a superiority complex; see “pride” |
snore | unaware of present circumstances, but not without influence |
snow | hard times |
snow-plow | see “snow” and “plow” |
snuff | offensive words of rejection |
soak | becoming completely absorbed, i.e. soaking in the message; see “water” |
soap | used to spiritually cleanse |
sob | see “cry” |
sober | revealing temperance and moral rectitude |
soccer | see “game” |
social security | one’s financial security |
social security no. | the total amount of one’s financial security |
socialite | literal |
socks | a covering of protection for one’s steps, unseen by others; see “stockings”; research style, i.e. color, etc. |
sofa | see “couch” |
soft | gentle |
soil | see “dirt” |
solar | the spiritual realm |
soldering | bringing unity where there was division by the trial of fire; see “fire” |
sole | one’s steps; see “barefooted” |
solicit | literal |
solid | without division |
solitaire | if a diamond ring, see “diamond” and “ring”; research type, i.e. marquee, tear drop, etc.; a solitaire card game is loneliness |
SOLOMON | peaceful one, spiritually discerning, wise |
solved | answers to problems can be literally revealed in a dream |
somersault | figurative of a complete revolution from failure to success, if forward |
son | the mature creative fruit of one’s labor, i.e. an author’s book; see “baby” and “relative” |
song | see “singing” |
SONYA | wisdom, spiritually aware |
soot | see “smut” |
SOPHIA | wisdom, virtuous spirit |
sorcery | see “witchcraft” |
soup | a combination of spiritually nutritious ingredients; see “food” |
sour | a displeasing, negative, attitude |
south | a warm climate; see “warm” and “hot” |
souvenir | a memory; research type of souvenir for more clarity |
spa | see “water” |
spank | figurative of Godly chastisement to correct, prevent sin, and bless |
spare-tire | a person or object not usually used, except in emergencies, i.e. feeling like a fifth wheel |
sparks | insufficient, minute power |
sparrow | the humble, of small monetary value, but of great value to God; see “bird” and “last” |
spasm | suddenly becoming helplessly emotional |
spatula | implement of service; see “food” |
spawn | see “fishing” and “egg” |
spayed | treated like a dog and being deprived of the ability to figuratively reproduce; see “hysterectomy” |
speaking | spoken words are true, unaltered and uninhibited in a dream |
spear | see “arrow” |
special | literal |
specialist | literal; research, accordingly |
specifications | research details for special symbolic interpretation |
specimen | literally representing individual characteristics of one part of a group |
speckle | a flaw |
speculation | more trustworthy in a dream than when awake |
speech | see “speaking” |
speechless | a warning to be prepared in advance |
speeding | a literal warning to slow down |
spelling | emphasizing words of importance; research for clarity |
SPENCER | benevolent provider, trustworthy |
spew | to figuratively reject the undesirable words or deeds |
spice | that which enhances the quality of enjoyment |
spider | one who does works of evil; research color and type, i.e. daddy longlegs is a relative; brown recluse is a worker hiding from responsibility |
spigot | that which has control to stop or start progress in a situation |
spike | see “nail” |
spill | to waste or reject something that will come to nothing |
spin and spindle | represents a work of progress |
spine | see “posture” |
spiral | implying that one’s progress is continuously spiraling, either up or down |
spirit | an immaterial being created by God, subject to divine and evil influence; if unholy, see “witchcraft” |
spit | see “spew” |
spiteful | a literal warning |
spittoon | an object of rejection; see “spew” and “rejected” |
splash-board | a figurative protection from mud-slinging, etc.; see “mud” |
splint | support which helps one’s spiritual wounds |
splinter | see “brier” |
split | dividing a house, etc., is to cause a literal division in the unity and security |
spoiled | worthless and offensive, whether a spoiled person or piece of meat; see “smell” |
sponge | one who enjoys the fruit of another’s labor, i.e. the locust that devours; see “mooching” |
sponsor | revealing one who will indorse and help another |
spook | see “witchcraft”” |
spoon | type of materialistic support, i.e. eating out of a silver spoon is prosperity |
sports | see “game” |
spotted | figurative of spiritual flaws |
spouse | see “marry” |
spout | see “spigot” |
Spring | a new beginning |
sprinkle | water and oil used for sacred purposes, i.e. dedication, regeneration, purification, ordination, etc. |
sprint | figurative of accomplishing a great amount in a short time |
spur | adversely used to express an urgency to go ahead |
square | figurative of that which is in perfect proportion, whether a square person or meal |
squash | the food figurative of that which is weak and fearful if yellow; see “food” |
squeaking | constantly complaining |
squealing | a warning to prevent one from sharing confidential matters |
squeeze | applying unreasonable mental pressure |
squirrel | one who acts mentally unbalanced |
squirt | a small amount that will come suddenly |
stab | to wound one’s spirit with sharp words; see “knife” |
stable | an humble dwelling |
STACEY | spring, renewed life |
stack | a literal accumulation, implying excessiveness |
stadium | where the figurative game of life is played out; see “game” |
stage | used for exaltation |
stagger | see “waver” |
stagnant | that which has been inactive for too long |
STAHL, STEELE | strength |
stain | a spiritual flaw |
stainless steel | undefiled and persevering determination in one’s endeavors |
staircase | to ascend is positive faith and exaltation; to descend is to be humbled |
stale bread | wasted by holding back instead of sharing; see “bread” |
stalker | a warning |
stall in a stable | a place of humbling degradation |
stammer | insecurity |
stampede | unfairly run over by the power of the competitive, material world; see “horse” |
stamps | indication that something needs to be mailed |
STANISLAUS | steadfast, single-minded, faithful spirit |
STANLEY | rocky ground, faithful, enduring |
STANTON | from the stony estate, strength made perfect in adversity |
staple | see “brad” |
star | one who is highly esteemed, unless a falling star that has fallen from grace |
starch | used to subsidize that which is lacking, i.e. cornstarch is a monetary replacement for insufficient funds |
staring | excessive and unwelcome attention revealed to prevent |
star-fish | a prize catch in the sea of life; exalted one; see “fishing” |
starter | revealing a need to get started and not procrastinate |
startled | when experienced in a dream, one will know what to expect and be prepared |
starved | spiritually undernourished; if literal, it is a cry for help |
state | the state of mind and condition in which one lives |
stationery | a letter of importance; research details, i.e. colors, design, words, etc. |
statue | see “sculpture” |
steak | the mature, spiritual word; compare to “milk” |
steal | literal warning |
steam | regressed tension |
steam-boat | correctly channeling one’s emotions and turning them into positive action; see “boat” |
steel | strength |
steeple | religious symbol of a place of worship |
steering | the controlling guide over a progressing situation |
STELLA | a star, highly esteemed one |
stench | words or actions that are discerned to be unpleasant |
stencil | patterned and controlled without freedom of expression |
stenographer | figurative of one who is watching and listening, keeping tabs for business purposes |
STEPHEN | crowned with honor, excellent worth |
stepping-stones | each stone is one positive step toward a specific goal; see “rock” |
sterilize | to spiritually purify |
STERLING | virtuous, pure heart |
stethoscope | used to discern one’s seat of emotions and hidden motives |
stew | a congested state; see “soup” |
STEWART | wise and faithful steward, benevolent spirit |
stick | a symbol of the “rod of correction”; if used as a walking stick, a symbol of physical weakness |
sticky | co-dependent; problematic; sticky fingers take what is not theirs or borrow without returning |
stiff | not pliable; proud |
stifle | literally repressing one’s spirit by being too controlling; see “bound” |
stilts | wearing stilts is appearing as the successful person that one aspires to become |
sting | a warning given to prevent entrapment |
stingy | revealed to discourage one from expecting anything without a “stinger” |
stink | see “stench” |
stir | to put into motion |
stitch | to unite, one step at a time; see “sew” |
stock market | see “dominos” |
stockings | a protective covering for one’s personal ability to progress; see “legs” |
stole | a type of yoke, according to material; research, i.e. animal fur is animal-like behavior, etc. |
stomach | area figurative of self-control; see “abdomen” |
stone | see “rock” |
stool | a temporary seat, leaving one vulnerable, if backless |
stooping | sickly; see “posture” |
stopper | see “plug” |
stop-sign | literal instruction to cease action |
stopwatch | indicating the importance of the time to start and stop |
storage | whether memories or material possessions, they have been put away for later; see “barn” |
store-front | a professional service; research the name for relevance |
stork | referring to the announcement of a new birth, literally or spiritually; see “baby” |
storm | warning one of an approaching crisis or tumultuous outburst is for the purpose of preparing to overcome or avert it |
storybook | a “fairy-tale” outlook or communication; research the title for clarity |
stout | spiritually strong |
stove | used to prepare spiritual nourishment; see “food” |
stowaway | literal |
straddle | the lukewarm spiritual position of the noncommittal, i.e. straddling the fence; see “waver” |
straight | free from irregularities |
straighten | research whatever is straightened for clarity of any irregularities |
strainer | that which is used to separate the desirable from the undesirable; see “screen door” |
straining | revealing one’s diligence in a difficult situation |
strait | the correct way, though unpopular and in the minority |
straitjacket | used to figuratively discipline undisciplined hands |
straitlaced | see “strait” and “laced” |
stranded | having to stand alone, without the needed help |
strange | revealing the unknown in order to better understand what not to accept |
strangled | unable to “swallow” the word or action one is given |
strapped | restricting for a purpose; research details for clarity |
straw | temporary and insecure; of little worth; a drinking straw is an intermediate means of contact |
strawberry | temporary pleasure mixed with problems |
stray | see “rejected” |
streak | an undisciplined flaw |
street | the name or number is significant; research accordingly |
stress | revealing a stressful situation in order that it be lessened or averted |
stretch | making an effort to extend or increase, i.e. stretching money is being thrifty |
stretcher | to lay on a stretcher indicates physical sickness that needs immediate attention; see “cot” |
strict | revealed to encourage pliancy |
strife | since strife comes from pride, which precedes failure, it is revealed to avert |
strike | a warning |
strings | loose strings indicate loose ends; strings attached indicates ulterior motives, i.e. co-dependency |
strip | the removal of one’s possessions, etc., is a warning to take precautions |
stripes | inner wounds, control, bondage; see “bound” |
stroke | suddenly being overcome or struck by emotion, whether good or bad news |
strong | spiritual strength |
stub | something or someone is spent, worn out; see “small” |
stubborn | see “mule” |
stuck-up | see “pride” |
student | one who is in a learning situation, formal or informal |
stuffed | see “taxidermy” |
stumble | to make a mistake |
stump | see “stub” |
stunted | quenched too soon |
stupid | unwise behavior revealed to avert |
stutter | see “stammer” |
style | characteristic of one’s spiritual status, i.e. old-fashioned purist, worldly, modern, etc.; research accordingly |
submarine | total, unwavering commitment; see “water” |
submerge | see “submarine” |
submissive | an humble position; see “humble” |
subpoena | revealing a judgmental order of appearance, whether literal or figurative |
subscription | referring to something subscribed by one, personally; research details |
subsidy | literal, though type and amount may be figurative |
substitute | substitutions are used to compare similarities, add understanding, i.e. name, title, an animal, etc. |
subtraction | the removal; research details |
subway | figurative of the wrong way; regressing |
success | revealed to encourage |
successor | literal, though substitutions may be used for more clarity; research accordingly |
suffering | literally enduring longsuffering, one of the fruits of the spirit; see “fruits” |
suffocate | see “smother” |
sugar | kindness |
suggestion | literal advice in a dream is more valid than when awake |
suicide | self-destruction of any form, i.e. spiritual, financial, social, etc. |
suing | seeking justice |
SULLIVAN | black-eyed, strength made perfect in adversity |
sunburn | burned by fiery trials; see “fire” |
sun-dial | divine wisdom and it’s perfect timing |
sunflower | see “flower” and “light” |
sunrise | indication of a new beginning |
sunset | indication of a conclusion |
superficial | revealed to prevent deception |
superintendent | one having literal authority |
supernatural | spiritual good and evil is not naturally discerned, and it must be judged; see “witchcraft” |
superstition | bondage; the truth sets one free |
supervisor | see “superintendent” |
supper | see “dinner” |
supplement | literally added to fill-in what is lacking; research details |
support | literal, though the type of support and timing may be figurative; research details |
suppressed | revealed to avert; see “bound” |
survival | survival is imminent and revealed to encourage |
SUSAN, SUE | lily, graceful, pure spirit |
suspect | revealed to give insight where it is needed |
suspended | literal warning |
suspenders | a belt is self-discipline; suspenders indicates support, instead of discipline |
suspicious | revealed in order to end the suspicion |
swab | revealing a need to swab or clean; research details |
swallow | see “bird” |
swamp | weak spiritual foundation; see “foundation” |
swan | something ending with dignity, grace, and beauty |
swap | revealing a probable transaction |
swearing | reveals a lack of emotional self-control and a limited vocabulary |
sweat | revealing a hard, enduring situation in order to be prepared |
sweat bee | the stinging pain from excessively hard and enduring work |
sweater | a figurative protection from the coldness of hard times; research color and fabric |
sweeping | moving problems out of the way |
sweepstakes | a figurative source, amount, and timing, i.e. a new financially blessed job, etc.; see “gambling” |
sweet | kindness; see “food” |
sweetheart | one whose kindness blesses the heart |
swelter | to be overcome with problems |
swerving | unstable; see “waver” |
swimming | staying on top of things and progressing in the waters of affliction; see “water” |
swindled | see “conned” |
swine | see “pig” |
swing | see “waver” |
swipe | making an attempt to remove the undesirable |
swirl | being in the midst of confusion |
switch | to switch on is bringing lightness of understanding; switching off the light is bringing misunderstanding and failure |
swivel | see “waver” |
swollen | pride or excessiveness, according to the location of the swelling; research the anatomical location |
sword | see “knife” |
sword-fish | the sword of the word, used to help others; see “knife” and “fish” |
sympathy | literal and sincere |
symphony | a formal composition of one’s life set to music; see “music” |
symptoms | whether figurative or literal, research details and confirm; see “diagnosis” |
synagogue | a religious place of worship |
syphilis | see “venereal disease” |
syringe | figuratively used to inject that which is foreign; see “injection” |
syrup | display of affection |
thick-skin | insensitive |
thigh | figurative of one’s personal abilities; of no spiritual connotation |
thimble | figurative of a protection for the work of one’s hands, indicating success |
thin | indicates a spiritual deficiency |
thinking | the true and sincere intents of one’s heart are revealed |
thin-skin | too sensitive |
thirsty | a spiritual thirst for whatever is lacking in one’s life; see “water” |
THOMAS | twin; may be substituted to imply double-minded; see “waver” |
THOMPSON | warrior of thunder |
thorn | see “brier” |
thoroughbred | someone with excellent character; see “animals” |
thread | a single thread is solitary, a cord of several is unity; attachment implies co-dependency |
threatened | literal warning |
three | trinity, i.e. the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, regeneration, completion |
threshold | implies contact with whoever is seen on the threshold |
throat | associated with one’s appetite for food and words, research any peculiarity; see “neck” |
throne | a position of great honor and authority |
throw | the act of casting off, unlike pitching; see “pitcher” |
thumb | referring to a particular situation, thumbs up is positive; thumbs down is negative |
thunder | indication of a lot of big talk that will produce nothing |
tiara | exaltation and honor |
tic | indication that one is ill-at-ease |
tick | a person who drains the life out of another for self-gratification; research the anatomical location |
ticket | access |
tide | a sudden surge of the unexpected |
tie | see “yoke” |
TIERNEY | masterful one |
TIFFANY | divine appearance |
tiger | one bound by strife, contending for superiority; research the colors, “orange” and “black” |
tight | garments are too tight, because that person has grown spiritually and is able to achieve more |
TILDEN | land of fertile cultivation, blessed |
tile | see “foundation” |
tilted | not upright and dependable |
timber | construction, i.e. paperwork for devising new plans, etc. |
time | elusive; represented by a watch, clock, etc., research numbers; see “candle” and “dust” |
timid | see “shy” |
TIMOTHY, TIM | divine exaltation |
tin | strong |
tin-foil | a strong protective covering |
tinsel | superficial |
tinted | a false appearance |
tiny | see “small” |
tiptoe | shows caution is needed |
tired | literally confirming that rest is imperative |
tithe | ten percent; acceptable to the Lord; more is a gift, and the Lord loves a cheerful giver |
title | literally descriptive |
TITUS | a giant among men, faithful companion |
toad-stool | a fly-by-night type venture which exploits |
toast | associated with honor and dedication with word and drink; also, see “bread” |
tobacco | see “cigar” and “cigarette” |
TOBIAS, TOBY | blessed be the Lord, who is to be praised for His goodness |
TODD | a fox, physically attractive, ingenuous |
toddler | one whose steps are immature may be substituted by a toddler |
toes | the big toe balances and directs, the ball represents mileage; the little toe is submissive, see “left” and “right” |
toilet | see “bathroom” |
token | an insignificant amount, i.e. a small token of great appreciation |
tomato | bitter-sweet; red is going through a fiery trial; also figurative of a female, i.e. a canned tomato is an incarcerated female |
tomb | a spiritually dead situation |
tombstone | indications of a certain person who is spiritually dead |
tongs | to lift up, i.e. a pig out of the mud into clean water is regeneration from sin unto salvation |
tongue | represents speech, i.e. an enlarged tongue is exaggeration; excessive gossip; see “gossip” |
tongue-tied | restrained freedom to speak |
tonic | see “medicine” |
TONY | see “ANTHONY” |
tool | constructive improvement; research name of tool; see “construction” |
toothache | anguish from negative words that were spoken; see “teeth” |
toothpick | used to pick at one’s words, removing the undesirable |
top | the higher, the more positive |
TOPAZ | precious stone of divine purpose |
torch | a banner of light, wisdom, and honor |
tornado | a warning of an oncoming storm of confusion and desolation |
torpedo | a weapon of spiritual warfare |
TORRANCE | little hills, overcoming obstacles to obtain peaceful victory |
tortoise | one who is slow to act |
torture | mental abuse |
touch | to slightly affect one’s life; research whatever is touched |
tough | a lack of tenderness and care |
toupee | false pretenses; research the color |
tourniquet | excessive pressure that stops one’s blood (life) from being allowed to flow freely; see “blood” |
tow | carrying another’s burdens when they cannot |
towel | used, figuratively, for the final work in a spiritual cleansing, revealing maturity, i.e. “dry behind the ears” |
tower | a symbol of safeguard, protection, watchfulness, i.e. they are a “tower” of strength to others |
TOWNSEND | town’s end, perfection fulfilled |
toxic | something or someone that will corrupt one’s life |
toy | an object that is for one’s entertainment and pleasure, but not taken seriously |
tracing | doing the same thing over again |
tracks | see “railroad” |
tractor | see “cultivate” |
TRACY, TRACEY | see “THERESA”; “TRACY” is figuratively used to imply tracing over the same thing again |
trade-mark | see “tag” |
trading | literal, though whatever one is trading may be symbolic; research |
trail | see “path” |
train | see “railroad” |
training | influencing one’s life |
traitor | a warning |
tramp | one with like character; unstable, without roots |
trance | see “hypnosis” |
transaction | literal; if the object of transaction is figurative, research details for clarity |
transcript | whatever is transcribed should be researched in detail |
transfer | literal, though the type and timing may be figurative |
transfigured | a spiritual change in someone |
transgression | warning one to avert the violation |
transmission | if missing or broken, one’s power of transition in a situation is useless |
transparent | unable to disguise by pretense or deceit |
transplant | grafted together to grow as one, i.e. a new convert to Christ; an adopted child to new parents |
trap | any type of temptation that would lure one |
trap-door | that particular door is an entrapment, i.e. a tempting opportunity or invitation to do wrong |
trapeze | a situation where one must use caution and balance, i.e. “walking a tightrope” |
trash | a warning that something worthless needs to be discarded |
travel | figuratively, it is a way of escaping pressures; literally, revealed beforehand in order to be prepared |
TRAVERS | from the crossroads of life |
tray | receiving a blessing offered outside routine procedures; research the type of tray |
treadmill | getting nowhere, though many steps are taken |
treasure | one’s heart’s desire; research details |
treat | a small blessing offered without expectations |
tree | a person, i.e. fruitful, evergreen, barren, dead, artificial, etc.; research the type and see “limb” and “plant” |
tree house | a temporary dwelling without a foundation and under the care of another; a troubled house; see “foundation” |
trellis | an honorable support for one’s figurative flowers or fruit bearing vines; see “flower”, “fruit”, “vine” |
tremble | see “shiver” |
TRENTON | rapid stream, energetic, ingenuous spirit |
trespassing sign | a warning of caution to stay away |
TREVOR | careful, apprehensive, responsible |
TREY | three, regeneration; see “three” |
Trial | a literal trial may be revealed beforehand in order to lessen or avert |
Trick | revealed as a precaution |
tricycle | a situation without power or mature wisdom to guide |
Trip | see “travel” |
triumph | literal success; timing may be elusive |
trophy | figurative of honor received for great accomplishment; research details |
trousers | see “pants” |
trousseau | type of covering for a figurative marriage; see “marriage” |
TROY | Trojan soldier, disciplined, faithful spirit |
truce | forgiveness required for peace |
truck | a pickup means picking up and moving on; the larger the truck, the more power; research colors |
TRUMAN | true friend, loyal spirit |
trumpet | used to proclaim an important message |
trunk | figurative of place of storage |
trustworthy | discernment is more trustworthy in a dream |
truthful | see “trustworthy” |
tuck | see “pleat” |
TUCKER | industrious one |
tug-boat | laboriously struggling with opposing forces in order to get ahead; see “boat” |
tuition | revealing the price one must pay in a learning experience |
tulip | love, beauty, and sentiment in spoken words; research colors |
tumor | if literal, it needs to be checked out; see “diagnosis”; figuratively, it is an undesirable and unnatural attachment, foreign to one’s spirit |
tune | the type tune depicts the harmony of one’s life; research the instrument and lyrics, if any; see “music” |
tuning-in | joining in agreement with whatever one has tuned-in |
tunnel | a warning of a place of darkness and despair in one’s life is given in order to avert the situation |
turkey | a stupid acting person |
turn | left is wrong and right is right, and both mean one is taking a new direction |
TURNER | industrious spirit, figuratively used to imply a turnover or different direction |
turnip | a food that is also a root; see “root”, “food”, and “purple” |
turtle | see “tortoise” |
tusk | an instrument of battle indicates contention |
tutor | see “teacher” |
tweed | intermingled with more than one source; research colors; see “clothing” |
tweezers | used to groom one’s attitude; see “eyebrows” |
twelve | a divine purpose |
twig | immaturity; see “branch” and “small” |
twilight | a period of time figurative of declined enlightenment |
twins | two positions on the same subject |
twisted | not on the straight and narrow of truth, but changing it to suit one’s self |
twitching | ill-at-ease |
two | unity and division |
TYE | resolute unity of spirit |
TYLER | industrious spirit, diligent, honorable |
typewriter | preparing a message of importance |
TYRONE | renown, absolute |
TYSON | ardent son |
UDA, UDELLE | prosperous, benevolent one |
ugly | spiritually offensive |
ULRIC, ULRICA | strong leader |
ultimatum | a literal warning |
ultramarine | grace that fights for us when we are in need |
ultrasound | to go beyond the natural limitations |
ULYSSES | one who is intolerant of any wrong-doing |
umber | the color of a fearful work; see “yellow” and “brown” |
umbilical cord | co-dependency |
umbrella | temporary protection |
umpire | one who has authority over the game of life; see “game” |
UNA | unified, harmonious spirit, gracious one |
uncover | to remove one’s protective covering to expose them |
uncultivated | unproductive; see “cultivate” |
under | vulnerable position or status |
underclothes | one’s true motive or identity, unseen by others; see “clothing” |
underpin | see “foundation” |
undertaker | see “mortician” |
underworld | a warning of underhanded deception |
underwrite | unwise business |
uneasy | a warning to be cautious; discernment is trustworthy in a dream |
unequal | exposed in order to bring about equality |
uneven | a problem that needs to be straightened out; research particular item |
unexpected | revealed in order to be prepared |
unfairness | revealed in order to fight for justice or accept with grace; see “rejected” |
unfaithful | revealing one who cannot be trusted is to prevent deception |
unfamiliar | may be a substitute; see “substitute”; research details |
unfasten | see “loose” |
unfit | revealed to avert |
unfold | opening up that which has been concealed |
unforgiving | brought to one’s attention for spiritual cleansing; see “pecan” |
unfriendly | revealing a need for sacrifice and humility |
unfruitful | one who does not help others is a barren tree; see “fruits”, “pruning”, and “tree” |
ungrateful | revealed in order to prevent one from doing dead works which will return to rend |
unicorn | a horn is for battle, and a horse is the power of the world, i.e. a worldly battle |
uniform | serves as a sign or symbol of the purpose behind the person |
unintelligible | confusion and wasted effort unless understanding is sought and found |
union | unity of purpose |
unkempt | a life in disarray |
unkind | see “cruel” |
unknown | frequently used to emphasize similarities |
unlimited | literal |
unloading | being loosed from one’s burdens; see “loose” |
unmanageable | a literal warning |
unnamed | ignored; see “last” |
unnatural | a counterfeit of the natural; see “counterfeit” |
unnoticed | to see the reason is to know the solution |
unpaid | a reminder, whether monetary or otherwise |
unpopular | revealed to bring change and favor |
unprofitable | revealed to bring about a profit |
unqualified | revealing the source of inadequacy to help meet required specifications |
unravel | finding the answers needed |
unreliable | revealed in order to protect one from misplacing their trust |
unripe | spiritual fruit that is immature; see “fruits” |
unsatisfactory | revealing a problem that needs attention |
unstable | inconsistent in all, no sure foundation; see “foundation” and “waver” |
unthankful | see “ungrateful” |
unthreading | cancelling something that one has begun |
untie | see “loose” |
untrustworthy | revealed to keep one from putting their trust in the wrong people |
unveil | taking off the disguise that conceals |
unwashed | spiritually unclean |
unwelcome | revealed to keep one from going where they are not wanted |
unwise | a warning given to prevent failure |
unwrap | see “unfold” |
up | a positive direction |
upholstery | a protective covering; research the color, type, and design of fabric |
upright | a position of honesty |
uproar | revealed in order that it may be lessened or averted |
uproot | removal from the source of nourishment and origin; research whatever was uprooted; see “root” |
upset | revealed to avert and bring peace |
upside down | figurative position indicating a reverse from positive to negative |
upstairs | indicates that positive steps were taken, for “up” is a step of faith; see “staircase” |
UPTON | honorable estate |
urgency | a warning that immediate action is necessary |
URIAH | Jehovah is my light, virtuous spirit, enlightened one |
URIEL | divine flame of light |
urine | relief from emotional problems; if not in a toilet, it is at another’s expense; see “bathroom” |
URSULA | brave, fearless spirit |
useless | literal warning to keep one from wasting time and effort; see “unprofitable” |
user | revealed in order to resist being wrongfully used; see “sponge” |
ushered | indicates an accompaniment or introduction |
utensil | used to prepare spiritual nourishment; see “food” |
vacant | literal, though the timing may be elusive |
vacation | vacating temporarily for a beneficial reason, i.e. going to the hospital, resort, or any retreat of restitution |
vaccinate | figurative of going through light hardship in order to prevent one that is devastating; see “immunize” |
vacuum | using one’s power to remove problems and clean up a situation |
valance | a covering more for show than useful value; see “curtain” |
VALDEMAR | honored ruler |
valentine | love and affection |
VALERIE | highly esteemed, strong, trustworthy spirit, divine purpose |
VALESKA | esteemed leader |
valley | a place or time of hardship and humility, which precedes exaltation |
valuable | of great worth, monetarily and spiritually, i.e. a widow’s mite, a sparrow’s life |
value | the amount may be symbolic, but it will be a true indication of value; research details |
valve | the device that can restrain or regulate indicates a need for adjustment |
vampire | one who walks in spiritual darkness, preying on the lives of others for self-gratification; see “blood-money” and “prostitution” |
van | figurative of a vehicle of service |
VANCE, VAN | one who offers a service, benevolent spirit |
vanish | literal departure |
vapor | see “fog” |
varicose | a blockage of negative interference affecting one’s physical abilities; see legs |
vase | research the type and contents for clarity, i.e. glass, clay, flowers, etc. |
VASHTI | natural beauty |
Vatican | high religious authority figure that may be substituted for a religious person of like character |
VAUGHN | small one of great value |
veal | mature words that come from a young person; see “meat” |
VEDA | knowledge and wisdom |
vegetables | words that edify and nourish; see “food” |
vegetarian | one who is satisfied with the elementary, but does not desire to eat the meat of more mature teachings; see “meat” |
veil | used for modesty, to conceal, i.e. a wedding veil carried away by the wind is a pending divorce |
vein | the sight of a vein indicates intense strain in one’s life; see “blood” and “varicose” |
VELMA | determined protector |
velvet | figurative of luxury; research the color |
vender | one’s needs being met daily and sparingly, without accumulation |
veneer | a superficial covering or appearance |
venereal disease | degradation which comes from the degeneracy of spiritual neglect |
venison | strong, ill-advised words |
venom | malice that kills and corrupts one’s spirit, i.e. bitterness |
ventilation | allows the freedom of expression to flow |
ventriloquist | one who tries to control others, putting words in their mouths |
VERA | truthful, faithful spirit |
verdict | the conclusive, judgmental opinion, whether formal or informal |
VERNA | see “VERNON” |
VERNON | spring-like, vigorous spirit of youth |
VERONICA | true image |
vest | a special garment of honor; research the color and material |
VESTA | she who waits, pure one |
veteran | one who is skillful and wise from personal experience |
veterinary | one who takes special care of animals or people who are treated like animals; see “animals” |
VICTOR | victorious spirit, conquering one |
video | a mental picture and record of one’s words and actions are being taken to convey to others |
VINCENT | one who conquers |
vine | figurative of Christ and the dedicated fruitful who bless others |
vinegar | a sharp attitude and words that agitate and turn others away, i.e. a need for tact |
vineyard | a blessed people that bear good spiritual fruit; see “fruits” |
VIOLET, VIOLA | modest spirit, flower |
violin | the music of a bleeding heart; see “music” and “bleeding heart” |
VIRGIL, VERGIL | loyal rod or staff bearer |
VIRGINIA | pure one |
virus | adversarial manipulation; see “disease” |
visible | revealed for a specific purpose; enlightenment |
visions | divine revelations, unless imitated by false prophets; see “witchcraft” |
visitor | emphasis on the doorway, doorbell, or foyer can be an indication of contact with visitors, inside or outside one’s domain |
visor | protection from perceptive interference |
vitamins | vital supplements, i.e. words of love and encouragement, understanding; if literal, see “diagnosis” |
VIVIAN | lively, joyful spirit |
VLADMIR | renown, royal, peaceful spirit |
voice | words heard while asleep are to be discerned and taken seriously |
voiceless | when one tries, but cannot speak, there is a communication problem, i.e. fear, anxiety |
volcano | a suppressed problem of surmounting proportion that erupts with the fire of affliction; see “fire” and “mountain” |
VOLNEY | publicly acclaimed, trustworthy |
volunteer | help that does not seek a reward from man |
vomit | unacceptable words or actions that cannot be spiritually digested |
voodoo | see “witchcraft” |
vote | one’s personal endorsement, formal or informal |
voucher | literal proof |
vow | a literal promise to be taken more seriously than when awake |
voyage | see “boat” |
vulgar | literal |
vulnerable | a warning to use wisdom and discernment |
vulture | one who finds gratification in the news of another’s misfortune; see “bird” |
wade | half-hearted involvement |
WADE | adventurous spirit |
wafer | see “cracker” |
waffle | foolish talk |
WAGNER | wagon-builder, industrious spirit |
wagon | used to accomplish one’s goal with honest work, integrity, and self-control |
WAINRIGHT | wagon-builder, industrious spirit |
waist | area figurative of self-control; see “abdomen” |
wailing | painful grief heard and understood by God; see “tears” |
waiter | the one who serves, i.e. a teacher, minister, counselor; see “food” |
waiting | patience, long suffering, fruits of the spirit; see “fruits” |
WALCOTT | one who dwells at the wall, protected one |
WALDEMAR | renowned leader |
WALDEN | of the wooded valley, fruitful spirit |
walk | going forward without help |
walking-stick | indicates a physical weakness |
wall | protection |
WALLACE, WALLY | wall-maker, protective spirit |
wallet | money; research the color for clarity |
WALTER | powerful, protective |
WALTON | town of walls, protective |
wand | control |
WANDA, WINDY | one who wanders |
war | spiritual warfare, literal war |
WARD | one who protects and shelters |
WARDELL | protective, watchful, peaceful spirit |
warden | someone who restricts and controls others in a prison of invisible bars |
warehouse | see “storage” |
warm | the spiritual temperature when there are no problems arising |
WARNER | brave defender |
warning | the wise will heed a warning; the unwise will not |
warped | that which is twisted into a perverted state of mind or matter; see “perverted” |
warrant | literal |
warranty | a guarantee in a dream is worth more than on paper |
WARREN | watchful, protective |
wart | undesirable flaw, i.e. warts inside the throat depict an untalented voice; warts on the epidermis depict unpopular personality traits |
WARWICK | mighty defender |
washer | see “cleanse” |
wasp | an angry person who uses stinging words to stir up trouble; see “insect” |
wasteful | revealed to prevent |
watch | implies that one’s timing is of relevant importance |
watch-dog | someone who is dogmatic about keeping watch over someone or something; see “animals” |
watch-tower | any place that watches over and protects others, i.e. a loving home, ministry, or mission |
water | peaceful, clean water is empowerment of the Holy Spirit, including cooking, cleaning, etc.; dangerous or polluted is a warning |
water-bed | one’s personal situation rests on their faith; see “bed” and “water” |
water-color | a picture is a memory of substance, and the water implies a blessed memory; see “water” |
waterfall | a warning of sudden failure unless precautions are taken |
waver | double-minded; trying to live two ways and not fully convinced of either |
wax | time; see “candle” |
WAYNE | maker of wagons, industrious spirit |
weak | spiritual or physical weakness is revealed to recognize the need to strengthen before one becomes weaker |
weaned | maturing from elementary teaching unto the meat of the word; see “milk” and “meat” |
weapon | according to type, i.e. a gun shoots wounding words, a knife is cutting words; research, accordingly |
wearisome | literally revealing the undesirable in order to avert it |
weather report | a storm warning is a figurative storm of oncoming troubles; fair weather is a sign of blessings |
weave | intermingling, industrious, pliable |
web | a warning that a web of deceit has been prepared to trap the unexpected innocent |
web-footed | steps that have to go where they are ordered and not where they desire |
WEBSTER | one who weaves, industrious spirit |
wedding | see “marry” |
wedge | that which brings division and strife |
weed | the rebellious, choking out the flowers in one’s life; see “flowers” |
week | the figurative amount of time to do a work purposed by God; see “seven” |
weeping-willow | one who is in deep mourning and in need of empathy; see “tree” and “tears” |
weevil | one who devours what they did not earn; see “pest” |
weigh-bridge | the evaluation of one’s responsibilities and achievements prior to any promotion; see “bridge” |
weight | determines one’s spiritual condition; research if abnormal, i.e. thin, obese, muscular |
weird | a warning |
WELBY | farm at the well, fruitful spirit |
welcome | to give peace and encourage the reception |
weld | the spiritual bonding and healing of that which has been broken |
WELDON | at the well hill, victorious, fruitful spirit |
well | unless one sees clean, clear water, consider it a pit of danger |
WELLINGTON | prosperous, fruitful spirit |
well-spring | clean, clear water that springs up is figurative of a new blessing |
WENDELL | wanderer |
WENDY | see “WANDA” |
werewolf | see “wolf” |
WERNER | defender, brave warrior |
WESLEY | from the west meadow, enlightened spirit |
west | facing the sunset, i.e. closure |
wet | unfinished; see “towel’ |
whale | of great service; see “fish” |
wheat | the bread of life, spiritual blessings; see “seed” and “bread” |
wheel-barrow | used to carry heavy burdens forward with intentions to utilize |
wheelchair | feebleness |
wheels | a complete cycle with the ability to move forward; one big wheel is a shrewd dealer |
whip | a display of superiority; revealed to prevent persecution |
whirlpool | a spiritual confusion |
whirlwind | confusion involving futile words |
whiskers | revealing a wrong attitude, i.e. unwise words; see “shave” |
whiskey | the intoxicating power of the world |
whisper | insecure words |
whistle | an unspoken summons of low-degree |
white | descriptive of spiritual purity, unless man-made, i.e. bleached hair, whitewashed, plastic, etc.; research accordingly |
white-liver | a coward |
whitewash | disguising reality with a false cover-up |
WHITNEY | from the white island, pure in spirit, enlightened one |
whittle | using belittling words to slowly and steadily wear one down; see “knife” |
wholesale | a wise and profitable sale |
wholesome | a healthy mental and spiritual state |
wick | the length of time left; see “candle” |
wicked | a warning |
wicker | a temporary support |
wide | a blessed area |
widowhood | a state of desolation |
wife | if figurative, see “marry” |
wig | false pretense; research the color |
WILBUR | strong-willed, determined spirit |
wild | revealing the need for discipline, i.e. a wild animal is a substitute for a person out of control |
wilderness | a state of desolation |
WILFRED | contented, peaceful spirit, discerning leader |
WILHELMINA | noble, protective one |
will | indication of what one wills in their life, as well as at their demise |
WILLARD | bold, strong will, dedicated, ardent |
WILLIAM, WILL | resolute protective spirit, noble leader, strong willed |
wilted | spiritually dead; research whatever is wilted |
win | literal victory |
wind | according to type, i.e. empty talk; boasting; if destructive, research type |
windmill | controls the direction of public opinion, political promises, etc. |
window | the lens of wisdom |
wine | the intoxicating power of the world; the spiritual power of the Holy Spirit |
WINFRED | peaceful, trustworthy friend |
wings | figurative of God’s loving care and protection, i.e. a hen gathers her chicks under her wings for safety; if a bird, see “bird” |
wink | patronizing deception |
WINONA | first-born daughter, victorious spirit, precious and valuable |
WINSTON | from a friend’s place |
winter | figurative of cold, hard times |
wiring | controlling power |
wisdom teeth | words of wisdom, unless decayed; missing means a lack of wisdom |
witchcraft | turning to unholy spirits to foretell the unknown, sorcery, etc., by occult means, forbidden by God, causing spiritual desolation and death |
witness | literally, one who has taken mental notes |
wizard | see “witchcraft” |
WOLCOTT | from the wolf’s cottage |
wolf | one who appears innocent, but will devour by flattery and deceptive kindness; see “perverted” |
womb | figurative of the creative origin which brings new beginnings; see “baby” |
wood | uses of formed by man’s labor, i.e. paperwork; furniture, etc., according to type wood; research accordingly; see “forest” |
WOODROW | from the row next to the woods |
wool | spiritual protection, because it is natural and from a lamb, which represents a Christian |
worldly | carnal, sensual, temporary, insecure |
worm | a contemptible, insignificant person; one who gossips; research type; see “centipede” and “gossip” |
worry | revealed to recognize the futility and encourage faith in God’s promises of protection and provision |
worship | act of reverence to God |
worth | trustworthy, protected |
worthy | see “deserving” |
wound | research the type of wound, i.e. a cut, bruise, burn, gunshot, etc., and anatomical location |
wrap | see “fold” |
wreath | a symbolic statement being made, according to type and color; research accordingly |
wreck | a warning to evaluate one’s intended course of action and interactions with others; see “accident” |
wrestle | wrestling with one’s problems and emotions |
wrinkled clothes | problems that need to ironed out |
wrinkled skin | scars of time and wisdom, if found in righteousness; see “age” |
writing | words to be taken seriously; research colors, whether pen, pencil, chalk, etc. |
wrong | literal warning of that which will lead to failure and disappointment unless averted |
WYMAN | clever, charming |
WYNETTE | see “WYNN” |
WYNN, WYNNE | true friend, gracious spirit |
X-ed | forbidden |
X-rated | “mature” by worldly standards; “X-ed” by God |
X-ray | discerning that which cannot be seen by natural vision; revealed knowledge must be confirmed |
xylophone | played to “X” out the particular “tune” one is communicating; see “tune” |
yacht | used for pleasure; see “boat” and “water” |
YALE | fertile land, fruitful spirit |
yam | a yam is a sweet root; see “sweet” and “root” |
YANCY | Yankee, vigorous spirit |
yanked | a warning to avert a forceful situation |
yard | type and condition of grass, shrubs, flowers, etc., reflect one’s inside living conditions; research accordingly |
yard sale | informal sale, though the location and purchase may be figurative; research details |
yard-stick | implies an adequate portion or dimension |
yarn | a made-up story |
YATES | gate-keeper |
year | twelve represent God’s perfect purpose, i.e. twelve months; His timing is elusive, not the same as man’s |
year-book | memories from past years are brought up to date |
yeast | a little yeast is as infectious to bread as a little indiscretion to a good reputation |
yell | pay attention to whatever was yelled, for it is of significant importance |
yellow | the color representing fear |
yellow-jacket | an angry person filled with fear that has a stinging, adverse attitude |
yielding | revealed to consider the consequences |
YMCA | a place that is similar, formally or informally |
yogurt | an immature spiritual nourishment; see “milk” |
yoke | controls and guides; see “neck” |
YOLANDA | violet flower, royalty; see “flower” |
yolk | see “egg” |
YORK | royalty, highly esteemed |
youthful | figuratively immature |
yo-yo | see “waver” |
YVES | archer, courageous spirit |
YVONNE | divine grace |
ZACHERY | the Lord has remembered |
ZANE | see “JOHN” |
zebra | one who is worldly minded and bound; see “horse” and “stripes” |
ZECHARIAH | the Lord has remembered |
ZEDEKIAH | the Lord is just |
ZELDA | beloved one |
ZENIA, ZONIA | hospitable, gracious spirit |
zero | amounting to nothing; unlike a circle; see “circle” |
zigzag | see “waver” |
ZINA | enlightened, brilliant |
zip-code | bringing attention to the relevance of that particular area |
zipper | revealing a need for discretion and closure |
zircon | if on a ring, see “ring” and “artificial” |
zit | see “acne” |
ZOE, ZOA | life, divinely inspired |
zombie | figurative of the spiritually dead |
zoo | figurative of a group of people who, because of their behavior, are confined; see “animals” |
zoom-lens | “zooming in” on a situation, i.e. gaining insight |
ZORA | new beginning, dawn’s first light |
ZURIEL | the Lord is my rock |
Scripture Reference
Genesis 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.
Genesis 20:3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man’s wife.
Genesis 20:6 And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart; for I also withheld thee from sinning against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her.
Genesis 28:12 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
Genesis 31:10 And it came to pass at the time that the cattle conceived, that I lifted up mine eyes, and saw in a dream, and, behold, the rams which leaped upon the cattle were ringstreaked, speckled, and grisled.
Genesis 31:11 And the angel of God spake unto me in a dream, saying, Jacob: And I said, Here am I.
Genesis 31:24 And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said unto him, Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad.
Genesis 37:5 And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.
Genesis 37:6 And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed:
Genesis 37:8 And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words.
Genesis 37:9 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.
Genesis 37:10 And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?
Genesis 37:19 And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.
Genesis 37:20 Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see what will become of his dreams.
Genesis 40:5 And they dreamed a dream both of them, each man his dream in one night, each man according to the interpretation of his dream, the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, which were bound in the prison.
Genesis 40:8 And they said unto him, We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter of it. And Joseph said unto them, Do not interpretations belong to God? tell me them, I pray you.
Genesis 40:9 And the chief butler told his dream to Joseph, and said to him, In my dream, behold, a vine was before me;
Genesis 40:16 When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good, he said unto Joseph, I also was in my dream, and, behold, I had three white baskets on my head:
Genesis 41:1 And it came to pass at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and, behold, he stood by the river.
Genesis 41:5 And he slept and dreamed the second time: and, behold, seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk, rank and good.
Genesis 41:7 And the seven thin ears devoured the seven rank and full ears. And Pharaoh awoke, and, behold, it was a dream.
Genesis 41:8 And it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled; and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all the wise men thereof: and Pharaoh told them his dream; but there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh.
Genesis 41:11 And we dreamed a dream in one night, I and he; we dreamed each man according to the interpretation of his dream.
Genesis 41:12 And there was there with us a young man, an Hebrew, servant to the captain of the guard; and we told him, and he interpreted to us our dreams; to each man according to his dream he did interpret.
Genesis 41:15 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have dreamed a dream, and there is none that can interpret it: and I have heard say of thee, that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it.
Genesis 41:17 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, In my dream, behold, I stood upon the bank of the river:
Genesis 41:22 And I saw in my dream, and, behold, seven ears came up in one stalk, full and good:
Genesis 41:25 And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: God hath shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do.
Genesis 41:26 The seven good kine are seven years; and the seven good ears are seven years: the dream is one.
Genesis 41:32 And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.
Genesis 42:9 And Joseph remembered the dreams which he dreamed of them, and said unto them, Ye are spies; to see the nakedness of the land ye are come.
Genesis 46:2 And God spake unto Israel in the visions of the night, and said, Jacob, Jacob. And he said, Here am I.
Numbers 12:6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.
Numbers 24:4 He hath said, which heard the words of God, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open:
Numbers 24:16 He hath said, which heard the words of God, and knew the knowledge of the most High, which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but having his eyes open:
Deuteronomy 13:1 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
Deuteronomy 13:2 and the sign or the wonder come to pass whereof he spake unto thee, saying, let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them.
Deuteronomy 13:3 Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
Deuteronomy 13:5 And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.
Judges 7:13 And when Gideon was come, behold, there was a man that told a dream unto his fellow, and said, Behold, I dreamed a dream, and, lo, a cake of barley bread tumbled into the host of Midian, and came unto a tent, and smote it that it fell, and overturned it, that the tent lay along.
Judges 7:15 And it was so, when Gideon heard the telling of the dream, and the interpretation thereof, that he worshipped, and returned into the host of Israel, and said, Arise; for the LORD hath delivered into your hand the host of Midian.
1 Samuel 3:1 And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision.
1 Samuel 3:15 And Samuel lay until the morning, and opened the doors of the house of the LORD. And Samuel feared to shew Eli the vision.
1 Samuel 28:6 And when Saul enquired of the LORD, the LORD answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets.
1 Samuel 28:15 And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up? And Saul answered, I am sore distressed; for the Philistines make war against me, and God is departed from me, and answereth me no more, neither by prophets, nor by dreams: therefore I have called thee, that thou mayest make known unto me what I shall do.
2 Samuel 7:17 According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so did Nathan speak unto David.
1 Kings 3:5 In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee.
1 Kings 3:15 And Solomon awoke; and, behold, it was a dream. And he came to Jerusalem, and stood before the ark of the covenant of the LORD, and offered up burnt offerings, and offered peace offerings, and made a feast to all his servants.
1 Chronicles 17:15 According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so did Nathan speak unto David.
2 Chronicles 9:29 Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, first and last, are they not written in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in the visions of Iddo the seer against Jeroboam the son of Nebat?
2 Chronicles 26:5 And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper.
2 Chronicles 32:32 Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah, and his goodness, behold, they are written in the vision of Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, and in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel.
Job 4:13 In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men,
Job 7:14 Then thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions:
Job 20:8 He shall fly away as a dream, and shall not be found: yea, he shall be chased away as a vision of the night.
Job 33:15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;
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Psalms 73:20 As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image.
Psalms 89:19 Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people.
Psalms 126:1 <<A Song of degrees.>> When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.
Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Ecclesiastes 5:3 For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool’s voice is known by multitude of words.
Ecclesiastes 5:7 For in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also divers vanities: but fear thou God.
Isaiah 1:1 The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
Isaiah 21:2 A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease.
Isaiah 22:1 The burden of the valley of vision. What aileth thee now, that thou art wholly gone up to the housetops?
Isaiah 22:5 For it is a day of trouble, and of treading down, and of perplexity by the Lord GOD of hosts in the valley of vision, breaking down the walls, and of crying to the mountains.
Isaiah 28:7 But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.
Isaiah 29:7 And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel, even all that fight against her and her munition, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision.
Isaiah 29:11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
Jeremiah 14:14 Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.
Jeremiah 23:16 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:25 I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed.
Jeremiah 23:27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.
Jeremiah 23:28 The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:32 Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 29:8 For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the midst of you, deceive you, neither hearken to your dreams which ye cause to be dreamed.
Lamentations 2:9 Her gates are sunk into the ground; he hath destroyed and broken her bars: her king and her princes are among the Gentiles: the law is no more; her prophets also find no vision from the LORD.
Ezekiel 1:1 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.
Ezekiel 7:13 For the seller shall not return to that which is sold, although they were yet alive: for the vision is touching the whole multitude thereof, which shall not return; neither shall any strengthen himself in the iniquity of his life.
Ezekiel 7:26 Mischief shall come upon mischief, and rumour shall be upon rumour; then shall they seek a vision of the prophet; but the law shall perish from the priest, and counsel from the ancients.
Ezekiel 8:3 And he put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the north; where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provoketh to jealousy.
Ezekiel 8:4 And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel was there, according to the vision that I saw in the plain.
Ezekiel 11:24 Afterwards the spirit took me up, and brought me in a vision by the Spirit of God into Chaldea, to them of the captivity. So the vision that I had seen went up from me.
Ezekiel 12:22 Son of man, what is that proverb that ye have in the land of Israel, saying, The days are prolonged, and every vision faileth?
Ezekiel 12:23 Tell them therefore, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will make this proverb to cease, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel; but say unto them, The days are at hand, and the effect of every vision.
Ezekiel 12:24 For there shall be no more any vain vision nor flattering divination within the house of Israel.
Ezekiel 12:27 Son of man, behold, they of the house of Israel say, The vision that he seeth is for many days to come, and he prophesieth of the times that are far off.
Ezekiel 13:7 Have ye not seen a vain vision, and have ye not spoken a lying divination, whereas ye say, The LORD saith it; albeit I have not spoken?
Ezekiel 13:16 To wit, the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, saith the Lord GOD.
Ezekiel 40:2 In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south.
Ezekiel 43:3 And it was according to the appearance of the vision which I saw, even according to the vision that I saw when I came to destroy the city: and the visions were like the vision that I saw by the river Chebar; and I fell upon my face.
Daniel 1:17 As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.
Daniel 2:1 And in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams, wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his sleep brake from him.
Daniel 2:2 Then the king commanded to call the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, for to shew the king his dreams. So they came and stood before the king.
Daniel 2:3 And the king said unto them, I have dreamed a dream, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream.
Daniel 2:4 Then spake the Chaldeans to the king in Syriack, O king, live for ever: tell thy servants the dream, and we will shew the interpretation.
Daniel 2:5 The king answered and said to the Chaldeans, The thing is gone from me: if ye will not make known unto me the dream, with the interpretation thereof, ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill.
Daniel 2:6 But if ye shew the dream, and the interpretation thereof, ye shall receive of me gifts and rewards and great honour: therefore shew me the dream, and the interpretation thereof.
Daniel 2:7 They answered again and said, Let the king tell his servants the dream, and we will shew the interpretation of it.
Daniel 2:9 But if ye will not make known unto me the dream, there is but one decree for you: for ye have prepared lying and corrupt words to speak before me, till the time be changed: therefore tell me the dream, and I shall know that ye can shew me the interpretation thereof.
Daniel 2:19 Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven.
Daniel 2:26 The king answered and said to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, Art thou able to make known unto me the dream which I have seen, and the interpretation thereof?
Daniel 2:28 But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these;
Daniel 2:36 This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king.
Daniel 2:45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.
Daniel 4:5 I saw a dream which made me afraid, and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions of my head troubled me.
Daniel 4:6 Therefore made I a decree to bring in all the wise men of Babylon before me, that they might make known unto me the interpretation of the dream.
Daniel 4:7 Then came in the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers: and I told the dream before them; but they did not make known unto me the interpretation thereof.
Daniel 4:8 But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar, according to the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and before him I told the dream, saying,
Daniel 4:9 O Belteshazzar, master of the magicians, because I know that the spirit of the holy gods is in thee, and no secret troubleth thee, tell me the visions of my dream that I have seen, and the interpretation thereof.
Daniel 4:10 Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed; I saw, and behold a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was great.
Daniel 4:13 I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, and, behold, a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven;
Daniel 4:18 This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.
Daniel 4:19 Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was astonied for one hour, and his thoughts troubled him. The king spake, and said, Belteshazzar, let not the dream, or the interpretation thereof, trouble thee. Belteshazzar answered and said, My lord, the dream be to them that hate thee, and the interpretation thereof to thine enemies.
Daniel 5:12 Forasmuch as an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpreting of dreams, and shewing of hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts, were found in the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called, and he will shew the interpretation.
Daniel 7:1 In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream, and told the sum of the matters.
Daniel 7:2 Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.
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Daniel 7:7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.
Daniel 7:13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.
Daniel 7:15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me.
Daniel 8:1 In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me, even unto me Daniel, after that which appeared unto me at the first.
Daniel 8:2 And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai.
Daniel 8:13 Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?
Daniel 8:15 And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel, had seen the vision, and sought for the meaning, then, behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man.
Daniel 8:16 And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.
Daniel 8:17 So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision.
Daniel 8:26 And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days.
Daniel 8:27 And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; afterward I rose up, and did the king’s business; and I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it.
Daniel 9:21 Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation.
Daniel 9:23 At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision.
Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
Daniel 10:1 In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar; and the thing was true, but the time appointed was long: and he understood the thing, and had understanding of the vision.
Daniel 10:7 And I Daniel alone saw the vision: for the men that were with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide themselves.
Daniel 10:8 Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength.
Daniel 10:14 Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.
Daniel 10:16 And, behold, one like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips: then I opened my mouth, and spake, and said unto him that stood before me, O my lord, by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I have retained no strength.
Daniel 11:14 And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall.
Hosea 12:10 I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets.
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Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
Obadiah 1:1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.
Micah 3:6 Therefore night shall be unto you, that ye shall not have a vision; and it shall be dark unto you, that ye shall not divine; and the sun shall go down over the prophets, and the day shall be dark over them.
Nahum 1:1 The burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.
Habakkuk 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Zechariah 10:2 For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd.
Zechariah 13:4 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the prophets shall be ashamed every one of his vision, when he hath prophesied; neither shall they wear a rough garment to deceive:
Matthew 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Matthew 2:12 And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.
Matthew 2:13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
Matthew 2:19 But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,
Matthew 2:22 But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Judaea in the room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go thither: notwithstanding, being warned of God in a dream, he turned aside into the parts of Galilee:
Matthew 17:9 And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.
Matthew 27:19 When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.
Luke 1:22 And when he came out, he could not speak unto them: and they perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple: for he beckoned unto them, and remained speechless.
Luke 24:23 And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive.
Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
Acts 9:10 And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord.
Acts 9:12 And hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight.
Acts 10:3 He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius.
Acts 10:17 Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon’s house, and stood before the gate,
Acts 10:19 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.
Acts 11:5 I was in the city of Joppa praying: and in a trance I saw a vision, A certain vessel descend, as it had been a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came even to me:
Acts 12:9 And he went out, and followed him; and wist not that it was true which was done by the angel; but thought he saw a vision.
Acts 16:9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.
Acts 16:10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them.
Acts 18:9 Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace:
Acts 26:19 Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision:
2 Corinthians 12:1 It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.
Revelation 9:17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.
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